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Dr. Malone - Others Weigh In-Clone



C.A. Fitts, Diana West and Tereza Coraggio
Critique Malone's $25 Million Lawsuit Against
Peter and Ginger Breggin and Dr. Jane Ruby


Image of Fitz, Corrgio and West


Ask Catherine Excerpt: Malone vs. Breggin Lawsuit 

by Solari: Catherine Austin Fitts, December 15, 2022

Catherine responds to recent postings by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin, Dr. Robert Malone, and Jon Rappoport as well as questions from subscribers regarding Dr. Malone’s lawsuit against the Breggins. - Repost, with transcript, from original post on Solari: Ask Catherine Excerpt: Malone vs. Breggin Lawsuit - Reference links added by the Breggins to provide resource materials. ...READ MORE


Wake Up to Free Speech 

by Diana West, June 18, 2023

If there happens to be an adult in the vicinity of Dr. Malone's circle, please, could you instruct the "inventor of the mRNA vaccine" to pack his marbles and come home from the playground? Given the catastrophic impact of his precious invention as deployed by the governments of the world, he's surely the last man on earth who should be trying to exert a "chilling effect" on anything -- and especially not on the speech of doctors and scientists. ...READ MORE

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Catherine Austin Fitts responds to Malone's
$25 Million Lawsuit against the Breggins

The Plot Clots 

by Diana West, July 16, 2023

Update from The Chilling Effect: Not only are there phantom defamation charges in Malone v. Breggin et al ("et al" being Ginger Breggin and Dr. Jane Ruby), now there is a phantom reconcilation meeting. ...READ MORE


Mealy Mouthed Malone and the Lawsuit He Knows He Can't Win 

by Tereza Coraggio, July 15, 2023

Although my title is flippant, I go back to Malone again and again (this is the fifteen episode) because I feel so much depends on it. I’m unequivocal that we’re in the midst of an agenda of depopulation, dispossession, destruction and deception, unlike anything before possible on a global scale. ...READ MORE



Dr. Robert Malone Sues Breggins for $25 Million 

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Help Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin ~ Legal Defense Fund

Please help us fund our defense and keep us in the fight for freedom and combat censorship, Thank you!



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