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Covid-19 and the Global Predators
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US and China Collaborated to Make a Deadly Coronavirus

US and Chinese researchers, funded by the United States and Chinese governments, teamed up to create a deadly new coronavirus that is extremely similar in its effects to the coronavirus that is causing the current pandemic. The research is described in detail in a December 2015 scientific article published in prestigious Nature Medicine. The article and PDFs of its entire bibliography can be found on www.breggin.com, along with a blog by Dr. Breggin about the implications. In this video, Dr. Breggin describes how the American/Chinese manufactured coronavirus mimicked nearly all aspects of CoV-19, including pneumonia, increasing lethality in older and/or infirm mice and resistance to treatment. The research also sounds a warning that the manmade 2015 virus was resistant to vaccines. It is beyond belief that the US has funded a collaboration with China involving the creation of a coronavirus that has all the attributes of a devastating biological weapon. The Chinese were from the now-infamous Wuhan Institute which was known to have two potentially deadly hazards: poor safety measures and direct connections to the Chinese military. NIH, including the Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, continued support for the research even after warnings about its dangers were sounded by the research community. Read More...

Trump Cancels Funding of US/China Research Making Epidemic Viruses

Gain of function research is that kind of experimentation with viruses that creates increased infectivity or increased ability to spread. In other words, making a virus either more contagious and infective or more deadly. The Select Subcommittee report notes that EcoHealth was aware their research was potentially “dangerous gain-of-function research” but that “EcoHealth failed to report this finding right away, as was required by the terms of the grant.” The gain of function research is arguably one of the most dangerous kinds of research that can be undertaken. Read More...

Book cover for Covid-19 and the Global Predators

Covid-19 and the Global Predators
We are the Prey

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Standing for Health Freedom

A Declaration of Older Folks, Age 50 and Up, Standing for Health Freedom During Covid-19

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