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The Pandemic Is the Opening Salvo

  • May 26, 2023
  • /   Peter Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin
  • /   COVID-19,Globalism,Ginger_Breggin,Peter_Breggin,Substack
Depicting Human UPC code

The Pandemic Is the Opening Salvo

Predators united in exploiting humanity....


[At the request of a reader, we are offering an abridged excerpt from our most recent bestselling book: COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey that we published September 2021. Let us know if you would like to see more of these in the comments.]

There have been lifetimes in the last few months. We have been writing as if to catch up with the future, instead of finishing the book. It is August 4, 2021, and we must be done. The book should be published in a matter of weeks. Hopefully, it will provide the world with a better understanding of what is unfolding before our eyes in a growing, at times blinding, blaze of oppression.

[continued below]

Our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators, began with an inquiry into the source of the obviously irrational, contradictory, and harmful public health policies implemented in the name of COVID-19. Eventually, it grew so broad and deep in scope that it now requires an introductory summation of some of our major discoveries and conclusions.

Some global predators present themselves as Democrats, progressives, or communists; some as Republicans, capitalists, or even libertarians. But none of them are political idealists or genuinely dedicated to improving humanity’s condition. They may claim to be from the left or the right but they are in fact united in exploiting humanity.

Image depicting human with UPC code

A Basic Public Health Principle

A basic public health principle is, “The more society can function normally during a pandemic—the better the people will manage and survive.” This policy was turned on its head into, “The more society can be frightened, isolated, controlled, and suppressed—the safer it will be from the virus.”

Denying the Origin of the Virus in American and Chinese Labs

From the start, the source of SARS-CoV-2 was denied, although it is the obvious product of collaborative U.S./Chinese gain-of-function research, making deadly SARS-CoV viruses in American and Chinese labs. The origin of SARS-CoV-2 is easily traced and documented in multiple scientific publications, most of them funded in part by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

Ultimately, SARS-CoV-2 was released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Whether or not it was done intentionally is a difficult question we will fully address and then draw conclusions about in our book.

NIAID and NIH continue to fund these deadly gain-of-function experiments in American labs. Other U.S. agencies have also contributed funding to gain of function research, ominously including the shadowy Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). DARPA is a part of the Department of Defense. Research into making deadly viruses and vaccines in the U.S. is

inevitably connected to preparing and defending against biological attack, much as it is in other Western nations.

Early on, the question arose, “Why would the U.S. support the Chinese Communist biowarfare program by sharing advanced research and experimentation on making pandemic viruses?” Eventually, we would find many of the basic explanations. In mid-April 2020, we published a blog and video about Anthony Fauci and NIAID’s support of the seemingly treasonous U.S./Chinese Communist collaboration making deadly viruses. Two days later the President

cancelled all funding for U.S./Chinese viral research funding, although we found Fauci continues to find ways around this prohibition.

This early success gave us hope for having a continued impact, and we went to work on what became COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey.

Suppressing the Home-based Early and Effective Treatment of COVID-19

Most of the relevant identifiable institutions in the West—NIH, NIAID, the FDA, the CDC, WHO, the major and social media, the scientific and medical establishments, the tech companies, the universities, governments, and multiple billionaires—were suppressing and continue to suppress the early and very effective treatments for COVID-19.

Hundreds of honorable and heroic doctors continue to be threatened, risking the loss of their professional careers, as they successfully treat COVID-19 patients with available, safe, and effective treatments for infection with SARS-CoV-2. All the treatments are inexpensive, including hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and assorted biological and nutraceutical approaches. Why were life-saving home based treatments being violently suppressed?

The U.S. could not finance and rush through the experimental and potentially lethal vaccines unless there were no safe and effective treatments already in place, by law.

Bill Gates, Fauci, and the drug companies with their predatory investors must continue to do everything in their power to discredit existing safe and effective treatments or the dangerous and untested vaccines could not be produced and distributed.

Hydroxychloroquine-based home treatments reduce hospitalizations by 87% and deaths by 75%, while ivermectin-based treatments may be as good or better. But the global predators suppress these life-saving therapies to swell their wealth and power by forcing unneeded, unproven, dangerous vaccinations on the entire world. As ghastly as it seems, many of the most wealthy and powerful people and organizations in the world would rather see people die without treatment than lose their much-anticipated pandemic opportunity to coerce all of us into being experimentally vaccinated while having the government cover their expenses and protect them from lawsuits.

A Well-Planned Long-Term Strategy: Vaccinating the World for Wealth and Power

The wicked actions by those in charge of COVID-19 became much more understandable considering the necessity of their preventing early, effective treatments for COVID-19, while simultaneously rushing through highly remunerative experimental vaccines under the Emergency Use Authorization.

They were sacrificing millions of lives to preserve their ability to get taxpayer financing and a free pass from the FDA to flood the world with their vaccines.

Learning that COVID-19 was about forcing humanity to submit to experimental, dangerous, and costly vaccines, and to use that justification for increasing totalitarian power, opened up a broader understanding. We could begin to unravel the overall scheme for exploiting humanity.

The Global Predator Network

We uncovered how a loose but coordinated array of billionaires, tech companies, public health schools and authorities, major worldwide corporations, and their allies had been planning at least as early as 2016 to make a financial killing on what they defined and repeatedly predicted as the inevitable and soon-to-arrive pandemic.

From as early as January 2017, the global predators planned for the financial windfall to come specifically from making and marketing untried, highly dangerous mRNA and DNA vaccines. They already had programs called “platforms” in the early stages of development with Moderna and Pfizer that would, several years later, in 2020, be named and unveiled as Operation Warp Speed.

The globalists were also organizing and collecting a massive fusion of corporate, philanthropic, and government financing, which is the backbone of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset announced in 2020. All without any involvement of actual legislative bodies, courts, or citizens’ groups placing restraints on them.

Connections to Communist China

From the start of COVID-19 in 2020, the collaborating globalists have included America’s top tech corporations: Microsoft, Apple, Alphabet (Google and YouTube), Facebook, and Twitter. Almost every single top American billionaire remains deep in the predatory morass: Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett (a partner with Gates until he recently resigned), Mark Zuckerberg, the Waltons, Steve Balmer, Larry Page, and Michael Bloomberg. All are deeply invested in China.

Meanwhile, the coalition continues to include surrogates for the top predators. Two of the most powerful are Anthony Fauci (very close to Bill Gates) and Tedros of WHO (also very close to Gates and even closer to the Chinese Communists).

This lockstep support of global predation includes the two premier American schools of public health, Johns Hopkins, and Harvard. The medical and scientific establishments are marching into the future with the globalist predatory plans, including the most highly respected medical journals, The Lancet, The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), and The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). All of them continue to fully cooperate with the globalist predatory goals of exonerating the Chinese Communists, preventing early treatment, and pushing experimental vaccines onto humanity. They participate in crushing the Western democratic republics with draconian public health measures that disrupt individual lives, society, and the economy.

All the legacy radio and TV media unflinchingly support the global predators, while protecting Communist China. They also back every new political oppression in the name of COVID-19, including the worst actions of extremist Democratic governors.

Many, if not most, large American universities are also closely tied to global predators and, surprisingly so, to the Chinese Communist Party.

Our book documents all of these facts and much more.

Every global predator we could identify is financially wedded to and filled with admiration for, not the United States or other Western democracies, but for Communist China and totalitarianism. This ultimate realization from our research was totally dismaying.

COVID-19 policies have aimed at and caused a massive shutdown of Western economies. The intention of the globalists has been to harm and intimidate democratic republics such as the United States, Great Britain, Germany, and Australia. The ultimate goal is to vastly increase top-down government, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism throughout the world.

The global predators want to stop the U.S. and other Western nations from impeding their global predation. This menacing group includes most of the world’s billionaires and the major institutions of the West, and it is backed by the Chinese Communist Party. This coalition of evil could ultimately result in a thousand-year reign of terror under the Chinese Communist Empire.

The Desperate Need for an Ideology Results in the Great Reset

With exceptions—such as the Chinese Communist Party and aggressive Jihadist organizations—most global predators have no strong ideological commitments. They are strictly driven by personal ambition and the acquisition of wealth and power and are not patriotic toward any nation. They have no religion and most are agnostics or atheists, with many identifying themselves

as humanists or transhumanists. Their ethics are relativist, situational, and tailored to meeting their greater goals. This vastly limits their ability to take over the world because people who lack a strongly motivating ideology also lack courage and the required determination to succeed or to die in the effort.

For some modern global predators, including Bill Gates, their identified “intellectual” spokesperson is Klaus Schwab. Schwab promotes the concept of the Great Reset—essentially a combination of predatory capitalism and predatory progressivism working with predatory governments—while opposing the principles of individual and political liberty and the world’s democratic republics.

The Great Reset aims to further empower people of great wealth and influence to use docile top-down governments to exploit the world. In the process, it plans to distort human nature and contemporary societies to create more conformist people. The newly engineered human, this product of transhumanism, will happily live under their governance, despite crushing deprivations of personal

freedom and quality of life. Population control will help enable the remaining people to have enough food and limited amenities, while preserving planet Earth by reducing the number of human consumers and polluters.

Schwab spelled out all of the above in his 2020 book, COVID-19 and The Great Reset. He acknowledged that the greatest threat to globalist ambitions are the patriotic, democratic republics, especially the United States with its love of individualism and freedom.

The global predators are neither idealistic progressives nor freedom-loving capitalists. They are devoted neither to the common good nor to individual freedom. They are predators eager to collaborate with anyone who shares the primary goal of controlling, dominating, and exploiting humanity.

If the global predators succeed in further weakening America, until no nation remains to resist them, they will be in for a shock. The global predators will not thrive under the Chinese Communist Empire that they so avidly support. They will either slavishly serve the empire or be extinguished. Should the global predators and China succeed we may be in for a thousand years oppression.

What Can We Do Now?

A few patriotic democracies, led by a reinspired America, are the only hope for the survival of individual and political freedom in the world.

The oppressors of free people everywhere, both foreign and domestic, want us demoralized, discouraged, hopeless, and depressed. They want us to give up and give in to their orders and their New World Order.

We must not give in. We must never give up. We must set aside our anxieties and sadness, and our wishes that someone would save us—someone big and brash and brave enough to stand up to all the oppressors. There is no one great superhero to come to the rescue of the people of Earth.

Seekers of liberty and seekers of truth, rebels, individualists, explorers, cowboys, artists, nonconformists, intellectuals, mavericks, misfits, professionals, Divergents, free thinkers, and people of faith—even establishment members who now see the light—all of us must stand together. We have only ourselves. We must with true grit and respect and grace forge ahead and create a free Tomorrow.

What can you do? Read our book to learn more details about the global predators who are threatening and weakening America while exploiting all humanity. Familiarize yourself with and support the freedom-loving patriotic individuals and organizations who are joining together to fight for the revival of America and other nations as democratic, constitutional republics. Get to know the great numbers of us who are already working together to restore our nation and to inspire other nations to stand up against the global predators and their major backer, the Chinese Communist Party.

You will find yourself no longer alone. You will become empowered. You will make wonderful new friends. Your life will take on new meaning when you realize you have a rare opportunity in history to fight for Western values, the Judeo-Christian traditions, and the existence of individual and political liberty on Earth.




Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey

Image of book cover for Covid-19 and the Global Predators, We are the Prey

“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”

~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr
Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
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