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Is There a Health Freedom Movement?

  • January 3, 2023
  • /   Peter Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin
  • /   COVID-19,Globalism,Ginger_Breggin,Peter_Breggin,America-Out-Loud
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Is There a Health Freedom Movement?

by Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin
Originally posted on America Out Loud Jan 2, 2023 | Constitution, Health, Politics

When the disease named COVID-19 first emerged, some physicians and citizens noticed immediately that there was a corresponding snapping into a place of rigid control. Lockdowns, masks, distancing, censoring, and thousands of control levers, great and small, were suddenly smothering any kind of questions, debate, or illumination of possible issues.

Physicians and other scientists all over the U.S. and the world became independently aware that the authoritarian information and activities were not scientifically sound and in accordance with constitutional democracies. They began researching and documenting, and speaking out. Pockets of them found each other in Australia, the UK and in, Europe, Germany, Canada, Africa, and more. In the U.S., loose connections between doctors and gatherings into smaller working groups occurred.

These acquaintances have often become friendships with deep bonds forged in the fires of the last three years. Some casual affiliations have become vital brainstorming groups exchanging ideas on how best to address each phase of the medical tyranny and assault that has swept the world, beginning with an exploration into successful early treatments to now addressing the burgeoning disasters unfolding from the onslaught of the mRNA toxic and deadly injections.

Most of us have not attempted any kind of “inventory” of these heroes, nor have all of them “met” virtually or in person. Independent collections of doctors sprang up and have continued to evolve. As one of the many new media outlets that interview guests, I am never hard-pressed to find new and interesting doctors and scientists to interview who have important perspectives to share with the world.  

When Peter and I make reference to the health freedom movement, we are talking about a trend that often involves an inspiring interaction of people drawn together by the desire to base science and healthcare on the twin principles of freedom and truth. Merriam-Webster’s second definition of the term “movement” is “Tendency, the trend,” and this is precisely what we are witnessing. The suggested lack of any top-down coordination is one of this freedom movement’s greatest strengths.

The health freedom movement has many courageous and inspiring leaders; they lead by example: inviting broad participation and vigorous exchange of ideas and intellectual challenges while affirming accomplishments among contributors.

The health freedom movement tends to embrace individualism rather than collectivism and freedom rather than authority ⏤ while retaining among the doctors a respect and application of the basic tenants of science and medicine.

These doctors, nurses, other medical professionals, and scientists who are thinking for themselves have braved the strongest, most coercive, and determined global propaganda campaign in history ⏤ a campaign that has sprung up throughout the world from country to country, continent to continent and beyond a single language to many languages. It continues today.

This propaganda campaign is enforced cruelly with scorn, isolation, ridicule, firings, decertification, license threats and removals, assaults through involuntary vaccines, and massive shunning from institutions. Millions have died from the COVID multilayered conspiracy. From the pre-COVID hubris of virus manipulation that resulted in SARS-CoV-2 to the global enforcement of the toxic deadly mRNA/DNA injections and other experimental procedures and supposed medicines, the world inhabitants continue to suffer, and too many are still dying.

In speaking of professionals, I am only referring to health-related professionals. There are hundreds of thousands of additional professionals and citizens who continue to experience similar treatment within their own institutions and communities, from the brave truckers to teachers to “essential workers” singled out for early “vaccinations.”

The common denominators of the health freedom movement are freedom, independence, individualism, confidence, self-respect, cherishing of life, knowledge, and our codes of conduct and established laws professionals and citizens have sworn to ⏤ from the Hippocratic Oath, the Nuremberg Code of Conduct, the Helsinki Declaration, and the Geneva Declaration to professional and citizen pledges to uphold the Constitution and other laws of the lands.  
We shouldn’t worry about those who quibble and natter over whether there is a real ‘health movement.’ It sounds like sour grapes.  

We just embrace all our brothers and sisters who love freedom, love individuality, independence, the preciousness of human life, and a thirst for seeking the truth, and we carry on. We have a world to save.




Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey

Image of book cover for Covid-19 and the Global Predators, We are the Prey

“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”

~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
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