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Dr. Peter Breggin Hour Archives 9-27-10 to 9-29-21

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Archive of the Dr. Peter Breggin Hour from its start September 27, 2010 to September 29, 2021

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515. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 09.29.21

Guest: Kirk Milhoan, MD, PhD

Kirk Milhoan MD, PhD should be and is an American hero—until COVID-19. He is a man with such a deep faith in God that he bases his life upon it. He gets a PhD in cardiac physiology and pharmacology and then his MD, followed by a pediatric residency and fellowship in pediatric cardiology. To pay for all this medical training, he joins the U.S. Airforce and serves two combat tours in Iraq, and he is awarded “Doctor of the Year” for the entire Airforce in 2008. He finishes his military career as a pediatric cardiologist and a flight surgeon in 2009.

But that is not enough, there are more people, especially children, to be helped. Along the way, in 1999, with his amazing wife, Kimberly Milhoan MD, a pediatric cardiac anesthesiologist, they create “For Hearts and Souls.” It is an international mission organization that cares for congenital heart disease children around the world. His career from then on is primarily devoted to serving children with congenital cardiac disease. Those of you who follow “The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour” have already met his wife Dr. Kimberly Milhoan, a physician who is as remarkable as her husband, and a team that must make the angels smile.

Answering the needs of people for both spiritual and nutritional nourishment, Dr. Milhoan becomes the senior pastor of the Calvary Chapel South Maui in Hawaii in 2014 and also organizes a free food distribution service. On Maui, he also creates a federally recognized free medical clinic, where he treats the poor and the homeless, going to them in their desperate living conditions because they lack the strength and capacity to come to him.

This is a man who deserves our highest esteem. Like so many other honorable, truth-seeking physicians, when COVID-19 strikes his community, he begins successfully treating his patients with the best, most scientifically documented treatments, including hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and steroid inhalants. Among his first 100 patients, only two are hospitalized, and they were already very ill before reaching him. None of his patients die. For this… for successfully treating COVID-19 patients despite a government campaign to leave these sick people without treatment…he is now under hateful attack, a situation so bizarre I will let him tell the story on this video.

It is an honor to know Doctors Kirk and Kim Milhoan. Their two individual interviews will be followed up with an interview with them together sometime in late November 2021 to share with us their astonishing, faith-based marriage, and mutual devotion to humanity.

514. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 09.15.21

Guest: Kristi Leigh
Kristi Leigh, former TV anchor, newly independent journalist, in a deeply personal and profoundly political interview, describes her journey from reading fraudulent scripts on camera to unleashing herself as an investigative journalist. For me, Kristi’s personal story of change during COVID-19 is inspiring and I am glad to share it with others who may be afraid to “pivot” and go in new directions. Equally important from my viewpoint, she educates me and you with her detailed personal description of how Big Media controls America and the world through the parroting of talking heads in the media. You will also learn how Kristi’s self-transformation is helping me and my wife Ginger make a quantum leap in communicating with the world about standing up for freedom in these critical days ahead.

513. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 09.08.21

Guest: Peter A. McCullough MD
Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH is the best source of vaccine information in the world. And this interview with me covers the most important issues: Vaccines do not protect against COVID and especially against Delta and other variants. Many hospitals have very sick COVID patients who have been fully vaccinated beforehand. Doctors and even entire nations like India that use proper early treatment such as advised by Dr. McCullough and Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko have very little problem with the Delta variant, which is now the main one in the U.S. With over 13,000 reports to the CDC about death from the COVID-19 vaccines, COVID-19 vaccines now have the highest death rate of any vaccines in history. Indeed, the average total vaccine deaths reported each year to the CDC, before COVID-19, was a grand total of a little more than 100 a year. In other words, the COVID-19 vaccines have approximately 100 times more reports of death per year than the average reports for all other vaccines combined. In the past, individual vaccines have been taken off the market for as little as 12 to 50 reported deaths. COVID-19 vaccine deaths are catastrophic and, worst yet, reported deaths reflect only a small fraction of actual vaccine deaths in the community. During the interview with Dr. McCullough, I occasionally fill in with information about how and why the global predators are stopping Western nations from using early treatments while pushing failed and extremely lethal vaccines.

512. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 09.01.21

Guest: Mark Trozzi
Canadian emergency room physician, Mark Trozzi, quickly saw that COVID-19 was more hype than genuine pandemic—a disease no more dangerous than the flu that strikes mainly older and physically compromised adults. Then he saw the damage being done when treatments were being withheld, turning this treatable disorder into a tragedy with many unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths. He decided to give up his emergency career and instead to confront the COVID-19 onslaught by working with other physicians and groups speaking truth to power in Canada. His quiet passion and breadth of knowledge had me taking notes during the interview. Dr. Trozzi provides an honest view of the pseudo-vaccines and he journeys with me into the politics, sharing information with me and you about what is driving the demand for everyone to be stabbed. You will admire this man and learn from him as well.

511. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 08.25.21

Guest: Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD
Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD, who is a heroic physician, has created a model organization for the survival not only of health freedom but freedom through the world. Her new nonprofit Truth for Health Foundation is taking off. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH joins Dr. Vliet as Chief Medical Advisor. You may already know these two great people from their appearances on The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour. This is a pioneering discussion of the coming together of healthcare freedom advocates to reclaim our American freedoms, literally saving the world from the COVID-19 assault on humanity. With this interview, you stay on the cutting edge of standing up to COVID-19 oppression and promoting liberty. You can also keep up with the best and most current in COVID-19 treatments, literally saving your life and the lives of people you know, by going to their website: truthforhealth.org.

510. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 08.18.21

Guest: Diana West
Diana West, author of American Betrayal, and I explain what is going on in the world and in our government today. COVID-19 is but the spearhead of a genuine conspiracy that’s decades old. Also hear the best analysis ever of how “conspiracy theory” accusations have been used since the Civil War in 1863 to reject and ridicule important disclosures about the “elites” and Communists who aim to destroy a free America. One of the most important interviews ever!

509. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 08.11.21

Guest: Julius Ruechel
Julius Ruechel is an independent writer and researcher from Canada who has a remarkable simplicity and beauty to his writing about freedom. Like many others, he feels compelled to add his voice to the fight for human liberty. You will be inspired by a man whose background was in cattle farming and whose book is called Grass Fed Cattle. From that down-to-earth background, he writes and talks with grace and knowledge about the greatest issues confronting North America and the world today. He sets an example for people everywhere to increase your awareness about what is being inflicted on our world and to dare to speak the truth about it.

508. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 08.04.21

Guest: Diana West
An interview with both mind-opening insights and breaking news about COVID-19. Diana West is a journalist and deep-diving researcher whose book American Betrayal about the Communist influence in America changed my understanding of history and prepared me and my wife Ginger to write COVID-19 and the Global Predators. In this amazing interview, we help each other fill out our understanding of how, why and by whom COVID-19 is subjugating America and the world. I can guarantee that this interview will help almost anyone to deepen their understanding of current events. Part II is planned for the following week.

507. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 07.28.21

Guest: Leo Hohmann
Interviewing brilliant investigative journalist Leo Hohmann was a remarkable educational experience for me. He puts into words the panoramic view of what lies behind COVID-19 and what the global predators have in store for us. I strongly recommend this discussion to people who want to deepen and broaden their understanding of what is going in the world right now. The actions of Fauci, Bill Gates, WHO, the big corporations and the government in respect to COVID-19 treatments and vaccines may seem contradictory, confusing, and even senseless; but understanding their motives clarifies it all.

506. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 07.21.21

Guest: Marilyn Singleton MD
Marilyn Singleton MD, JD recently published a paper titled, “COVID-19: A Weapon to Fundamentally Change America” in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. Progressive and capitalist predators alike are using COVID-19 to push America toward a one-party system, authoritarianism, and eventually totalitarianism. As a physician, lawyer and black woman, Dr. Singleton brings a realistic and deeply insightful perspective to the decline of America today and how to regain our freedom. An entertaining and informative discussion from which anyone will learn, much as we did throughout our very lively conversation.

505. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 07.14.21

Guest: Paul Alexander PhD
Paul Alexander PhD is an amazing man. Born in Trinidad, trained at Oxford, Johns Hopkins, and McMasters University, his specialty is the critical analysis of science. He currently resides in the United States, which is a gift to us. He was on the staff of WHO and then became a member of President Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force—and provides us a rare insider look at its domination by Fauci and Birx. There was shocking opposition from the bureaucracy that was supposed to be supporting the efforts of President Trump. Dr. Alexander thoughtfully explains the difficulties face by Trump supporters like himself in a Trump administration that was overrun by enemies. Dr. Alexander’s personal testimony confirms the abuse heaped upon good people who try to help in the den of corruption that our government has become. He also describes the disastrous activities of the CDC and other agencies. You will leave this interview with new insights into the vaccine abuse of America and its children, and the ineptness and malice of our deeply embedded government bureaucrats. I encourage you to explore the toughest challenges with this honorable, soft-spoken, truth-speaking scientist.

504. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 07.07.21

Guest: Pam Popper
“MAKE AMERICANS FREE AGAIN!” One woman inspires people across the U.S.A. to fight for healthcare freedom—and she’s winning. An extraordinary, revitalizing hour with Pam Popper PhD about her new organization, about its legal efforts, about fighting against the abuse of children under COVID-19, and ultimately about regaining control over our healthcare—all of which requires retaking America. If you’re feeling frustrated and don’t know where to turn, Pam Popper provides not only her own example but also instructions that you can personalize. You can start your own Thursday Meetings—and join Making Americans Free Again. Help in the restoring of America by harnessing your own spiritual and mental steam–and rebuilding your own personal enthusiasm and engagement with life. If you’re already a fully engaged activist meet one of the most amazingly productive people you can work with.

503. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 06.30.21

Guest: Miklos Lukacs
Miklos Lukacs PhD is a Peruvian philosopher and historian, now living in England. In our interview, he examines transhumanism, the concept of using the latest technology and scientific advances to improve on human beings—our bodies, our brains, and our minds. Transhumanists look to neurotechnology, biotechnology, and nanotechnology to overcome human limitations and improve the human condition. As Dr. Lukacs describes, their religion is atheism, scientism, and Marxism/progressivism. From my perspective, they have no interest in human liberty and love, which Dr. Lukacs confirms.
Consider that biological psychiatry in essence is transhumanistic: it relies on electrodes in the brain, brain stimulators, electroshock, and drugs to improve the condition of their “patients” minds and spirits. Meanwhile, concerns like liberty and love play no role in their approach to helping people, which is essentially transhumanistic, authoritarian, and totalitarian. Along with many of my listeners, I have been fighting transhumanism my entire career of psychiatric reform without giving it that name. Psychosurgery, which I aggressively opposed, is another gruesome expression of transhumanism. So, potentially, are RNA and DNA vaccines.
With my coauthor Ginger Breggin, I discuss transhumanism in our book COYID-19 and the Global Predators. These exploiters and manipulators of humanity can often be seen as transhumanists. Their intellectual leader Klaus Schwab is an avowed, promotional transhumanist. The Communist Chinese, with whom the global predators align, fit very closely into the description of transhumanists. In modern times, a great deal of evil is perpetrated in the guise of transhumanism.
My thinking grew from my conversation with Dr. Lukacs and yours may, too. We use this radio and video technology to spread the principles of individuality, liberty, and love rather than the physical transformation of our brains and minds to make us more docile and conforming.

502. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 06.23.21

Guest: Leo Hohmann
Interviewing brilliant investigative journalist Leo Hohmann was a remarkable educational experience for me. He puts into words the panoramic view of what lies behind COVID-19 and what the global predators have in store for us. I strongly recommend this discussion to people who want to deepen and broaden their understanding of what is going in the world right now. The actions of Fauci, Bill Gates, WHO, the big corporations and the government in respect to COVID-19 treatments and vaccines may seem contradictory, confusing, and even senseless; but understanding their motives clarifies it all.

501. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 06.09.21

Guest: Patrick Coffin
Patrick Coffin is a man profoundly engaged in saving America. He is dedicated, knowledgeable, and absolutely inspired and inspiring. If you want to feel in your heart the struggle we Americans are now facing on behalf of ourselves and humanity—listen to this show. If you want to find the courage to overcome your inevitable fears, this is the place to begin. If you want to know the immense personal benefits that go with becoming a Re-Founder of America, you can learn about them here. Join the Re-Founding of America with our friend and fellow patriot, Patrick Coffin.

500. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 06.03.21

Guest: Marilyn Singleton
I love this interview! A bio of Marilyn Singleton describes how she was told, “They don’t take Negroes at Stanford.” She graduated from Stanford, got her MD at UCSF Medical School, and had her surgery and anesthesiology residences at equally top medical centers. She later got her JD at UC Berkeley Law School. Marilyn Singleton MD, JD is a brilliant, lovely human being who brings an inspiring perspective to the race madness afflicting America today. And yes, we do talk a little about COVID-19. It all ties together!

499. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 05.27.21

Guest: Tom Renz
Attorney Tom Renz describes his extraordinary, Earth-shaking, history-making legal case against federal government’s outrageous imposition on medical practice in America. I guarantee you that you will hear new information and new ideas, and hat you will admire this man’s work and feel gratitude toward him and all the many people who are working with him. This is a must watch to know how we are fighting back!

498. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 05.19.21

Guest: Robert Yoho
Butchered by “Healthcare” is the title of my guest’s book and that is the subject of my interview with author Robert Yoho, MD. We might add “butchered for profit” to the title. A former ER doc and retired plastic surgeon, Dr. Yoho became disillusioned with medicine as a money-making machine. We look at the money behind everything from CPR and prostate surgery to C-sections and hysterectomies and on to antidepressants and anti-cholesterol drugs. Yes, even CPR is in among the overused and largely useless medical and surgical approaches and I was surprised to hear who’s making money from it. Dr. Yoho is unmerciful toward the corporations who profit from the healthcare industry such as insurance and drug companies–and rightfully so with lots of data. The solution? Right now, being a skeptical and cautious consumer of healthcare is the most immediate and best answer, and this hour moved even me further in that direction.

497. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 05.05.21

Guest: Peter A. McCullough MD
Courageous Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH Professor of Cardiology, esteemed researcher, journal editor, and treating COVID-19 frontline physician has written the top scientific reports on early treatment of COVID-19 and testified before the US Senate. He regularly communicates with other courageous scientists around the world. He devotes this hour with us to the most current information you need and want to know–and will not hear almost anywhere else. The best place for current news on COVID-19 is here!

496. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 04.29.21

Guest: Eamonn Mathieson MD
Eamonn Mathieson MD is an anesthesiologist in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. He is a founding member of the COVID Medical Network, a scientific group under attack from the Australian equivalent of the FDA for simply evaluating scientific papers relevant to COVID-19. We share the most current COVID-19 breaking news. We are able to draw conclusions about why Melbourne with its low rate of infections and deaths became one of the most-locked down cities in the Western World. It confirms my theory of who’s behind the global predators. It confirms the truth that the hyped up numbers of infections and deaths from COVID-19 is not the cause of the shutdowns, but merely the window dressing. The truth is that the predators behind it all simply do as much damage as they can get away with to Western patriotic democracies like Australia and the U.S. Widen your horizons with this interview.

495. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 04.21.21

Guest: Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD
Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD is not only a heroic COVID-19 doctor, she is also a pioneer in women and men’s health and the founder and director of “Vive Life Center: specializing in Preventive and Climacteric Medicine.” Learn about genuinely comprehensive medical care throughout the lifespan, as she touches on critical topics such as the role of properly evaluated and prescribed estrogen, progesterone and testosterone for general mental and physical health, as well as for specific illnesses in which they play important, but overlooked, roles. Dr. Vliet’s interview is one of those occasional Dr. Peter Breggin hours where I learn more than I anticipated personally and as physician. Dr. Vliet will provide you a window into the best in women and men’s health!

494. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 04.15.21

Guest: Lee Merritt MD
Lee Merritt MD gives a fascinating interview on the history of COVID-19 with new insights for all of us. She joins the pantheon of amazing doctors we have interviewed for the Dr. Peter Breggin Hour and does it with flare and insight, providing information and important nuances we’ve not heard before. Dr. Merritt is both a courageous frontline doctor and genuine researcher in the science and politics surrounding COVID-19. I enjoyed and learned from Dr. Merritt. Don’t let this interview pass you by.

493. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 04.07.21

Guest: Lt. Frank Moore
Lt. Frank Moore is a retired New York City Firefighter who dug headfirst into the steaming, burning rubble of the Twin Towers on 911 looking for survivors. His book, “America the Exceptional: Restoring a Wayward Nation’s Greatness” is as good as its title makes it sound. Frank comes from the same heart and spiritual place as I do and we discuss our very similar views on what makes American a blessed nation and how we might fight to revive this love of individuality and equality under God. Most of the hour is devoted to Frank’s eloquent understanding of America and the direction we must take to survive and once again to thrive. Frank’s voice is remarkable in its clarity and fund of information. You will love listening to him. Frank’s book was published in 2019 shortly before COVID-19. The principles he describes and which we share explain what has been lost and must be found to fight against the assault of the global predators domestically and internationally. Frank is a fund of insights and information and you will definitely learn from him about America’s founding and about today’s betrayal of origins. Frank Moore’s book, America the Exceptional, can be ordered through Amazon.com.

492. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 03.25.21

Guest: Patrick Hahn
Patrick Hahn PhD has an excellent new book, Prescription for Sorrow: Antidepressants, Suicide and Violence, that does a very good job updating the misery caused by modern antidepressants. That these drugs are doing more harm than good cannot be doubted. The evidence for harm continues on a steep upward curve while the evidence for help from antidepressants has dwindled near to zero. We also touch on my newest book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey. Advance orders are now available with the bonus of an immediate free copy of the original manuscript to get the information out.

491. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 03.17.21

Guest: Denis Rancourt
Denis Rancourt PhD joins me a second time for a spirited discussion of COVID-19 realities. He analyzes the reported outbreaks around the world to show a pattern often inconsistent with infectious respiratory epidemics and offers alternative explanations. We again have a fundamental disagreement, this time about the nature of the worldwide threat. He believes it is what he calls the “American Empire.” For me and many others seen and heard on The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour, the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party has already become the overwhelming menace to freedom in the world and a battered America remains our ultimate hope.

490. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 03.11.21

Guest: Peter Reznik
Peter Reznik, LCSW, PhD, has a private psychotherapy practice in New York City and worldwide with teletherapy. For his second interview, I tap into his experience growing up and working in the Soviet Union, including a terrifying encounter with KGB. We talk about the failures of socialism and Marxism and their dreadful impact on the human spirit. We share concerns about America’s current trajectory toward those tragic outcomes. I share my experiences going to East Berlin before the Berlin Wall came down and how it reminded me of my first visit to a state mental hospital in America. It is a thoughtful hour about the meaning and experience of being an American—and how much we should value our country and our freedoms.

489. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 03.04.21

Guest: Zev Zelenko
Zev Zelenko MD’s second interview with me will save lives, save souls, and help deliver America from the crushing weight of growing totalitarianism. Dr. Zelenko describes the COVID-19 treatment he first fully developed and that saves the lives of nearly everyone who receives it. For standing up for his patients and humanity, he has endured ostracism and rejection. On top of that he was already suffering from a severe illness. These experiences have demanded that he save his own soul, and you will see how well he has done it—and he wants to help us do the same for ourselves in these trying times. Finally, he talks about the larger political and spiritual condition of the world in a deeply knowing way.

488. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 02.24.21

Guest: Leah Wilson
An amazing interview with Leah Wilson, Director of Stand for Health Freedom, about finding the courage to be true to your deeply held convictions. We describe how it feels to choose to speak and to act upon your ideals for yourself and for the sake of freedom and America. I was so inspired, I announced the title and scope of our forthcoming book, authored by me and Ginger Breggin. It’s COVID-19 AND THE GLOBAL PREDATORS: We Are Their Prey. Presale will begin soon. I felt reinspired by Leah and so will you as we talk about the huge personal benefits of overcoming fear in order to stand up for our personal and political freedom.

487. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 02.17.21

Guest: Tom Renz
Attorney Tom Renz is a Godsend for human freedom. Initially single-handed, but gaining more widespread support, Tom is leading a defensive legal assault on the those in the state and federal governments who want to destroy our freedom in the name of the public health “emergency” surrounding COVID-19. You will be moved and enlightened and inspired by his work. I am honored to share my hour with him with you. You will enlarge your understanding of COVID-19 and confirm that there is hope for better times. Please watch this, for all our sakes, and perhaps add your energy to his work. He needs good people to volunteer to help him in every possible way. If you help to advance the work of Tom Renz, you join the pantheon of people who have and who are advancing human freedom.

486. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 02.10.21

Guest: Catherine Austin Fitts
On a Whirling World Tour of World Relations. Amazing Catherine Austin Fitts, brilliant analyst of human affairs, also an investment banker and former Assistant Secretary of Housing under George H. W. Bush, is a fascinating and enlightening thinker. She communicates new understandings of everything from how we are destroying our children for profit to our relationships with China, all in one integrated tapestry of insights. She even brings a one-minute video about the Popsicle Index to begin our understanding of what makes the world go around–or not go around. And concludes with principles for a safer, happier personal life through “actionable intelligence.” This show gets 4 out of 4 Wows!

485. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 02.03.21

Guest: Meryl Nass MD
Meryl Nass MD is brilliant, honorable and extremely well-informed about COVID-19 vaccinations. An interview packed with current information on the safety and effectiveness of available vaccines. Learn that the FDA has never approved any of these vaccinations as safe and effective, that the FDA and CDC are covering the already-reported harms, and that if you are injured you have little chance of compensation. Everything about these vaccines is rigged for the government and the drug companies and against you, me, and humanity. Listen and make up your mind. Make sure everyone you know gets this information and help us spread it to humanity by sending this video around.

484. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 01.27.21

Guest: Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko
This interview deeply moved me. From science to God, from the personal to the metaphysical, Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko inspires us and gives us insights such as I have rarely experienced in my life. Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of lives, are being saved because this one doctor managed to communicate to the world how to successfully treat the early stages of COVID-19. Had he been better listened to in America—and there is still time—we would not be enduring such a devastating pandemic. Fought all the way by the vested interests in medicine, industry and politics, and struggling with physical illness of his own while caring for a family with 8 children, he has inspired those of us who are standing up for the proper treatment of COVID-19 and against overpowering worldwide predatory forces. A physician and scientist, he speaks eloquently about the centrality of God in his life and may help you to transform your own life.

483. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 01.20.21

Guest: Peter Reznik LCSW, PHD
Peter Reznik LCSW, PhD immigrated to the United States from Russia. He has “toolboxes” of approaches, often involving imagery and often involving integrative mind-body approaches. He also has great wisdom and he’s very caring. He provides fascinating vignettes of how he works and we discuss how I might deal with a similar person. We also share thoughts about what is happening in America right now, especially with the banning of the President Donald Trump by the social media, which is a tragic step toward a totalitarian state. Peter comments on the basis of his similar experiences in the Soviet Union. This is a thoughtful and inspiring exchange that could add to your understanding of life.

482. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 01.13.21

Guest: Denis Rancourt, PHD
Denis Rancourt, PhD is retired professor of physics who has, like so many of us, turned his attention to the riddles surrounding COVID-19 and is making brilliant responses that debunk the multiple controls being placed upon us from wearing masks to washing our hands. We critically evaluate the both the counting of deaths and the testing for cases. Dr. Rancourt approaches these questions as an experienced scientist with a very broad general interest in the world and its affairs. We have one strong disagreement, but in a world where we can no longer believe the establishment or go along with censorship, it is time to give voice to unexpected opinions. You will like meeting and listening to this thoughtful, informed man.

481. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 01.06.21

Guest: Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD
Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD in our second Dr. Peter Breggin hour goes more deeply into what we need to do to stay healthy in the face of COVID-19 including useful preventive nonprescription supplements that help prevent or weaken COVID-19. She also tells us about the origin and effects of two recent Senate Hearings with Senator Johnson on the early treatment of COVID-19. The political and medical powers are making it impossible for Americans to get successful treatments that are widely and successfully used in many other countries, leading to our higher death rates. We discuss how we have never seen such suppression of normal medical practices, resulting in unnecessary deaths. At least one senator is doing his best against the resistance on Capitol Hill.

480. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 12.24.20

Guest: Michael Fontaine
Michael Fontaine, a professor of classics, and I prove that friends can have lively differences on the most fundamental principles of life and yet enjoy each other’s creativity and company. Michael believes that people are basically good and simply mistaken, for example, in the planning of COVID-19 policies. I believe many of them are driven by irredeemable greed and lust for power. Even more exciting to me, Michael loves my recently published scientific paper on “Psychological Helplessness and Feeling Undeserving of Love: Windows Into Suffering and Healing” which he feels is deeply original and useful. We talk about how “feeling undeserving of love” lurks beneath and drives the most seriously distressing personal experiences in life that mistaken are “treated” with psychiatric diagnoses and drugs. And so, for the first time in a long time, I have a good time on the air discussing one of my scientific articles along with some of my more trenchant ideas about life. It’s a warm and enlightening conversation between two friends.

479. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 12.16.20

Guest: Leah Wilson
Today we “Stand for Health Freedom.” I had a cherished personal wish and today Leah Wilson, the director of “Stand for Health Freedom,” explains how she is fulfilling it. Her organization has created a Declaration that those of us 50 years and older can sign to voice our conviction directly to our legislators that we do not want society shutdown on our account. Sure, we older folks are among the most vulnerable to COVID-19, but we want to see our schools, businesses, churches and places of recreation and entertainment open again. Signing the Declaration is simple, and then it will automatically be sent to your state representatives. When Congress is in session again, it will go to your representatives at the national level. We want American to be open—to come alive!—again. Below is a direct link to your Declaration of freedom for America. And support “Stand for Health Freedom.” It’s one of the most important organizations in defense of our freedoms in healthcare and everywhere. Go here to sign: https://standforhealthfreedom.com/act… or search Stand for Health Freedom.

478. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 12.10.20

Guest: Peter A. McCullough
Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH is a world expert and leader on the Early Treatment and Prevention of COVID-19. Millions of hospitalizations and deaths worldwide can be prevented when prompt multidrug treatment is prescribed. We explain where and how to get the latest preventive and early treatment guidelines, plus contacts for national telemedicine services which can prescribe medications in the event personal physicians are indisposed. We also discuss the incredible story of how and why the US government, the media, scientific journals, and overall international establishment have decided to keep America and a few other developed countries from enacting early treatment initiatives. I believe Dr. McCullough’s words should be spread around the world for everyone to read and to put into practice.

477. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 12.03.20

Guest: Richard Grannon
Richard Grannon is a Spartan Life Coach from Great Britain with most of his clients long-distance here in the US. We had a genuinely wonderful time on this Dr. Peter Breggin Hour talking about life, giving help to people, and receiving it back. On the air, Richard helped me to grasp more deeply all the stresses I’ve been feeling while researching and writing about the worldwide evil that I see rising up to take advantage of us during COVID-19. Richard is a fountain of hope. You will enjoy and learn from him and from our discussion.

476. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 11.18.20

Guest: Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD
This is a life-saving presentation! Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. is coeditor and writer of the new free booklet, A Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment (www.covidtreatmentguide.com) published by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). Dr. Vliet, who is a 26 year member of AAPS, a wonderful organization to which I belong, treats COVID patients and is truly a frontline and pioneering physician. Dr. Vliet is a brilliant, patient-oriented doctor of great integrity and her knowledge will benefit every listener. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has recently recommended against any antiviral or immunological treatments until a patient is sick enough to be hospitalized and to require oxygen. Doctors are becoming afraid to treat patients until they’re hospitalized! We will discuss some of the many good preventive and early treatments that are in fact available for COVID-19. We will also investigate the disturbing question, “Why would NIH want to delay the treatment of patients until they are dangerously ill?”

475. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 11.11.20

Guest: Leah Wilson
Leah Wilson’s “Stand for Health Freedom” is a bright light that banishes today’s seeming gloom. An attorney and activist, Leah’s amazing organization can bring hundreds or thousands of people to bear upon a topic to write letters or to appear in person at hearings or other events. Her grassroots mobilizations are helping stem the tide of totalitarian public health measures during COVID-19 and her work will have more continuing and widespread effects in the coming years. “Stand for Health Freedom,” I predict, will someday bring millions of us together and become a vastly important force in improving healthcare and furthering liberty in America. Learn all about it!

474. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 11.04.20

Guest: Catherine Austin Fitts
A brilliant analyst of COVID-19 and world affairs. Catherine Austin Fitts is a former investment banker and Assistant Secretary at HUD, an insightful analyst of world affairs and staunch defender of freedom who has advanced my knowledge of globalism and its relationship to the catastrophic handling of COVID-19. She now manages Solari Investment Advisory Services. Catherine offers unusually brilliant insights into the tragic totalitarian direction the world is taking while working hard to teach us all to understand and to survive.

473. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.28.20

Guest: David Hanscom, MD
Why back surgery fails brings broad insights into health. David Hanscom MD is an orthopedic surgeon who realized that the back surgery rarely works and that back pain is most often due to inflammatory reactions from many difference sources, from psychological stress to immunological problems. After 32 years, he quit his surgical practice in 2018 to focus on teaching people how to break the grip of chronic mental and physical pain. His mission is to re-introduce true healing in medicine. Dr. Hanscom’s transformation of his career as he faced the scientific evidence and his knowledge of advanced medical issues are both enlightening. I am fascinated by his concept that that the body’s experience of danger from almost any source can overstimulate its immune system.

472. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.21.20

Guest: Jeffrey Tucker
Jeffrey Tucker is Editorial Director for the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) and the author of Liberty or Lockdown. He has a strong background in epidemic research. We learn amazing new things about the pandemic from each other, and you will learn from both of us, in this very lively exchange. This hour is also a good introduction to my new scientific in-depth report, coauthored by Ginger Breggin, “Dr. Fauci’s COVID-19 Treachery with Chilling Ties to the Chinese Military.”

471. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.14.20

Guest: Pastor Ed McGlasson
Ed McGlasson is a former NFL football player and a pastor. He believes that the single most important social and political issue in America today is fatherhood and he is devoting his life to it. His new book is “How to Become the Husband and Father Your Family Needs.” This is an inspiring show that could help many men gain a deeper understand of their importance in the lives of their wives and children.

470. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.07.20

Guest: Keith Campbell
Keith Campbell and I have an inspiring, very spontaneous exchange about how to live life effectively and with gusto. Everyone who wants encouragement in creating a good life should take advantage of this show. I felt my spirits lifted as we engaged with each other! Join us in reimagining how to make the most of your life and the lives of everyone you care about. Keith is a PhD research psychologist and author of The New Science of Narcissism and he has the wisdom of a man who has learned to take on life in a positive manner. But it’s not fluff–we also look at the dark side of fear and narcissism surrounding us in the world today. Really, this is good stuff to share with you!

469. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.23.20

Guest: Richard Lawhern
This extraordinary interview with Richard Lawhern examines the current “opiate crisis” in a new light. The real crisis is what we are doing to patients by limiting or eliminating their prescribed pain medications. The new CDC policies are causing pain, suffering, the desperate resort to illegal drugs, and death. Lawhern’s brilliant and honest analysis sheds light on how the CDC is a power-grabbing institution that is exceeding its legal power by issuing orders intended to control the prescribing of medications by American doctors. My own additional take on this: Never trust the CDC. When politicians and media tell you that the CDC stands for science and we must listen to their science, they are leading you down a treacherous path, much as they have also done with COVID-19. It’s all about their power over us, not what is truly scientific, good for us, or consistent with individual freedom and the practice of medicine. A very important hour for everyone in America.

468. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.16.20

Guest: Kristina Borjesson
A great whistleblower. Kristina Borjesson is one of the most remarkable journalists of our time, involved at the highest level as a writer, TV producer, and filmmaker. She is proud to be the only journalist blackballed by three TV networks and she tells these stories in a way you will never forget. She provides a true insider’s view of corruption in the major media and the life of a journalistic truthteller. She wrote, directed, and coproduced the film TWA Flight 800 about the US airliner that was shot out of the sky. The film does not to take a position on who fired the missiles, but many others have suspected it was our own navy on maneuvers. She has also been researching the coronavirus coverups which we examine toward the end of her amazing hour with me.

467. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.02.20

Guest: Thomas Renz
COVID-19 Totalitarianism. Can we stop our governors from abusing us? From taking our rights away to treat COVID-19? Is COVID-19 even that much of a danger? Is the death rate being faked? Is anyone in danger except for elderly people with multiple illnesses? My guest is Thomas Renz, heroic Ohio attorney, who has brought an injunction to end Gov DeWine’s interminable emergency declaration and to provide a model for other state injunctions. For his case, which was brought on September 1, I wrote a detailed scientific/political legal report about totalitarian public health and how it is harming and even killing people throughout the world. This is a powerful show that exposes the growing corruption of science and the coercive measures being imposed on America and the world. We delve deeply into the threat, not of COVID-19, by of the people who seek so avidly to impose more top-down government control upon us.

466. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.26.20

Guest: Meryl Nass
Be bedazzled by Dr. Nass, as I am with her. Meryl Nass MD is an internist but she is really something more extraordinary, a doctor who all her life has sought out the truth about medications to treat viruses and vaccines to prevent them. For a very scientific and yet impassioned discussion about COVID-19, treatments and potential vaccines, this is the hour for you. We also have the fun of actually becoming friends on the show, which adds a delightful aura to all knowledge we exchange together and with you. Meryl Nass will entertain and enlighten you.

465. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.19.20

Guest: Pam Popper
Pam Popper PhD is Founder and President of Wellness Forum Health and an amazing person bursting with life, intelligence, scientific acumen, a reform spirit, and love. She brings all of this to a very thorough discussion of COVID-19 and what it’s really all about. This will catch you up on our latest thoughts and feeling about the causes and the cures, and how people are managing to live life amid the pandemic. I found it inspiring.

464. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.12.20

Guests: Alison Branitsky and John Read
The Hearing Voices Network @ http://www.hearingvoicesusa.org is a bright light in the darkness of approaches to people who have seemingly “alternative” experiences that psychiatrists classify as psychosis and demean with diagnoses like schizophrenia. The centerpiece of today’s show is a marvelous 24-year-old woman, Alison Branitsky, who has been hearing voices since she was a child and who managed miraculously to escape destruction in the psychiatric system as a teenager. My other guest, the magnificent psychologist John Read, and myself are mainly catalysts to the presentation that Alison makes personally and as a leader in the Hearing Voices Network USA. I know I have been especially enthusiastic about many of my recent shows; but I can guarantee you will learn from and be inspired by Alison and by the existence of the worldwide Hearing Voices movement. In you are in the field of mental health, and know little about this movement, please, please, please watch or listen to this show. If you have any interest in the genuine internal life of us humans, you too should pay attention to Alison Branitsky and the hearing voices movement.

463. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.05.20

Guest: Jeffrey Masson
Jeffrey Masson is an international treasure, one of the most thoughtful people I have ever known. He has enlightened me about many vastly important issues from Freud’s betrayal of children by denying the existence of child abuse, to the role of Psychiatry in Nazi Germany, on to the importance of animals for their own sake and in our lives. For many years, his writing has focused on the lives of animals and the meaning of our relationships with them, and today’s show was supposed to focus on his new book, Lost Companions: Reflections on the Death of Pets; but we could not resist covering a fascinating range of topics including those I’ve mentioned above. This is a very thoughtful and enlightening show, a rare experience that adds wonderment to our lives.

462. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.29.20

Guest: Jim Gottstein
Attorney Jim Gottstein is a human rights hero. At grave personal and professional risk to himself, he made public the inside information demonstrating that Eli Lilly & Co was hiding the deadly effects of its so-called antipsychotic drug Zyprexa. Jim’s new book, The Zyprexa Papers, is a dramatic and revelatory exposé coupled with an inspirational message that people can and do recover from deeply distressed psychospiritual experiences, including psychosis, without taking drugs that can destroy their health and even take their lives. Yet there is much more to Jim’s career, including many successful cases before the Alaska Supreme Court on behalf of patient rights. There is no other lawyer in the world like Jim Gottstein. This is a great discussion between two lifelong reformers.

461. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.22.20 – Replay

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
This popular show is a replay from New Year’s Day 2020 and since then has grown more needed than ever as we face seemingly overwhelming challenges. The video version is on Dr. Breggin’s YouTube Channel. Dr. Peter Breggin offers a heartfelt discussion of “The Best Stuff I’ve Ever Learned from Life.” He describes the experiences, ideas and attitudes that have contributed to his eight decades of vigorous, exciting and passionate living. This spontaneous, direct, often personally revealing hour will give you a window into how to live a good, satisfying and successful life of your own—one you can look upon each day proudly and with satisfaction. You probably know about Dr. Breggin’s decades of reform work and may be familiar with his blogs, books or videos; now hear what has guided his life.

460. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.15.20

Guest: John Read
Professor John Read from Great Britain is one of the finest, most dedicated mental health professionals in the world. His work and today’s discussion spans from research into the origins of psychosis to the abysmal failure of ECT and the hazards of psychiatric drug withdrawal. This wonderful hour with Dr. Read is worth sharing with everyone with any interest in reforming psychiatry, psychology and mental health services. Getting to know this person and his work is a treat.

459. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.08.20

Guest: Peter Gøtzsche
Psychiatry Unmasked: Two Leading Critics Talk. Peter Gøtzsche, MD and I take a head-on look at the essential flaws and corruption that pervade psychiatry. Dr. Gøtzsche is the outstanding Danish researcher who is the leading European critic of psychiatry. You won’t find a better overall critique anywhere. We look at the harm caused by the neurotoxic drugs, the curse of involuntary treatment, the myths of biochemical and genetic causes, and psychiatric resistance to teaching people how to safely withdraw from psychiatric drugs. We suggest to psychiatrists what they can do to partially redeem themselves and urge them to take the courageous steps!

458. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.01.20

Guest: Judy Mikovits
Best Dr. Breggin Hour Ever! Virologist Dr. Judy Mikovits makes the most interesting and informative show I can ever remember doing! Her knowledge about the coronavirus and origins of the pandemic are stunning. In this second hour with Judy, we delve deeply into where the virus got started in American laboratories, how Chinese scientists were involved way back in time, how it must have been fabricated, and the role that treacherous Anthony Fauci played in allowing if not making this happen. I have learned more from these two interviews with Dr. Mikovits than from any other interviews I can recall. For your sake, and the sake of humanity, see this interview with Judy Mikovits, and then watch the earlier one, too.

457. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.26.20

Guests: Pinar Miski & Pam Popper
My periodic guest team of my friends Pam Popper, PhD (a great nutritionist) and Pinar Miski, MD (a great psychiatrist) have a great time talking with each other and with me about nutrition, living a good life, and surviving the coronavirus. Enjoy listening to good friends sharing thoughts about being alive today. It may inspire you to enjoy life more.

456. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.17.20

Guest: Judy Mikovits
Virologist Judy Mikovits PhD is the author of Plague of Corruption about the industrial misuse and abuse of science. On the Dr. Peter Breggin Hour, we go at intimidating questions others avoid. Is Covid-19 the product of Anthony Fauci’s policy decision to collaborate with China to make virulent epidemic viruses? Was Fauci’s decision to push remdesivir wildly misguided? Should you take hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19? Did the shutdown work? Is there hope for a vaccine for Covid-19? Can vaccines cause autism? Is it safer and healthier to catch the flu than to get the flu vaccine? Issues like this are also discussed and documented on Dr. Breggin’s free Coronavirus Resource Center.

455. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.10.20

Guest: Wayne Douglas
The annual World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day or W-BAD is coming up again. My guest is Wayne Douglas, co-founder of the event, whose life was overwhelmed by these drugs, which include Valium, Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin and Serax. Even when taken as prescribed, the benzodiazepines can ruin individual lives and the lives of their family. They can lead to abuse and dependence, cause withdrawal reactions, and leave individuals with lifelong emotional and cognitive problems. We also discuss the broader implications for every class of psychiatric drug, all of which can lead to cognitive decline and loss of quality of life, with many causing or contributing to suicide or violence. Wayne has been a remarkably effective advocate for awareness of harms caused by these drugs, even addressing the Japanese Parliament, the country in which he received the medications. The show also includes an amazing description of Wayne experiencing the Fukushima earthquake and the subsequent damage to the nuclear power plant. Wayne Douglas may inspire you to find a group in your city to join in spreading life-saving information about these drugs. If you have been harmed by the “BZs” you will find companionship and inspiration through joining the reform movement. You can connect at www.w-bad.org

454. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.03.20

Guest: Jefferey Jaxen
An illuminating discussion of the dark side of the coronavirus controversies. Jefferey Jaxen is a science and health journalist who regularly appears on HighWire with Del Bigtree. Dr. Breggin begins with a summary of his own insights into the coronavirus epidemic and then Jefferey adds his accurate and yet disturbing observations, including why we cannot trust current claims for a safe and effective vaccine.

453. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.27.20

Guests: Troy Dasher and Mary Neal Vieten
Master Sergeant Troy Dasher had the most difficult, emotionally challenging job I have ever heard of inside or outside the military. When his air force doc recommended he “take a little something to take the edge off,” his life gradually declined into nightmare under the impact of psychiatric drugs. To the rescue came Dr. Mary Neal Vieten’s Warfighter Advance, one of the best recovery programs I have ever learned about. You will rarely hear such clarity brought to the difference between psychiatry and genuine help. Please listen to his story and his recovery.

452. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.13.20

Guest: Michael Fontaine
Professor of the Classics Michael Fontaine PhD was so interesting and inspiring two weeks ago talking about ancient pandemics that I asked him back to talk about two other amazing historical events: One is recent, from the 1970s: the famous Rosenhan study, called On Being Sane in Insane Places. Like many critics of conventional psychiatry, I was enamored with it. Rosenhan sent normal volunteers into emergency rooms, instructing them to act entirely normal except to say they were hearing a voice saying “Thud.” They were all locked up and given psychiatric drugs, and only other patients suspected they were not real patients. Or so David Rosenhan’s “scientific” tour de force supposedly unfolded. It turns out he conned us, not the psychiatrists. It’s an incredible story. Michael follows up with yet another amazing story, very old: A Roman play based on an even more ancient Greek play that offers a spoof on psychiatry and probably the first ever portrayal of abusive involuntary treatment. Great stuff from a great and amusing scholar.

451. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.06.20

Guest: Terry Lynch
With my new format that starts with breaking news, I talk about two new blogs by me and Ginger Breggin. The first is a highly-researched report about all of the mistakes made by our New York State Governor, Andrew Cuomo, who is setting a bad model for the nation. It is aptly titled, “Coronavirus SOS: Save Us from Governor Cuomo.” One part shows that once-secret army biowarfare experiments in the subway predicted how badly an epidemic would spread through the underground system and into the city. The second blog goes deeper into rampant nursing home deaths in NYS and ends with the shocking conclusion that political correctness kills. Check out our growing Coronavirus Resource Page on www.breggin.com for all of our reports and for background information and science. After my report, I interview Irish physician and psychotherapist Terry Lynch who is one the warmest and most intelligent therapists I have ever met, a man whose conversation I treasure, and someone you will be pleased to meet and to learn from. He is one of my most favorite guests.

450. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.29.20

Guest: Robert Whitaker
Today my radio/TV show starts a new format. The hour begins with my current news and analysis report. After the report comes an interview or other topics. Today’s news focuses on a fake VA study claiming that hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin were causing the deaths of veterans hospitalized with the coronavirus, but I come up with a shockingly different analysis of its own data—and force a turnabout in the media. After the report, Bob Whitaker, journalist and scientist, gives an extremely informative and lively interview about the latest big lie from psychiatry (it is a whooper) and about encouraging developments in Europe with drug-free inpatient treatment. This is truly a fine interview with one of the most effective people in the psychiatric reform movement. A good Dr. Peter Breggin Hour.

449. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.22.20

Guest: Michael Fontaine
A stunning interview with Professor of Classics Michael Fontaine, PhD about historical descriptions of the first recorded plague in Ancient Greece. It also raised interesting issues about women and children in class times. This is one of the most interesting and enlightening interviews I have ever done. It became surprisingly inspiring on how to live today in the face of the coronavirus.

448. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.16.20

Guest: Howard Glasser
At this time in the coronavirus pandemic, when families are afflicted with so much stress and yet forced to remain together in the same household, conflicts and tensions are likely to heighten. If approached properly, this close proximity, instead of leading to tragedy, can lead to vastly improved communication and much better relationships. My guest, psychologist Howie Glasser, and I discuss the most basic and important principles for having positive, rational communications that improve our relationships with those who matter in our lives. We provide guidelines and specific examples of how to change our approach to talking with those we care about and live with. This is a good complement to the previous week’s Dr. Peter Breggin Hour, “Talking Together,” in which I cover similar issues in a presentation of my own, drawing on my many years as a therapist, husband and parent.

447. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.08.20

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
In this time of going stir crazy from the shutdown, this presentation could save your marriage and your family life. It can help you handle any trouble you may have now or in the future communicating with your husband or wife, your children, your friends, coworkers or boss. From decades of experience, here are four guidelines to vastly improve your life by vastly improving your relationships. I start with Western saloons that had signs, “Leave Your Guns Outside.” Even without guns or other weapons, we humans have so many ways of hurting each other in ordinary conversation. Here we learn how to stop hurting each other and then go on to how to make all of our words improve our communications and our most important relationships. This is among my best-ever presentations and perfect for those of us who are shut-in with family. It could turn those “inevitable” conflicts into the best times of our lives. You may end up grateful to this lousy virus for forcing you into learning how to remake your most important relationships.

446. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.01.20 Reply of 10.15.14

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
When last minute technical difficulties kept my guest from connecting, I devoted the hour to my forthcoming book, Guilt, Shame and Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming Negative Emotions. I talk about the roots of what I call “negative legacy emotions” in biological evolution and childhood, with the aim of achieving emotional freedom! Out on December 4, it can now be purchased in advance on Amazon.com.

445. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.25.20 Replay of 01.16.19

Guest: Kim Witczak
My guest Kim Witczak represents consumers on the FDA committee that makes recommendations to the agency about drug approval. Kim lost her husband to suicide while he was taking the antidepressant Zoloft. She is a remarkable example of surmounting tragedy to make a real contribution to society. Kim is also a fountain of information about shenanigans and trends at the FDA and its partners in the pharmaceutical industry. She has genuine insider information. One striking new phenomenon at the FDA is fast-tracking drugs for “treatment-resistant” depression. In other words, after patients have been poisoned with neurotoxic drugs and made worse, the FDA will help industry come up with new and more neurotoxic drugs to further overwhelm the already injured patients. This is apparently an agency-wide trend at the FDA, which has recently approved ECT for “treatment-resistant depression.” Instead of “First, do no harm,” the new motto of psychiatry, the FDA and the drug companies has become “Do more harm!” You can keep up with many of these issues by subscribing to my free Frequent Alerts on www.breggin.com. And remember you can call into my program to make a comment or to ask a question by phoning 888 874 4888 every Wednesday live at 4 pm NY Time.

444. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.18.20

Guest: Joanna Moncrieff
A brilliant spontaneous transcontinental conversation between myself and Great Britain’s leading psychiatrist, Joanna Moncrieff. We start with breaking news about the coronavirus epidemic in Great Britain, Europe and the USA, and the differing responses in various countries. Joanna gives a remarkable critique of the bizarre and unconscionable approval of Ketamine for depression by the FDA and describes the drug effects more clearly than you will hear anywhere else. We also discuss the very latest research confirming that antipsychotic drugs cause brain damage. We also talk about differing views on the US opioid epidemic. Along the way we touch on differences between the British and US medical and psychiatric systems as well as an overall critique of worldwide psychiatry. Just meeting psychiatrist Joanna Moncrieff makes this information-crammed radio/TV presentation worth your time. My wife Ginger and her mother Jean were “enthralled” by this show!

443. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.11.20 – Reply of 12.11.19

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
Psychiatric Drugs: Neurotoxins that Do More Harm than Good. Psychiatric drugs can ruin our quality of life, causing brain damage, cognitive deficits, apathy and withdrawal reactions. Medication spellbinding then blinds us to the seemingly infinite harms… Medication spellbinding then blinds us to the seemingly infinite harms caused by these neurotoxins. Dr. Breggin draws on many decades of clinical and forensic experience, his research, and his many scientific articles and books, including Toxic Psychiatry, Medication Madness and Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. He reviews his most important observations and conclusions about the harmful effects of psychiatric drugs and how to withdraw from them. This one-hour talk is his most comprehensive and up-to-date overview of what everyone should know about psychiatric drugs before taking them or trying to withdraw from them. It is intended for the general public, including people taking or contemplating taking psychiatric drugs. But it also presents information and scientific principles largely unknown to mental health professionals. If they knew the truth, many therapists and other health professionals would think twice before referring their clients for psychiatric medications.

442. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.04.20

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
Shame is the great leveler, the emotion that knocks down the mighty as well as the rest of us. It is a biologically built-in red stop light that can prevent us from achieving our most creative and even loving goals. Shaming has become a mainstay of politics and a tool for ruining the identities of boys and girls before they achieve adulthood. It drives students on campuses to believe they cannot handle “triggers,” instead of standing up to them. We often feel too ashamed to even recognize that shame is holding us back in our personal relationships and our broader ambitions. This presentation will show you identify this emotion that lurks in all of us without exception. I describe the origins of shame in evolution and childhood, and how to triumph over it. One of my best-ever presentations, it is based on my book Guilt, Shame and Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming Your Negative Emotions.

441. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.26.20

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
Epidemic Anxiety. A life-changing presentation! I examine the causes and recovery from anxiety of all kinds from the corona virus, global warning and political threats to severe clinical anxieties and everyday worries. I describe how to tell the difference between anxiety and rational fears, the origins of anxiety in evolution and childhood, and the steps to take to overcome and transcend it. This pioneering presentation draws on my book, Guilt, Shame and Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming Negative Emotions and the concept of negative legacy emotions, which I also call primitive or Stone Age emotions, that we can free ourselves from to live fulfilling lives.

440. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.19.20

Guest: Mary Neal Vieten
You will be astonished by what you learn from my guest, Commander (R) Mary Neal Vieten PhD. She is the Founder and Director of WarFighter Advance, the best program in the world for the treatment of returning soldiers suffering from war trauma. It is a model for everything good in how to help people in emotional and physical distress. Their drug-free, non-medical education and training approach starts with one very intensive week with professional and peer follow up. It is enormously successful, helping nearly everyone come off drugs and live a better life. Talking with Dr. Vieten on the show leads me to give a heartfelt analysis of just how bad psychiatric treatment has become. I say it outright: Psychiatrists are among the most stupid people on Earth about human nature and human life. We discuss how psychiatry needs to be replaced by innovative, caring programs like WarFighter Advance. You will be inspired and informed by Dr. Vieten, by WarFighter Advance, and by the show. Note: Dr. Breggin misspoke when he said Dr. Vieten’s tours of duty were in Iraq.

439. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.12.20

Guest: Judith A. Reisman
Judith A. Reisman PhD is my hero and my guest on this week’s radio/TV hour. Against enormous opposition, Dr. Reisman exposed the scientific fraud and outright child abuse perpetrated by Alfred Kinsey, a fake researcher and advocate for the destruction of sexual morality, who led the exploding sexual revolution that begin in 1948 and has never slowed down since then. His unethical, criminal activities–masquerading as science and published as bestsellers–helped to corrupt Western values, causing inestimable harm. We owe to him an escalation in broken families, the degradation of love and sexuality, and a rise in child abuse. Become one of the few to have heard this story. Without it, you will have no idea what drove the sexual revolution in America.

438. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.05.20

Guests: Pinar Miski & Pam Popper
A KEY TO SUCCESSFUL LIVING: With my marvelous guests, psychiatrist Pinar Miski MD and nutritionist/physician Pam Popper PhD we discuss perhaps the single most important key to success in life: Identifying our feelings of helplessness, then refusing to become helpless and finally determining instead taking charge of our lives. As a corollary, we discuss becoming a person who does not impose helplessness on others—a person who encourages people to be strong and self-determining. These are not just words or slogans. Nothing is more important life that learning to identify feelings of helplessness that can overcome us at critical moments in life when we must marshal all of psychological and intellectual resources in order to overcome emotional and real-life obstacles. And few things matter more in life than also empowering the people in our lives.

437. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.29.20

Guest: Gail Tasch
Does Psychiatry Have a Future? Two psychiatrists, Peter R. Breggin, MD and Gail Tasch MD, squarely face the question as it has never been faced before: Is there a place for psychiatry on the face of the Earth. We look at and compare our training, consider the history and shortcomings of our profession and our colleagues, and come to a stunning conclusion. If psychiatrists can see the light at the end of the their own tunnel, they can become the most heroic profession imaginable. They can save millions of people, perhaps hundreds of millions, from a plague of neurotoxicity that’s more widespread than any known viral epidemic.

436. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.15.20 – Reply of 12.11.19

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
Psychiatric Drugs: Neurotoxins that Do More Harm than Good. Psychiatric drugs can ruin our quality of life, causing brain damage, cognitive deficits, apathy and withdrawal reactions. Medication spellbinding then blinds us to the seemingly infinite harms… Medication spellbinding then blinds us to the seemingly infinite harms caused by these neurotoxins. Dr. Breggin draws on many decades of clinical and forensic experience, his research, and his many scientific articles and books, including Toxic Psychiatry, Medication Madness and Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. He reviews his most important observations and conclusions about the harmful effects of psychiatric drugs and how to withdraw from them. This one-hour talk is his most comprehensive and up-to-date overview of what everyone should know about psychiatric drugs before taking them or trying to withdraw from them. It is intended for the general public, including people taking or contemplating taking psychiatric drugs. But it also presents information and scientific principles largely unknown to mental health professionals. If they knew the truth, many therapists and other health professionals would think twice before referring their clients for psychiatric medications.

435. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.08.20

Guests: Aaron & Mallisa Dykes
The New Menace that Surpasses Psychiatry My discussion with researcher-filmmakers Aaron and Melissa Dykes will open your mind to what the future holds for all our brains and minds—and it is far more insidious and potentially transformative of society than the primitive and yet already tragic shenanigans of so-called modern psychiatry. For anyone who has wondered where a failed psychiatry will go—here is the answer that is now unfolding. I have spent much of my life fighting psychiatric oppression in the form of primitive attempts at controlling the brain and mind through neurotoxic drugs, electroshock, and psychiatric brain surgery. Now the FDA has approved electronic mind control in the form of Monarch, a device for flooding the brains of children with wholly destructive electrical impulses in the name of treating ADHD. Yet Monarch is crude compared to what billionaire entrepreneurs are close to implementing, not just for the “mentally ill,” but for all of us. Please listen pay attention to this stunning analysis and exposé of mind control—past, present and future—with researcher filmmakers Aaron and Melissa Dykes, who created the incredible full-length documentary film, The Minds of Men, which has already been seen by millions.

434. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.08.20

Guests: Aaron & Mallisa Dykes
The New Menace that Surpasses Psychiatry My discussion with researcher-filmmakers Aaron and Melissa Dykes will open your mind to what the future holds for all our brains and minds—and it is far more insidious and potentially transformative of society than the primitive and yet already tragic shenanigans of so-called modern psychiatry. For anyone who has wondered where a failed psychiatry will go—here is the answer that is now unfolding. I have spent much of my life fighting psychiatric oppression in the form of primitive attempts at controlling the brain and mind through neurotoxic drugs, electroshock, and psychiatric brain surgery. Now the FDA has approved electronic mind control in the form of Monarch, a device for flooding the brains of children with wholly destructive electrical impulses in the name of treating ADHD. Yet Monarch is crude compared to what billionaire entrepreneurs are close to implementing, not just for the “mentally ill,” but for all of us. Please listen pay attention to this stunning analysis and exposé of mind control—past, present and future—with researcher filmmakers Aaron and Melissa Dykes, who created the incredible full-length documentary film, The Minds of Men, which has already been seen by millions.

433. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.01.20

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
“The Best Stuff I’ve Learned from Life.” On New Year’s Day 2020, Dr. Peter Breggin offers a heartfelt discussion of “The Best Stuff I’ve Ever Learned from Life.” He describes the experiences, ideas and attitudes that have contributed to his eight decades of vigorous, exciting and passionate living. This spontaneous, direct, often personally revealing hour will give you a window into how to live a good, satisfying and successful life of your own—one you can look upon each day proudly and with satisfaction. You probably know about Dr. Breggin’s decades of reform work and may be familiar with his blogs, books or videos; now hear what has guided his life.

432. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12.18.19

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
The newest psychiatric abuse of children—the Monarch electrical stimulator applied to the foreheads of kids labelled ADHD—is explained by electrical engineer Ken Castleman, PhD, who joins me and psychologist Michael Cornwall PhD. Now that the FDA has approved it, this new abuse will be unleashed not only on children unfortunate enough to be labelled ADHD but on anyone that prescribers think fit. Any child with a psychiatric diagnosis or a psychological problem will be fair game. We cannot stand by while a new wave of atrocities, in the form of electrical assaults, is unleash on millions of children. Someday we may look back to the good old days when the worst they did to our kids was drug them! Scrambling their brains with the electricity may be the ultimate atrocity. Please go to www.breggin.com to learn more about SPAC!

431. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12.11.19

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
Psychiatric Drugs: Neurotoxins that Do More Harm than Good. Psychiatric drugs can ruin our quality of life, causing brain damage, cognitive deficits, apathy and withdrawal reactions. Medication spellbinding then blinds us to the seemingly infinite harms… Medication spellbinding then blinds us to the seemingly infinite harms caused by these neurotoxins. Dr. Breggin draws on many decades of clinical and forensic experience, his research, and his many scientific articles and books, including Toxic Psychiatry, Medication Madness and Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. He reviews his most important observations and conclusions about the harmful effects of psychiatric drugs and how to withdraw from them. This one-hour talk is his most comprehensive and up-to-date overview of what everyone should know about psychiatric drugs before taking them or trying to withdraw from them. It is intended for the general public, including people taking or contemplating taking psychiatric drugs. But it also presents information and scientific principles largely unknown to mental health professionals. If they knew the truth, many therapists and other health professionals would think twice before referring their clients for psychiatric medications.

430. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12.4.19 Reply of 11.20.19

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
This Dr. Peter Breggin Hour, the third in my new radio/TV format, is probably my best-ever talk about how to overcome emotional and psychological impediments to sanity and a good life. On my own without a guest, I explain the nature of psychological or emotional helplessness and how to over come it, and then take the conversation deeper into our worst fears and dreads and how to pull ourselves out in order to live the best possible life. I begin this spontaneous talk by catching you up on the latest in electrically-induced mind control—the exact opposite of how to live life—and then spend most of the hour delving as deeply as I can into what life is about, including what are the worst threats, and how to live it above and beyond them.

429. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.27.19

Guests: Bonnie Burstow, Stephen Ticktin and Oriel Varga
On this remarkable radio/TV presentation of the Dr. Peter Breggin Hour, I talk with three outstanding Toronto activists and leaders in the antipsychiatry movement: psychologist Bonnie Burstow; psychiatrist Stephen Ticktin; and activist Oriel Varga. Much of our time emphasizes what they are doing in Canada and the world to stop psychiatric oppression—a goal which I wholly support. Yet we somewhat disagree about the nature and aims of psychotherapy. The disagreement pertains to whether individual freedom or the necessity of social change lies at the heart of living a good life. For me, therapy should enable individuals to pursue their own personal goals in a satisfying manner and I seldom find that political activism is high on anyone’s wish list. For them, political activism is part of recovery. An interesting discussion between well-meaning people who deeply respect and enjoy each other and yet who differ on an important aspect of what it means to live a good and satisfying life.

428. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.20.19

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
This Dr. Peter Breggin Hour, the third in my new radio/TV format, is probably my best-ever talk about how to overcome emotional and psychological impediments to sanity and a good life. On my own without a guest, I explain the nature of psychological or emotional helplessness and how to over come it, and then take the conversation deeper into our worst fears and dreads and how to pull ourselves out in order to live the best possible life. I begin this spontaneous talk by catching you up on the latest in electrically-induced mind control—the exact opposite of how to live life—and then spend most of the hour delving as deeply as I can into what life is about, including what are the worst threats, and how to live it above and beyond them.

427. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.13.19

Guest: Michael Cornwall
My friend and marvelous psychologist Michael Cornwall PhD is my guest on this, my second live radio show that is also filmed as a TV show for presentation as a video on my YouTube channel. Our lively conversation ranges over topics from the effect of emotional trauma on children to the FDA’s approval of Monarch, a method of electrically stimulating (really disrupting) the brains of children labelled ADHD, as well as any other children with almost any diagnosis that the doctor imagines it will help. I also return to an ongoing topic of genuine attempts at even more subtle forms of mind control than putting electrodes on the foreheads of sleeping children. Billions of dollars are behind developing computer-brain electrode-to-flesh connections both for “treating mental illness” and for making super-people. This is not conspiracy theory, this is not fantasy, this stuff is in fact being highly promoted. Find out more on www.breggin.com. And remember, this is now my weekly radio/TV show.

426. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.06.19

Guest: Pam Popper & Pinar Miski
Starting with this show, The Dr. Peter Breggin Radio/TV Hour goes live with radio every Wednesday, followed by the filmed TV version a few days later on my YouTube channel. Yes, it’s now a radio/TV show, thanks to new technology at Progressive Radio Network (www.PRN.FM). On this first radio/TV show, I am Joined by nutritionist Pam Popper PhD and psychiatrist and Pinar Miski, MD for a Peter, Pam and Pinar special. It will be a regular feature the first Wednesday of every month. This is the radio version of the fun, interesting and informative first presentation. It’s the inaugural radio/TV show, so please forgive a few glitches along the way.

425. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.30.19

Open Mic
I began today’s Dr. Peter Breggin Hour with a discussion of the latest mind control technology being openly planned and boasted about by Tesla’s billionaire Elon Musk and how he is collaborating with DARPA, the government’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Check the latest in mind control on my website at my new resource called My Very Newest Highlights as “the Conscience of Psychiatry.” Our callers today sought help on issues from depression and traumatic head injury to how to manage living with their mother and exiting cults. Perhaps listening to our conversations can be helpful to you.

424. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.23.19

Guest: David Mark Keirsey
My guest, David Mark Keirsey, is a researcher in Artificial Intelligence but the show is nothing about that. He has decided to spend a portion of his life promoting the work and telling the story of his amazing father David Keirsey, a brilliant psychologist who has since passed on. David knew that his father and I were friends who shared many interests and so he got in touch with me. His father wrote the multi-million best sellers Please Understand Me and Please Understand Me II. The first of those two books had a healthy influence on my understanding of myself and I of recommend it to my clients. The show mostly focused on Keirsey’s concept of the four temperaments: The Idealist, Artisan, Guardian and Rational, which is an area I have not studied. You can listen and check out who you are. If you’re interested, I talk a lot more about myself than usual and conclude I am an Idealist and a Rational. To me, most interesting, is Keirsey’s concept that madness is a choice that is made when we feel unworthy and want to defend against it or run from feeling unworthy. I used to think that madness was a choice, but that’s hard to argue when anyone can be driven made if systematically driven over the edge. I’ve been working on a similar, more universal concept that most or all psychological overwhelm (not only the extreme of madness) comes ultimately from feeling unworthy of love. Keirsey concluded that people can feel unworthy about many different things—but I tend to think that feeling unworthy of love is ultimately psychological calamity. Tune it: It’s an interesting conversation.

423. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.16.19

Guests: Pam Popper & Pinar Miski
Today’s hour was a get together with two very dear friends and colleagues, Pam Popper, PhD my nutritionist and creator of my educational courses and Pinar Miski, MD who teaches my best course https://breggin.com/dr-peter-breggins-three-new-pioneering-courses/ live on-line. There was no agenda except I was thinking about love and how all the worst emotional, psychological and psychiatric “disorders” have deep roots in feeling unworthy of love, unlovable, unloved and hence worthless, and that recovery requires reversing all of that. From there we went on to chat, as my friends often do, about each other, about what makes us happy, about what’s good and bad in the world. In a way that surprised me, we even talked about what people did to find tiny bits of happiness while confined to extermination camps. This hour was a very uplifting experience that we welcome you to share. It’s a round table of people who care about you and others around the world.

422. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.09.19

Guest: Jeanne Stolzer
My guest today is Jeanne Stolzer PhD, a scientist and a friend from whom I always learn something new. I guarantee that you will have new important insights into life if you listen to this amazing interview with Jeanne. It’s about what it means to be a human mammal whose evolution has made our success and well-being dependent upon close nurturing from a nursing mother (yes, a nursing mother, not a nondescript nurturer), with a close attachment to her for months and years. Here is a political fact: free government nurseries that are being pushed are not the answer for children. The answer, if it comes from the government, needs to be financial support for extensive maternal leave. Our children need mothers and without that they end up with diagnoses and drugs both psychiatric and medical. Jeanne graphically describes, backed by research, the necessity of a child’s immersion in both its relationship with its mother and with nature. Then, throughout life as adults, we all need strong attachments of friendship and love to other human beings and to nature. Nurturing cures! Nature cures! Listen to this hour about what we humans really need and have needed throughout our millions of years as mammals leading up to our current status as homo sapiens. Be homo sapiens—be wise about our lives and learn from this wonderful conversation with Jeanne Stolzer.

421. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.02.19

Guest: Pam Popper
A uniquely wonderful show with nutritionist and medical consultant Pam Popper, PhD and a special unexpected call-in by another dear friend, psychiatrist Pinar Miski, MD. We have a spontaneous, heartfelt three-way conversation about the realities and politics of nutrition, about saving animals from research, about doing our best to improve the world, and how blessed the three of us feel to know and work with one another other. Also about our upcoming conference November 8-12 in Columbus, Ohio. An inspiring conversation to remind you that life is worth living and that daring to live honestly is deeply rewarding and even full of fun.

420. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.25.19

Open Mic
Today’s open mic day (the last Wednesday of each month) begins with me announcing and discussing a new revelation about pharmaceutical evil. In in 1994, I was the scientific expert for all the combined 160 product liability suits against El Lilly alleging that Prozac was causing mayhem, mania, violence and suicide. In retrospect, I was the only professional in the world standing up against the growing tidal wave of SSRI antidepressants. In this hour of my show, I explain how Eli Lilly simultaneously fixed the trial and tried to destroy my credibility. I managed to survive despite the fix which involved betrayal by the lawyers who hired me as well as the company itself. Before the the fix was discovered many months after the trial, it looked like a clean victory for Eli Lilly and opened the floodgates to the new antidepressants which do far more harm than good. I spend time on this drama because, after two and a half decades, we now know the size of Eli Lilly’s secret payoff to the plaintiffs. It cost the company a mere 20 million dollars to get returns of multi-billions.

419. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.18.19 – Replay of 3.15.17

Guest: Sami Timimi
Replay of a great hour with British child psychiatrist Sami Timimi from 3.15.17. We focus mostly on children but since all of us were once children, everything is also relevant to adult life. We examine the hazards of calling “unhappiness” or “despair” by a medical term such as “depression” and then prescribing drugs to children. Ultimately we address being a human being, and what children and adults alike really need–trusting, loving relationships. You will learn and be inspired by listening to Dr. Timimi.

418. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.11.19

Guest: Patrick Hahn
My guest Patrick Hahn and I focus on psychosis and so-called schizophrenia: Is it a disease? Is it genetic? Is it biological? Or are severe psychiatric disorders a normal human response to early trauma, neglect and deprivation. Do the drugs work? Are there better alternatives for helping people who received the more severe psychiatric diagnoses? Patrick has an enormous fund of information and is a fountain of wisdom. A very good discussion of these and related difficult topics that are often obfuscated by by false claims from the psychiatric establishment.

417. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.04.19 – Reply of 06.12.19

Guest: Michael Cornwall
Probably my most impassioned discussion of The Psychiatric Abuse of Children with guest psychotherapist Michael Cornwall, PhD adding experience and grounding, as well as wisdom. And we introduce my first major reform project in years, to be directed by Michael through our nonprofit Center for the Study of Empathic Therapy. The FDA has approved using a TENS machine called Monarch to delivery electrical “stimulation” to the frontal lobes of children to treat ADHD. It is actually electrical disruption of normal brain function. I stumble on air trying to find words horrific enough to describe the size of the danger to children. The current is applied every night, all night, to the entirely normal brains of children 8 to 12 years old with no apparent limit on for how many months or years of treatment. Now that it’s FDA approved, Monarch can e legally used on any and all children at the doctor’s whim. The FDA required only a single 4-week long study to approve this gross intrusion to the highest centers of the normal brain. Only 62 children were studied and only half of them got the treatment. It’s a tiny experimental group without replication by a second study. Meanwhile, the manufacturer is intent on a year or more of electrifying the children every night, but its 12-month study utterly failed. All but three children and families quit the study before it was scheduled to end. We are talking about a potentially disastrous tsunami of psychiatric abuse of children, spilling over onto adults. Michael Cornwall and I tell you about our new organization that this atrocity has inspired. It’s called Stop the Psychiatric Abuse of Children! or SPAC! We invite you to join SPAC! And we invite you to help us stop this latest psychiatrist abuse of children. Reply of 06.12.19

416. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.28.19

Open Mic
This open mic Wednesday, which is always the last show of the month, turned into an extraordinary interview with my first caller. I began the hour talking about the importance of self-determination, autonomy, independence, personal sovereignty and the dreadful “R—Word,” responsibility. I described how all of us are tempted to let others take over at times while we lapse into some degree of helplessness . I outlined the potentially deadly results when psychiatry takes over for people who feel or act helpless. Then Julie called in and told the story of how she was taken over by psychiatry, put on drugs for decades, and finally developed kidney disease from lithium but was lied to about it. But Julie is a powerful being and she managed to throw off the disabling impact of psychiatry suppress and to begin rebuilding her life. Her story of retaking control of herself fit seamlessly into my introduction about taking charge of one’s own life. The conversation between Julie and me provides a marvelous opportunity to see with dramatic clarity the harm that psychiatry does in robbing people of their sense of personal sovereignty and free will—and how individuals can nonetheless find their own power, throw off the yoke, and begin to build lives for themselves. A very strong hour!

415. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.21.19

Guest: Beatrice Birch
A kind, gentle and thoughtful conversation with Beatrice Birch, an art therapist who founded Inner Fire, a non-drug, small residential “proactive healing community” in Vermont. Her program’s mere existence makes me hopeful! Beatrice has a caring, spiritual approach based on love which is, I am sure, the heart of healing. She leaves behind the psychiatric framework, identifying participants as “guides” and “seekers.” True healing comes through loving, healing relationships which by their very nature are health-giving to all involved, including those who offer and those who seek help. She works with a psychiatrist to help her “seekers” withdraw from psychiatric drugs, relying on a variety of alternative approaches. Her comparisons between drug therapy and true healing are worth listening to on this Dr. Peter Breggin Hour.

414. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.14.19

Guest: Patrick Hahn
This the 4th appearance of journalist and scientist Patrick Hahn on the Dr. Peter Breggin Hour. He is an extraordinary analyst of the history of psychiatry and its current manifestations. His new book, Madness and Genetic Determinism has a much broader and more dramatic sweep than the title suggests. We talk about the era of Moral Therapy, Fried Fromm-Reichmann and Chestnut Lodge, and Loren Mosher’s Soteria House, as well as the utter failure of psychiatric genetics. This is a show that anyone will enjoy and learn from about the good and the bad in psychiatry.

413. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.07.19

Guest: Thomas Moore
Scientist Thomas Moore joins me to talk about psychiatric drugs both in a very general way about why they do so little good and so much harm, and in very specific ways about drugs that affect the neurotransmitter GABA including Ambien, Sonata, and Lunesta, as well as Lyrica and Neurontin and all the benzodiazepines. Find out if there is such a thing as sleep driving and sleep sex caused by Ambien and similar drugs. If you or a loved one are taking these sedative drugs for sleep or anxiety or other purposes, this discussion may provide you information that you can usefully pursue further. A valuable hour!

412. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.31.19

Open Mic
On Open Mic Wednesday, always the last Wednesday of the Month, I spend the first 15 minutes talking about suffering in relationship to love. I spoke off the “top of my head” and the “bottom of my heart.” Then I talked with six interesting callers about difficult matters in life such as recovery from medication injury, psychiatric drug withdrawal, how to help a grown son who stopped years of psychiatric drugs all at once, and how to help a fifteen year old son who has been hospitalized and heavily medicated. It may help you think about how to talk with people in difficult psychiatric situations.

411. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.24.19

Guest: Michael Cornwall
The martyrdom of America’s children is the theme of this hour. I begin without a guest describing the great new documentary HBO film, “I Love You, Now Die,” about the Michelle Carter case—the 17-year-old girl who supposedly texted her boyfriend to death and got convicted of murder. The HBO film is worth watching for the insights it gives into the horror that so many young people go through growing up today, from psychiatric diagnoses and drugs to the isolation of social media which separates them from their parents and other adults. The film truly tells the untold story behind the fake one, often in my words. I also mention another important documentary in which I am also featured, “The Minds of Men,” already seen by nearly 2 million people. Then psychologist Michael Cornwall joins me and we talk about SPAC!—our new organization to Stop the Psychiatric Abuse of Children. Our focus is on the latest assault on the brains and human rights of children: The FDA’s baseless approval of putting electrical stimulation through the brains of innocent children labeled with ADHD. We predict that electrifying children will become a new plague upon them, one that can afflict any child who proves troublesome or looks distressed. Finally, Michael and I talk about what children really need and it has nothing to do with disrupting and ruining their normal brain function. If you want to talk to Michael Cornwall, the director of SPAC!, you can email him at [email protected].

410. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.17.19

Guest: Jeffrey Masson
Once again Jeffrey Masson and I have a drama filled show about both psychoanalysis and psychiatry, and how both in different ways have betrayed the trust given them by society and by their patients. Jeff provides intimate details about his discovery that Freud, and then his psychoanalyst daughter named Anna Freud, hid the truth that women were being abused by men. Instead, they told their patients and the world the lie that the abuse of children never happened and was all a fantasy called the Oedipus Complex. Jeff enlightened me about Dr. Asperger, viewed as an authority on autism, who curried favor with the Nazis by sending toddlers and young children to cruel deaths at the hands of organized medicine and psychiatry during World War II. I add some details on the murder of mental patients by psychiatry as a prelude to the Holocaust. The recent series of three shows with Jeffrey are worth listening to as a group. They touch on the evil perpetrated by mental health professionals in power and, in sharp contrast, on the love we share with animals. Jeff has written great books on both animals and humans.

409. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.10.19

Guest: Robert Whitaker
A magnificent conversation with journalist and scientist Robert Whitaker, author of Mad in America and Anatomy of an Epidemic. Bob and I unleash our imaginations and thoughts over the range of psychiatric issues from the way the drug companies and organized psychiatry have imposed an entirely false narrative on the world to how doctors end up telling life-destroying lies to their patients like “you have a biochemical imbalance and need drugs.” This Dr. Peter Breggin Hour will inspire you to open your minds about and maybe even to inspire you to voice your own opinions about evildoing in the world. And maybe you don’t need any inspiration from me and Bob, in which case I hope you will simply bask in the enjoyment of a very thoughtful and ultimately uplifting conversation. Join us! And also, watch me on the HBO two-part documentary “I Love You, Now Die.” The first part aired last night (July 9, 2019 at 8 pm NY time) and the second part tonight (July 10, same time). It’s about the Michelle Carter case of the girl who supposedly texted her boyfriend to death and it gives me, and a number of other, the opportunity to comment on important issues about psychiatry and life in America today.

408. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.03.19

Guest: Jeffrey Masson
My guest Jeffrey Masson PhD may be the greatest writer ever about the emotions of animals. What Jane Goodall is to chimpanzees in the wild, Jeff is to our dogs and to the whole broad spectrum of animal life in relationship with human life. Always science based, he writes artistically about their relationships with us. Today’s show is all about animals and especially about dogs and what we as a species have learned from our co-evolution with them. What emotions do they have that we share? Do they have unique emotions? Can we feel things they cannot feel? What have we learned from them about love, trust, and forgiveness. Recently an article has come out describing how dogs are the only non-human creatures who have learned to move their eyebrows to show their emotions and always in relation to us. Dogs and humans, Jeff suggests, are “one species,” having evolved together. I do not think I’ve ever had a conversation on or off the air in which so many new ideas and nuances about human and animal life have come out. For me, this show is a treasure! Please share this hour with me and Jeff.

407. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.26.19 – Reply of 07.27.18

Guest: Steve Sheller
My guest is product liability attorney Steve Sheller. Steve is unquestionably one of the strongest, most effective and most feared attorneys in the world—a threat of giant proportions to unscrupulous drug companies. In a fast-moving show, we focused on the horrific nefarious activities of the drug company J & J (Johnson & Johnson) and its subsidiary Janssen, as well as the drug industry in general. The issues ranged from J & J’s Risperdal causing tardive dyskinesia as well as enlarged breasts in boys to their infamous talcum powder causing ovarian cancer. We looked at how drug company money spreads corruption throughout society. We explored the government interventions that seem necessary, including finally sending drug company executives to jail when they are proven to have committed criminal activities. Ironically, when I got off the radio, I opened an email from the journal JAMA Psychiatry, and at the top is an advertisement for a fake science conference, “Advances in the Neurobiology of Mental Illness,” presented by the New York Academy of Sciences. It is sponsored by Janssen and by Johnson & Johnson. What a fearful sight: Janssen and its parent company J & J collaborating with the NY Academy of Sciences and the AMA’s psychiatric journal. Even the billions of dollars that Steve has caused them to forfeit has not stopped the drug companies. The Pharmaceutical Empire has made itself unstoppable–for now, anyway. This was a reply of the 07.27.18 show.

406. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.19.19

Guest: Wayne Douglas
July 11, 2019 is World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day or W-BAD. My guest is Wayne Douglas, co-founder of the event. You will learn more about these dangerous, addictive drugs that are still widely prescribed beyond their recommended guidelines, often causing addiction, and frequently leaving long-term users with permanent cognitive problems. They can contribute to suicide and violence. Wayne Douglas may inspire you to find a group in your city to join in spreading life-saving information about these drugs. If you have been harmed by the “BZs” you will find companionship and inspiration through joining the reform movement. You can find out how to connect at www.w-bad.org

405. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.12.19

Guest: Michael Cornwall
Probably my most impassioned discussion of The Psychiatric Abuse of Children with guest psychotherapist Michael Cornwall, PhD adding experience and grounding, as well as wisdom. And we introduce my first major reform project in years, to be directed by Michael through our nonprofit Center for the Study of Empathic Therapy. The FDA has approved using a TENS machine called Monarch to delivery electrical “stimulation” to the frontal lobes of children to treat ADHD. It is actually electrical disruption of normal brain function. I stumble on air trying to find words horrific enough to describe the size of the danger to children. The current is applied every night, all night, to the entirely normal brains of children 8 to 12 years old with no apparent limit on for how many months or years of treatment. Now that it’s FDA approved, Monarch can e legally used on any and all children at the doctor’s whim. The FDA required only a single 4-week long study to approve this gross intrusion to the highest centers of the normal brain. Only 62 children were studied and only half of them got the treatment. It’s a tiny experimental group without replication by a second study. Meanwhile, the manufacturer is intent on a year or more of electrifying the children every night, but its 12-month study utterly failed. All but three children and families quit the study before it was scheduled to end. We are talking about a potentially disastrous tsunami of psychiatric abuse of children, spilling over onto adults. Michael Cornwall and I tell you about our new organization that this atrocity has inspired. It’s called Stop the Psychiatric Abuse of Children! or SPAC! We invite you to join SPAC! And we invite you to help us stop this latest psychiatrist abuse of children.

404. the dr. peter breggin hour 06.05.19 – Replay of 10.17.18

Guest: Pam Popper
Pam Popper, PhD, plus two wonderful callers and I, make this an inspiring show all about human purpose. If you’re glancing through my archive wanting encouragement, looking for courage, seeking inspiration and direction, or simply wanting to enjoy yourself, join into this wonderful robust conversation about living by principles and finding purposes. Don’t forget, you listen live on www.prn.fm every Wednesday 4 pm NY Time, and to join on us on the air, you call 888 874 4888. Replay of 10/17/18 show.

403. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.29.19 Replay of 08.09.18

Guest: Pinar Miski
Where are all the young psychiatrists? Well, they are beginning to express themselves. My guest is psychiatrist Pinar Miski, MD, who teaches my live on-line course, “Why and How Stop Taking Psychiatric Drugs,” which you can find on www.breggin.com. Pinar brings serious clinical experience as a psychiatric consultant on medical wards and also as a person knowledgeable in the field of nutrition. She offers a caring, straightforward and sound approach to helping people that may help you rediscover your faith in yourself. It may even put some healthy chinks in the psychiatric armor. This was Pinar’s first radio show ever and it was 5/5 stars. Replay of 08/09/18

402. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.22.19

Guest: Jeffrey Masson
This hour with my guest, author Jeffrey Masson PhD, was so stunning, I am going to do a series of shows with him, much as I did in 2015. Jeffrey shook the psychoanalytic world when his book Assault on Truth showed that Freud knew that his patients had been sexually abused but hid the truth to further his career. Then, having been trained as a psychoanalyst, he took on the entire psychotherapy establishment, observing that no one can be taught empathy and that licensing professional talkers was doing more harm than good. Then, having endured enough attack on himself, he turned to writing bestselling books about animals including When Elephants Weep and Dog’s Never Lie About Love. (The animal behavioral establishment railed against him for humanizing dogs.) In this wonderful hour, we talk about life, about birds and trees, and energy and courage, about how and why some people see through shams into the truth. We both loved our time together; I hope you will, too. Jeff lives in Australia, so this is a real opportunity to hear this thoughtful, courageous man.

401. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.15.19

Guest: Michael Cornwall
One day before this Dr. Peter Breggin Hour, marvelous psychologist Michael Cornwall PhD sent me information about a device newly approved by the FDA to pass electric current through the brains of children to treat them for supposed ADHD. The laudatory hooey written by the FDA, which you will hear on the show, is beyond belief. The entire study lasted only 4 weeks with a mere 30 or so children being afflicted with the Orwellian device. Nonetheless, within the four weeks, children were already experiencing adverse effects such as headache and fatigue. What will happen to them after months or years of exposure, we can only imagine, because the study lasted a mere 28 days. I felt so outraged, I had to do something, and so I called Michael on an emergency basis to please come on the show that you can now listen to here. We look with passionate outrage at this atrocity from a variety of moral, educational, scientific and societal perspectives. I conclude that we will be inflicting “mini-lobotomies” on epidemic proportions on our children under the cover of psychiatry.

400. the dr. peter breggin hour –05.08.19

Guests: Bonnie Burstow, Connie Neil, Stephen Ticktin and Don Weitz
This radio program brings together leaders in the reform movement in North America to abolish electroshock treatment (ECT). This Saturday May 12 at noon in Toronto at Queens Park, there is a shock protest and a hunger strike taking place against ECT. This amazing hour begins with my interviewing Bonnie Burstow, PhD, a leading Canadian, researcher, teacher and writer in criticizing psychiatric oppression. She is joined by Connie Neil, an 80-year-old Canadian shock survivor who plans to participate in the hunger strike. Stephen Ticktin, a Canadian psychiatrist and devoted international activist then comes on the air with us. He is followed by Don Weitz, a Canadian survivor of insulin coma shock, who has for decades been a leading psychiatric reformer. Each of them will be at the shock protest. Finally, we are joined by an anonymous American shock survivor. Shock treatment is a crime against humanity that is defended by all the force that can be leveraged by psychiatry, including the shock and drug manufacturers, the psychiatric and medical associations, the media, federal insurance programs including Medicare, and the FDA. From the human stories to the politics and the details about how shock causes damage—this is an extraordinary hour. It was for me a great moment, having so many old friends and reform-minded colleagues together on the air. When the show started, I had no idea how amazing it would become. It is disillusioning to hear that such a dreadful abuse as ECT has recently found FDA approval but it is inspiring to hear the progress being made in the courts, including my research and forensic work. Most inspiring is how survivors of shock treatment like Connie and Don, continue to fight back along with honorable professionals, like Bonnie and Stephen. www.123ect.org

399. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.24.19

Guest: Gail Tasch
Here is your introduction to a remarkable psychiatrist on The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour. I am often asked, “Are there any other psychiatrists like you?” By psychiatrist like me, they usually mean psychiatrists who care so much about their patients that they do psychotherapy and avoid giving them drugs. They might also mean a psychiatrist who will fight for patient rights. Well, there are not enough psychiatrists like that, but they do exist and more and more of them are surfacing. Today’s guest is psychiatrist Gail Tasch from Wisconsin–and today she “came out” on the Dr. Peter Breggin Hour. There is much to be gained from this hour, including the effectiveness of treating newly admitted inpatients without starting them on drugs or by starting them on minimal drugs or by reducing some of the medications they were admitted on. Working within the conventional psychiatric system, Dr. Tasch manages to help people. Also, we can learn from her journey from more traditional psychiatry into the reality that drugs are dangerous neurotoxins. An enlightening, lively hour.

398. the dr. peter breggin hour –05.01.19

Open Mic
This was Open Mic Wednesday, the last Wednesday of the month. I start out addressing the fact that psychiatric drugs are neurotoxins. Then I open the mic to six callers in a row who present very challenging problems in their lives or the lives of family members, often complicated by the psychiatric drugs they are taking or took in the past. No miracles, but you get a good idea about the direction and encouragement I give people when they or their family members are stuck in a bad place and want new and better approaches.

397. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.17.19

Guest: Mary Neal Vieten
My guest today is the “Best of the Best,” Commander in the US Navy, Mary Neal Vieten, PhD. This psychologist directs a most extraordinary program to help active duty and retired warfighters to reconsider psychiatric medications, to deal with trauma and other blocks to success, and to achieve new goals for themselves. Especially impressive to me is the thoroughness with which she has dispatched the medical model and all the lingo associated with it in order to remove all stigma and to focus on empowerment. Commander Vieten is accomplishing one of the single most important goals we can aspire to—the successful development of non-medical, educational and caring-based programs for people who are suffering from severe emotional stress compounded by dreadful medical diagnoses and treatment. I am deeply appreciative of her work. One of my most esteemed audience members just texted me, “Exceptional episode! One of my favorites.” Commander Vieten’s approach called Warfighter ADVANCE is at the cutting edge of improved services for those who need to be treated as human beings rather than as patients and disease entities.

396. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.10.19

Guest: Jeanne Stolzer
The second in a row of two great radio hours with Jeanne Stolzer, PhD as my guest talking across a broad range of extremely controversial issues including the biological basis of gender differences, the reality of male abuse of women, and the backlash about toxic masculinity that is crushing the identity of boys and men. We emphasize the importance of shared values that defy the concepts of diversity and encourage a unity of basic beliefs in responsibility, mutual respect and love. Society thrives when one-to-one human-to-human relationships transcend warring diverse groups. Shared values that empower all individuals are more important than diversity in creating a healthy society. This is an hour that sharpened my own thinking because Jeanne Stolzer is such an astonishing combination of courageous communicator, devoted scientist, and genuine advocate for freedom and equality. Join the intellectual and spiritual ride that she creates!

395. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.03.19

Guest: Jeanne Stolzer
A very challenging show, with my brilliant and enthusiastic guest Jeanne Stolzer, PhD., an award-winning teacher. It is filled with unorthodox but scientific ideas that do not yield to political correctness. About the differences between women and men built into our bodies by physical evolution, passed on by our genes, and then affected by family and society and our own individuality. How these differences were used by men in very recent millennia to develop patriarchal societies that enforce the subjugation of women. But how, on the other hand, the reflexive rejection of these actual biological and evolutionary differences between men and women has been especially harmful to boys and men in recent decades, disempowering and intimidating them. Is masculinity now a “disease” as the American Psychological Association says, and what does such a concept do to boys and men? How women of course have a right and ought to be free of patriarchy and also to reject traditional roles, but what can society do to support those women who do want to be the primary caretakers of their children? What are the consequences of not nursing a child and not providing a constant, loving caretaker in the early years of life? You are not likely to hear a discussion remotely like this anywhere else, making this a unique and important hour of conversation that is critical to all our lives and to where society is going. It simply would not be permitted at most universities or in the media.

394. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.20.19

Guest: Joanna Moncrieff
My guest is British psychiatrist Joanna Moncrieff for whom I have deep respect for remaining a caring, pioneering professional and a writer of important books while participating in “the system,” in this case the National Health Service of Great Britain. We examine the differences between US and British psychiatry, especially the seemingly greater opportunity for divergent opinions and at times improved care in the British system, which none the less remains deeply flawed and damaging. We share experiences and ideas on psychiatric drug withdrawal and what people really need to overcome their psychological problems as well as the harm done by psychiatry. A good solid discussion about current psychiatry and the harms of its drugs, as well as ECT.

393. the dr. peter breggin hour 03.06.19 – Replay of 10.17.18

Guest: Pam Popper
Pam Popper, PhD, plus two wonderful callers and I, make this an inspiring show all about human purpose. If you’re glancing through my archive wanting encouragement, looking for courage, seeking inspiration and direction, or simply wanting to enjoy yourself, join into this wonderful robust conversation about living by principles and finding purposes. Don’t forget, you listen live on www.prn.fm every Wednesday 4 pm NY Time, and to join on us on the air, you call 888 874 4888. Replay of 10/17/18 show.

392. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.27.19

Open Mic
Today’s hour is the deepest I have gone in talking about empathy as an intentional listening to, acceptance and understanding of another person. It is open mic Wednesday, which is always the last Wednesday of the month, and I began the hour by focusing on empathy and so did my callers. If you want to understand how to find friends, to start relationships, and to make them grow, this is the hour for you. In response to a lonely caller, I talk about all that she, or anyone, needs to do to quickly begin finding people who want meaningful, caring and even loving relationships. Then I explain how the same empathic approaches and attitudes can change your life for the better, along with lives of almost everyone you know. Find out what it means to experience “empathic self-transformation”-it could change your life. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour is every Wednesday at 4 pm NY Time on www.prn.fm. Call in live to be on the show any Wednesday at 888 874 4888 or go to the archive on www.breggin.com.

391. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.20.19

Guest: Judith Orloff
My guest is Los Angeles psychiatrist Judith Orloff and as I predicted in my Frequent Alert before the show, it was an astonishingly inspiring and educational hour about the empathic side of us human beings, and especially about those of us who are empaths and who very deeply experience the people and the environment around us. I talked more than usual about my wife Ginger, who is a profound empath, or “highly sensitive person,” and continued to understand her better through Judith’s words. What better endorsement can I give to Judith and to her work! I spoke about the special dangers of psychiatry and psychiatric drugs to highly sensitive, empathic people. We also had great callers, and at one point my connectivity to my own show broke down for several minutes, but Judith and the caller stayed engaged on the continuing live show without noticing my absence. Exciting! One of the best programs we’ve had.

390. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.13.19

Guest: Andrew Thibault
My guest Andrew Thibault is the film maker who made Speed Demons, one of the best documentaries ever on how psychiatric drugs drove a real-life highly intelligent, kind and caring young man into a violent killer. Unlike most of these films, Andrew gives us a sympathetic close-up, personal look into the life of the medication victim who then becomes a psychotic perpetrator. Andrew Thibault is also an independent researcher into the relationship between psychiatric drugs and violence, and has made himself into a fountain of interesting and exciting information. If you have any interest in these topics, you are guaranteed to learn from this episode of the Dr. Peter Breggin Hour.

389. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.06.19

Guest: Terry Lynch
Between Terry Lynch MD and me, I think we have a hundred years of experience working with patients or clients, and that is what our show is about. Terry, who lives and works in Ireland, began as family physician and became disillusioned with the psychiatric approach being taken to people with emotional suffering. He bypassed psychiatry completely-an act of wisdom and courage-and became a psychotherapist. He is a leader in the field of how to help people and I always find it useful and inspiring to talk with him. Join Terry and me for a discussion that begins with a focus on love and moves on to broader issues in psychology and psychiatry, with many practical suggestions about how to help oneself and others live a more fulfilling life. I benefitted and I think you will, too.

388. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.30.19

Live Chat
This was such a great show, I had to reassure my wonderful audience that every single caller was spontaneous and as surprising to me as it was to them. This was Open Mic Wednesday, which occurs every last Wednesday of the month. Topics covered were successful psychiatric drug withdrawals, building relationships when you feel emotionally unstable and lacking in confidence, handling anger, and brain nutrition. For me, it was an spontaneously delightful and informative hour. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour is every Wednesday 4-5 pm NY Time. Calls can be taken during the live hour itself at 888 874 4888. The archives are on www.breggin.com.

387. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.23.19 – Replay

Guest: Robert Whitaker
Robert Whitaker calls himself a journalist but I believe he is one of the most important scientists in the world today based on his scientific analyses of the flaws in what passes for research in psychiatry. He is also an insightful social critic. More than that, he is a major figure in the promotion of genuinely therapeutic approaches. For this hour, Bob and I especially examine the larger psychological, moral and social damage done to individuals and institutions, and to society itself, by what Bob calls “the psychiatric narrative.” Repeat of 04.12.17

386. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.16.19

Guest: Kim Witczak
My guest Kim Witczak represents consumers on the FDA committee that makes recommendations to the agency about drug approval. Kim lost her husband to suicide while he was taking the antidepressant Zoloft. She is a remarkable example of surmounting tragedy to make a real contribution to society. Kim is also a fountain of information about shenanigans and trends at the FDA and its partners in the pharmaceutical industry. She has genuine insider information. One striking new phenomenon at the FDA is fast-tracking drugs for “treatment-resistant” depression. In other words, after patients have been poisoned with neurotoxic drugs and made worse, the FDA will help industry come up with new and more neurotoxic drugs to further overwhelm the already injured patients. This is apparently an agency-wide trend at the FDA, which has recently approved ECT for “treatment-resistant depression.” Instead of “First, do no harm,” the new motto of psychiatry, the FDA and the drug companies has become “Do more harm!” You can keep up with many of these issues by subscribing to my free Frequent Alerts on www.breggin.com. And remember you can call into my program to make a comment or to ask a question by phoning 888 874 4888 every Wednesday live at 4 pm NY Time.

385. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.09.19

Guest: Michael Fontaine
My guest Michael Fontaine is a Professor of Classics who, every time he comes on my radio show, creates an hour of conversation that is incredibly interesting and closely related to modern life. He informs us about homosexuality in ancient times on the part of both adult males and females and about the segregation of the sexes that made romantic love difficult. He describes what Plato’s Symposia were really like (drinking parties). He briefly reads an amazing theory presented by a comedian at the Symposia about the theory of human split-aparts searching for wholeness. We talk movingly about dogs and faithfulness in ancient and modern times. As he does every time he is on my show, Michael came up with a new example of ancient literature ridiculing psychiatric pretensions. He joins me in talking about romantic love in our time and the loneliness of young people on college campuses, something he is trying to create solutions for. Michael Fontaine is a fountain of kindness, wisdom and intellectual entertainment. For background on the show, see my website, www.breggin.com, the section on Frequent Alerts, for my two new blogs on love, “How Love Can Reformat Our Lives” and “Are Emotional Disorders Really Disorders of Love?” Remember, 4-5 pm on Wednesdays, you can listen live on www.prn.fm and call in live at 888 874 4888.

384. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.02.19

Open Mic Wednesday
This January 2, 2019 “Dr. Peter Breggin Hour” is one of my shows I most wish everyone would hear. It’s about “Love in the New Year.” I talk about what love is and what it is not: How love “Wipes clean the slate” and “Reformats our lives.” How “Love centers our mind and heart as one” and how “Love obliterates the familiar limits and restraints within which we have lived and imagined.” Those were snippets I read briefly from an essay which I will be putting up on www.breggin.com in my free Frequent Alerts within the next few days. My final unexpected caller was my friend Pinar Miski, a psychiatrist who helps to teach my most intensive course. On the air, she added her own marvelous perspective on expanding love beyond personal relationships to creativity, nature, art and basically all of existence. From every caller, we get the message not to confuse love with lost or painful relationships, or with the corruption of too many institutions that claim to promote love. You can make love the center of your life. Please give this show a chance to improve your life. Listen to it on the archive. And remember, you can call in and talk with me live every Wednesday 4-5 pm New York time at 888 874 4888 while you simultaneously listen to it live on www.prn.fm.

383. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12.26.18

Open Mic Wednesday
The last show of 2018 was amazing. Although it was Open Mic Wednesday (the last Wednesday of the month), it became focused on the FDA’s recent rescue of electroshock (ECT) by declaring it so safe that the agency approved it without testing for “drug-resistant depression.” This is a catastrophe, as one of my callers noted, because it unleashes the treatment on so many more people. Currently given to hundreds of thousands, ECT can now be given to tens of millions of people struggling with grief and hopelessness (“depression”) who get worse rather than better on psychiatric drugs.

But why would the federal government through the FDA save such a horrendously damaging treatment? The explanation, I suggest on the air, may be found in an astonishing new movie, The Minds of Men, which examines the history of federal support for “treatments” such as electroshock and lobotomy. The movie by two young filmmakers, Aaron and Melissa Dykes, presents a huge amount of information that was previously unknown to me about government and foundation involvement in funding mind control over many decades. We already knew that the CIA had funded horrendous ECT experiments on unknowing patients in Canada and we already knew about my discovery of Justice Department funding psychosurgery experiments. But The Minds of Men researches far more deeply into this dark past which surely remains with us in the present—maybe even driving the FDA’s rescue of ECT. The covert government did it before—why would it stop supporting ECT now?

382. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12.12.18 – Replay 09.06.17

Guest: John Read
John Read PhD is a psychologist who has taught and researched in Great Britain, Australia and the US. He has taken on many of the most important mental health issues of our time: the role of neglect and abuse in all so-called mental disorders, the role of trauma in hearing voices, the dreadful impact of long-term exposure to antidepressants, the harm of ECT, and the best approaches to healing emotional suffering, including family interventions. John ‘s voice is positive as he keeps us in touch with the most encouraging innovations, including the growing strength of the movement of voice hearers. A very good show! Replay of 09/06/17

381. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12.05.18

Guest: Sarah Price Hancock
My guest Sarah Price Hancock survived more than 100 ECT and dozens of psychiatric drugs as well as psychiatric hospitalizations to go on to become a certified rehabilitation counselor. She is an inspiration to the millions of people who have been damaged by psychiatry and need to recreate productive, satisfying lives for themselves. I cannot exaggerate my appreciation of her courage, determination, and intellect, and the spiritual strength demonstrated by her recovery. Of course she still has injuries, but they have not stopped her from having a good life and, indeed, from fighting back effectively as a reformer in the field of mental health. This is a favorite show of mine, made so by the wondrous Sarah Price Hancock, who shows us how to surmount some of the worst trauma routinely inflicted on Americans–psychiatric treatment.

380. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.28.18

Listener Call-in
Today is open mic day, devoted to callers, as always on the last Wednesday of the month at 4-5 pm NY time. The focus is on my new blog, “Are Emotional Disorders Really Disorders of Love?” But I also answer some interesting, important questions about psychiatric drug withdrawal. What do you think about my premise that psychological and spiritual health depends on being willing and able to feel and express love, and to receive it as well? A related premise is that all good therapies and all good routes to a better life depend on becoming a greater source of love and a more able recipient of love. I know I’m going “out on a limb,” but it is a limb on the tree of life. Listen to the show every Wednesday at 4 pm live on www.prn.fm, call in live to ask a question or to give an opinion on 888 874 4888. And find the archive for past shows on www.breggin.com.

379. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.21.18

Guest: Richard Lawhern
Richard Lawhern PhD became an activist in the field of pain treatment and opiates in response to his wife’s suffering with physical pain. An information analyst by training, he is now among the most scientifically informed and thoughtful individuals in the entire field. Have you been told that over-prescribing doctors are the cause of most addictions and many opioid overdose deaths? No so. Have you heard the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) claims that Americans are massively over-prescribed addictive pain-killing medications? The CDC is wrong. Do you fear the harmful effects of opiates more than you fear psychiatric drugs? You’ve been misled. This is a fascinating and highly informative interview packed with information you are not likely to get anywhere else. Listen to my interviews and commentaries every Wednesday at 4-5 pm NYT time on www.prn.fm and call in live to ask questions or offer opinions on 888 874 4888.

378. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.14.18

Guest: Michael Cornwall
One of my favorite guests and favorite psychologists, Michael Cornwall PhD talks with me and you about the meaning of dreams. Starting with Carl Jung’s little-known approach to dreams, which is remarkably practical, we discuss dreams in everyday life and in psychosis from both our perspectives. Michael brings a remarkably informed viewpoint as a person with lived personal experience and as a therapist who has spent decades helping people, including those whom others give up on and push aside with diagnoses and neurotoxic drugs. As always with Michael, a thoughtful and interesting discussion filled with wisdom.

377. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.07.18 – Replay of 02.21.18

Guest: Tom Ryan
Would you like to eavesdrop on a conversation with a pediatrician who is rational, kind, thoughtful and informed while he talks about how he helps children and parents in his practice on a daily basis? What pediatrician Tom Ryan, MD teaches us about helpful communication is applicable to every aspect of life. He and I discuss a broad range of difficult subjects, starting with how to help distressed and even “autistic” children and their families without psychiatric drugs. We even get into difficult questions surrounding vaccines and the harm they may or may not do. This is an hour well worth it for anyone interested in childhood and parenting or simply in communication. I also give an update on the relationship that the Florida shooter had with the mental health system and Dr. Ryan adds his own informative observations on what might have happened to him. This is a replay from 2.21.18. Nowadays The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour takes callers for all live shows every Wednesday 4-5 PM New York Time. Call in at 888 874 4888 during the live hour to ask a question or to make a comment. But listen to the show live at www.prn.fm live.

376. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.31.18

Live Chat
A great show: My last Wednesday of the month open lines for callers, where my audience becomes my guests. I am beginning each of these last-of-the-month shows with a pithy Dr. Breggin’s Keys to Life, and do believe that if you put into practice today’s advice, it will change your life. Then we go on to several encouraging, hopeful calls from people who have triumphed over psychiatric drugs or helped their family members do so. I also answer a few tough questions about psychiatric drug withdrawal. This show is a good way to learn from me because I’m challenged throughout to relate to and to help each person who calls in. Remember the show is live every Wednesday at 4 pm NY time on www.prn.fm and you can call in live during that hour on 888 874 4888.

375. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.24.18 – Replay of 11.15.17

Guest: Jon Rappoport
According to my guest, investigative journalist Jon Rappoport, the opioid epidemic is much more than an epidemic–it is a criminal conspiracy. He describes how the US Congress, FDA, DEA and Justice Department have systematically refused or failed to deal with the sources of the flood of pain medications knowingly over-produced and misdirected into the addiction market by the Pharmaceutical Industry. Listen to what Jon has to say and you will a better informed if even more disillusioned citizen. The political and industrial behavior he describes fits the pattern that I am familiar with–a Pharmaceutical Empire and medical profession devoted to profits and not to people, and a government that aids and abets them. Replay of the November 15, 2017 show

374. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.17.18

Guest: Pam Popper
Pam Popper, PhD, plus two wonderful callers and I, make this an inspiring show all about human purpose. If you’re glancing through my archive wanting encouragement, looking for courage, seeking inspiration and direction, or simply wanting to enjoy yourself, join into this wonderful robust conversation about living by principles and finding purposes. Don’t forget, you listen live on www.prm.fm every Wednesday 4 pm NY Time, and to join on us on the air, you call 888 874 4888.

373. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.10.18

Guest: Penar Miski
Today my guest is psychiatrist Penar Miski, MD. In a longer than usual intro, I share many exciting events including the settlement of an important ECT suit. I also describe another settlement of a tardive dyskinesia (TD) case. TD is the dreadful disorder of abnormal movements caused by antipsychotic drugs, which often masquerade as antidepressants, bipolar drugs, mood stabilizers and even sleeping aids. Penar is the wonderful psychiatrist who teaches my on-line course Why and How to Stop Taking Psychiatric Drugs which starts up again in January. It’s very intensive, covering many of my most important ideas and research. Pinar and I also talk about two shorter courses I’ll be presenting through Pam Popper’s Wellness Form Health, one a consumer guide to drug withdrawal and another about how people can help themselves and each other. I’m cosponsoring Pam’s annual conference in Columbus, Ohio, November 9-11, 2018, which is open to the public. You can get information on how to personally contact her about the conference or the courses on the show and on my website, www.breggin.com. Remember, you can listen to The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour every Wednesday 4-5 PM New York Time on www.prn.fm and you can call-in to chat with us live every show by phoning anywhere in the world to 888-874-4888.

372. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.03.18

Guest: Peter Gøtzsche
Peter Gøtzsche, MD is among the bravest, most ethical and scientifically motivated doctors in the history of medicine and psychiatry. As a result, he is now under attack by the organization he helped found, the Cochrane Collaboration, whose purpose in more honorable days was to raise published medical research to a higher ethical and scientific standard. Peter Gøtzsche is too busy responding to the attack to come on my radio show this Wednesday October 3, 2018, so instead I am replaying his most recent radio interview with me on the Dr. Peter Breggin hour. Ironically and prophetically, the show is about how psychiatry forcefully attacks its critics. Earth is a place in need of constant moral repair and this is nowhere truer than in medicine and psychiatry which has become a locus of too much undeserved wealth and power. Peter has devoted himself to this task of repair and realizes, as others of us do, that there are deeply embedded reasons why reform is needed. People fight to hold onto power and money, however corrupt its source. They act as if their lives depend on this corruption, when in fact their souls depend on higher ideals. I hope Peter properly views every attack of him as a badge of honor that he receives for taking ethical and scientific stands—and for having a good effect on the world. The attack on Peter is generating international publicity and may ultimately advance medicine, science and humanity. I will not sully these remarks in honor of Peter with the details of the assault. They mean nothing, they prove nothing, they indicate nothing—other than that Peter Gøtzsche deserves to be honored and supported by all of us. I am proud to have given Peter the first Honored Blogger award for his outstanding contributions to this world we live in. I am prouder to be his friend. You can read his first two blogs on the Honored Blogger Series on the pages of www.breggin.com.

371. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.26.18

Live Chat
An hour that could change you, helping you climb into the light of a worthwhile life. My audience becomes my guests, with greater callers for the entire hour. We talk not only about the harm from psychiatric drugs and electroshock, but how to overcome their negative effects upon you and your family. We explore how to create a good life. The Dr. Peter Breggin hour is every Wednesday from 4-5 pm NY time. You can listen live on www.prn.fm or on the PRN.FM App. You can call in from anywhere in the world on 888 874 4888.The last Wednesday of every month is entirely for callers who want to ask a question, to share their experience, or to comment. Call in any Wednesday from 4-5 PM NY time and especially every last Wednesday of the month, which is my favorite format, because you become my guest. We will talk live on the radio, we will get to know each other better, and I will respond to exactly what’s on your mind.

370. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.19.18

Guest: Pam Popper
A rousing hour with my friend and professional partner, Pam Popper, PhD about the state of medicine and psychiatry, conflicts of interest, the on-line course I teach through her organization (Wellness Forum Health), my new video courses that are coming out, and our upcoming conference November 8-10 in Columbus, Ohio. Listen to the show and get Pam’s direct phone and email to learn about our work together. This is a show that is flat out interesting, and Pam is totally inspiring. You can also learn about what we are doing and get her contact information at my website, www.breggin.com.

369. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.12.18

Guest: Michael Corrigan
With psychologist Michael Corrigan, a very strong show about what do children really need! Michael is a researcher, teacher and author who has devoted his professional life, as well as his family life, to caring for children. Michael’ focus is on what can we do about the dreadful plight of foster care children who get drugs instead of real help? I chime in on the nature of that real help. Foster children need the very same thing that more fortunate children need—loving, informed parents and substitute parents. How do we achieve that? Remember to call in every Wednesday at 4-5 pm NY time to join the conversation. The call in number is 888 874 4888. To listen to the show, go to www.prn.fm.

368. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.05.18

Guest: Denise Herrenbruck
A wonderful show with someone you really should get to know: Educator Denise Herrenbruck, who this week received the Fifth Honored Guest Blogger Award. She tells the story of her father and his tragic outcome at the hands of geriatric psychiatry; but it’s much more than that. It’s about the inspiring place of love and relationship in our lives and the changing expressions of those vital elements at different stages of our lives. Together Denise and I read some dialogue between her and father from her new blog on www.breggin.com. I loved this show, so did the one caller I took, and I think you will, too. Remember you can call in to the show every Wednesday at 4-5 pm NY time. Wednesday September 26 at 4 pm is Live Talk Call-In for general questions. Listen on www.prn.fm and call in at 888 874 4888 to get on the show live. My book the Heart of Being Helpful is a great accompaniment to this presentation of the Dr. Peter Breggin Hour.

367. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.29.18

Live Chat
Today was Open Lines Friday where my audience becomes my guest and listeners call in to comment and to ask questions. Today my callers focused on recovery from medications. What do we need for ourselves to enhance recovery after we’ve been off psychiatric medications for months or years? How long does recovery take? How much exercise is enough? What about counseling or diet? Guest callers contributed good ideas, encouragement and inspiration. Remember that the show is live every Wednesday at 4-5 pm on www.prn.fm. The phone number for calling the show is 888 874 4888; but the show itself is heard on line at www.prn.fm.

366. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.22.18

Live Chat
Today my audience was my guest and we had many wonderful callers. Many were informative, some were challenging, and several were deeply touching as people shared their struggles and I tried to offer comfort and direction. I am getting to like this format better and better. I now have a dedicated email for the radio show, [email protected]. Listen to this hour and email me how you liked it and how it might be improved. This is becoming my new direction. I’ll continue to have official guests; but my audience is now my best guest. You can listen to the Dr. Peter Breggin Hour, every Wednesday at 4 pm NY Time, on www.prn.fm. You can call in toll free with 888 874 4888. And check out the new PRN app.

365. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.15.18

Live Chat
This was open mic hour where you, my marvelous listening audience, get a chance to tell your story and to ask questions. Today we had many very uplifting stories and many interesting and important questions. I offer the best I can in the way of advice, direction and encouragement. Although I’ve often taken calls like this on other people’s radio shows, this was my first show of its kind. It was such a success with so many callers that I’m planning another purely call-in show for Wednesday August 29, 2018 at 4 pm NY Time. As always call in to 888 874 4888. I love doing this and I hope you will love listening and calling in. My current plan is to offer an open microphone on the last Wednesday of every month and maybe more often depending on your participation. Thanks for being such a great audience!

364. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.09.18

Guest: Pinar Miski
Where are all the young psychiatrists? Well, they are beginning to express themselves. My guest is psychiatrist Pinar Miski, MD, who teaches my live on-line course, “Why and How Stop Taking Psychiatric Drugs,” which you can find on www.breggin.com. Pinar brings serious clinical experience as a psychiatric consultant on medical wards and also as a person knowledgeable in the field of nutrition. She offers a caring, straightforward and sound approach to helping people that may help you rediscover your faith in yourself. It may even put some healthy chinks in the psychiatric armor. This was Pinar’s first radio show ever and it was 5/5 stars.

363. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.02.18

Guest: Ayo Maat
My guest today is Dr. Ayo Maat, a pastoral counselor and unrelenting activist in Chicago’s inner city. In a far-ranging discussion we look at what people living in poverty and disability in the inner cities really need. We also describe our mutual efforts in the 1990s that successfully stopped a racist eugenic federal program in the United States, including Chicago. Some of what you discover may be surprising as we learn from Dr. Maat ‘s extensive experience as a reformer confronting discrimination in many areas of life including race, poverty, and mental disability. Her heroic life as a reformer is inspiring. Also, remember that we are now taking callers live every Wednesday at 4 pm NY time at 888 874 4888 and that you can email your thoughts about the program to [email protected].

362. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.27.18

Guest: Steve Sheller
My guest is product liability attorney Steve Sheller. Steve is unquestionably one of the strongest, most effective and most feared attorneys in the world—a threat of giant proportions to unscrupulous drug companies. In a fast-moving show, we focused on the horrific nefarious activities of the drug company J & J (Johnson & Johnson) and its subsidiary Janssen, as well as the drug industry in general. The issues ranged from J & J’s Risperdal causing tardive dyskinesia as well as enlarged breasts in boys to their infamous talcum powder causing ovarian cancer. We looked at how drug company money spreads corruption throughout society. We explored the government interventions that seem necessary, including finally sending drug company executives to jail when they are proven to have committed criminal activities. Ironically, when I got off the radio, I opened an email from the journal JAMA Psychiatry, and at the top is an advertisement for a fake science conference, “Advances in the Neurobiology of Mental Illness,” presented by the New York Academy of Sciences. It is sponsored by Janssen and by Johnson & Johnson. What a fearful sight: Janssen and its parent company J & J collaborating with the NY Academy of Sciences and the AMA’s psychiatric journal. Even the billions of dollars that Steve has caused them to forfeit has not stopped the drug companies. The Pharmaceutical Empire has made itself unstoppable–for now, anyway.

361. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.18.18

Live Chat
My wonderful listening audience, thanks to you our first Open Mic Wednesday on the Dr. Peter Breggin Hour was a great success. I had announced it three days earlier on my Frequent Alerts and the moment the hour began at 4 pm New York time the phone lines lit up. I took half-a-dozen great calls from India, Canada and across the US. Questions like “Is schizophrenia curable?” and “Do bipolar people have to keep having manic episodes if they don’t take drugs?” as well as “How do I help my son sleep?” brought thoughtful and hopeful exchanges. A Chicago colleague I hadn’t heard from in decades stimulated enlightening reminisces about how Ginger and I led the successful fight to stop the racist, eugenic Federal Violence Initiative in the 1980s. PRN did a truly professional job of handling the calls smoothly and keeping the show in a great rhythm. I will soon announce another Open Mic Wednesday. Keep up with the Dr. Peter Breggin Hour and our other activities by joining the free Frequent Alerts on www.breggin.com.

360. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.11.18

Guest: Wayne Douglas
With our new and more interactive radio program format with news, commentary and callers, today my guest is Wayne Douglas, cofounder of Benzodiazepine Awareness Day which is going on around this world on this very day. Wayne’s infectious enthusiasm keeps you on the pioneering edge of what global leaders are doing to confront the harm being done by psychiatric drugs. In his life, Wayne illustrates what one individual can do to help improve the world!

359. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.04.18

Guest: Terry Lynch
Terry Lynch is an Irish GP who became a psychotherapist and now devotes himself to helping people through his practice, his books, and his courses for professionals and the public. On the air on my radio show today, I listened to him amazed at how similarly we see the human struggle and how to help people with it. He puts important ideas into words that mirror my own thoughts, only said more clearly, and with a lovely Irish accent. If you care about people and about understanding their struggles, this show will inspire, entertain and educate you. Thank you, Terry! Replay of the July 19, 2017 show

358. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.27.18 28

Guest: Pam Popper
Welcome to the second show in my new format with special features and callers. My guest Pam Popper PhD is the best, most science-based nutritionist I have ever known and a great person as well. The show goes back and forth between nutrition and psychology in a lively conversation with the most truly informed and ethical nutritionist you will ever hear on the air. Among the topics, What is the connection between mental health and nutrition? Are there helpful vitamins and supplements? What’s the financial cost of eating right? Pam’s nutritional knowledge has greatly improved my health, the health of my family members, and the health of my psychiatric patients. Listening to this could increase your health beyond your imagination.

357. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.20.18

Guest: Michael Cornwall
This show is a replay of last week’s show that marks the beginning of an entirely new format for the Dr. Peter Breggin Hour in which he reaches out to his audience in new ways.
First, he is now taking callers. You can call him at 888 874 4888 live on the show on Wednesdays, 4-5 pm.
Second, he has an email address for listeners to write anytime to him to share their impressions and ideas for the show at www.bregginlive.com.
Third, he is offering new and interesting features, including news and a commentary on how to improve your lives.

356. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.13.18

Guest: Michael Cornwall
This show introduces a new, exciting and varied format, bringing you, the listener, into much closer communication with me and our audience.

First, I am taking callers for the first time. Call 888 874 4888 between 4 and 5 pm on Wednesdays.

Second, I have an email where you can send questions and suggestions for the show at any time. The email is [email protected]. I cannot answer by email, but selected questions will be aired and every suggestion will be appreciated.

In addition, there are special features each week, including suggestions for a better life and Breaking News and Information. My website, www.breggin.com, will offer links to the stories that are covered on the radio.

Today was the first reformatted show and it will be replayed next week when I’m traveling. My great guest is Michael Cornwall, PhD, one of the most kind and thoughtful people in the field of psychology.

The two of us answered questions from callers in this the maiden voyage of my new and more stimulating format. Great guests, great callers, and a wonderful audience! And now you can communicate with me and ultimately with our audience by calling in or by email.

I am more than delighted with this initial effort to bring me and you, my audience, into closer communication with each other.

355. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.08.18

Guest: Peter Kinderman
My guest, Peter Kinderman PhD, is an articulate leader in British psychology who is having a positive influence on psychology, psychiatry and the politics of mental health–achievements that could not yet happen in the US. Peter works within the system in a way that could not yet occur here within our professional organizations, universities or federal government. Hear about some good trends in mental health in Great Britain and Europe that are ahead of the US. Peter Kinderman spreads hope and shows new directions!

354. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05/30/18 Replay 02apr12

Guest: Mathy Downing
My guest Mathy Downing lost her 12 year old daughter to antidepressant-induced suicide. I was a medical expert in her case. Mathy’s story exemplifies how to rise from tragedy and how much can be accomplished by one goodhearted well motivated person. Replay From 04.02.12

353. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.23.18

Guest: Patrick D. Hahn
Patrick D. Hahn is a genuine scholar of the history of psychiatry who leads us through the turns and twists of psychiatry’s struggle with its untruths from the Nazi doctors led by Ernst Rudin to the field of psychotherapy led by Sigmund Freud. It’s an endless tale of ignoring what people really suffer from–abuse and rejection in growing up, followed by abuse and rejection in most of what passes for mental health treatment. This is a very thoughtful hour about psychiatry and psychoanalysis that everyone should know about and rise above.

352. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.16.18

Guest: Richard Lawhern
What if I told you that the pharmaceutical industry has very little to do with the epidemic of opioid drug overdoses and deaths in America? What if I told you that escalating opioid deaths have very little to do with bad prescribing practices? What I told you that these deaths stem more from drug trafficking from China than from overproduction by giant corporations? What if I told you that government efforts to restrict opioid prescribing is a disaster for genuine pain patients? And finally, what if these increased pain-killer drug deaths ultimately reflect the culture of despair afflicting our youth? I can guarantee you new insights into these issues from one of my best-informed guests, Richard Lawhern, PhD.

351. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.09.18

Guest: Jeanne Stolzer
I wish everyone in the world could listen to this hour. I learned a huge amount. Yet it’s a topic many find unbearable because it requires rethinking ourselves and society. My friend and colleague Jeanne Stolzer PhD explains the transformative importance of the first few years of life. Did you know that infants nursed into early childhood grow up much smarter, healthier and happier? Did you know that mothers who nurse have little or no post-partum depression and instead thrive mentally and emotionally? Did you know that a mother’s milk is unique and never the same from moment to moment, hour to hour? Want to know why? Jeanne is a true scientist and she has the data on this and more for a truly radical and informative hour of conversation. If you listen, you are guaranteed to be informed in a new way about who you are. You will be stirred into thought about how far human society has gone away from what sustained, nourished and informed us for 99.9999% of our evolution.

350. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.02.18

Guest: Kim Witczak
Kim Witczak is the consumer representative on the FDA’s psychopharmacology committee. That’s the mostly “professional” group that recommends for or against new drugs to the FDA. Other than Kim, the regular participants are mostly drug company flacks. When you read that the FDA’s committee approved a drug 11-1, the one dissenter is probably heroic Kim Witczak. No one can give you better insight into what goes on in the regulatory agency. Learn about the latest menace recently unleashed on neurological and psychiatric patients, already causing hundreds of deaths!

349. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.25.18

Guest: Bob Foltz
My wonderful audience, I hope you listen to this show and share it. Psychologist Bob Foltz and I talk about what really matters in helping relationships and how important they are in every aspect of our lives. Sharing what I know about relationship is where my own work is moving because I feel it’s the most important issue in every one of our lives–how we relate to each other, whether in professional therapeutic relationships or in friendship and family life. As Bob reminds us, we can best measure the satisfaction we have in life by the quality of our relationships. Fame, wealth or success in fulfilling our ideals as contributors to society can build our self-esteem and make us proud, but it cannot make us fully satisfied and even happy with our lives; only wonderful personal relationships can do that. Even in formalized therapies, it is the caring relationship that ultimately matters. My goal is the liberation of people-helping-people from the confines and corruption of professionalism and to make the know-how of relationship and helping one another available to everyone.

348. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.18.18

Guest: Chuck Knapp
My guest is Chuck Knapp, MA, cofounder of Windhorse Integrative Mental Health in Northampton, Massachusetts. He and his group bring kindness, thoughtfulness, and a rich background of experience to helping people with a broad range of challenges, including those otherwise labelled “chronic” by contemporary institutions. Windhorse is one of the best-kept secrets in the field for people and their families who have suffered in the prevailing mental health system. While not excluding people who want medication, Chuck explains that Windhorse will treat people and their families who wish to avoid or to withdraw from psychiatric drugs. Like all the best therapeutic approaches, especially for profoundly wounded people, it tailors treatment as much as possible to the family. Of course, you must explore and evaluate Windhorse for yourself–I have no personal or professional experience with it–but I honor the soundness of the family-oriented principles, combined with respect for the individual, that it seeks to implement.

347. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.12.18

Guest: Daniel R. Berger
I open this show with a manifesto: That the actions of people helping people can and should lie outside the conventional designations of psychiatrist, psychologist, or even counselor and therapist, and these activities should not be subjected to government control and licensing. I believe that humans and humanity have survived throughout our evolution with helping relationships, including helping each other with all kinds and degrees of emotional struggles. I briefly describe my new course that will be available early 2019 in which I will focus on people learning to help each other, whether they are psychiatrists or former psychiatric patients, or people who are functioning well or barely at all. We are all the same in that we struggle to have a good life, and all of us can do our best to help one another. Today’s guest Daniel R. Berger illustrates my manifesto. He has training in counseling and he knows more about conventional psychiatry that most psychiatrists do; but he has not been captured by professionalism. He acts on his Christian beliefs by being his own kind helper, a man who breathes his Christian faith into everything he does, from his trenchant and highly informed critique of modern psychiatry to his Biblical approach to helping people with even the most serious emotional overwhelms, including psychosis. I hope this hour with me and Daniel Berger will further open your mind and heart toward a better a life, and to a vision of how much better off the world will be without mental health authorities and professionals capturing the field people helping people.

346. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.28.18

Guest: Caroline Leaf
My guest and colleague Caroline Leaf PhD is reaching millions of people around the world with a message that your brain does not control you and instead you control your brain and to a great extent your body and your environment. From hard science to philosophical speculation, Caroline and I share an inspiring conversation. She leaves in shambles the claims of the Pharmaceutical Empire that your head is filled with chemicals that can and should control you and, beyond that, she makes a strong argument that we have free will. She emphasizes how these ideas give hope, motivation and guidance to people who want to improve their lives. Caroline’s life and work embrace the clinical to the political and religious. You will benefit from getting to know Caroline, much as I am doing!

345. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.21.18

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
About my newest book, Guilt, Shame and Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming Negative Emotions. These self-defeating emotions are primitive instincts built into us by evolution, but we can achieve emotional freedom from them. Replay From 07.01.15

344. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.15.18

Guest: Thomas Moore
In the hour preceding this particularly great hour of my own radio show, I watched myself flicker across the screen of a Dr. Oz television show titled “Is There a Link between Psychiatric Drugs and Violence?” Oz gives me a few seconds to say that the FDA confirms that antidepressants cause “hostility and aggression,” and then cuts me off as I’m going to continue that the FDA also specifies “violence” in the Medication Guides for antidepressants. So today’s Dr. Peter Breggin Hour opens with me passionately, and with some frustration, expressing my limited satisfaction and enormous disappointment in the Oz show. But in many ways it was a highpoint in my reform work, because Dr. Oz raised the issue of psychiatric drug-induced violence in the title of his show and at one point held up a lengthy list of mass murders involving psychiatric drugs—a sight that will stick with millions of viewers. Then, as glorious fate would have it, my guest for my own show on this day is Thomas Moore, one of the world’s premier experts on the scientific study of adverse drug effects, and the author of key studies on violence induced by prescription drugs. Our dialogue is packed with information. This is a don’t-miss hour.

343. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.07.18

Guest: Kelly Brogan
Kelly Brogan MD is a shining star of a psychiatrist! You will want to know her! Coming through the establishment, she broke free to treat patients the way she would want to be treated, and from there, to a deeper understanding of life from the menace of the psychopharmaceutical ideology to the worth of what we both call psychospirituality. You are guaranteed to benefit from spending time with her. Replay From 04.20.16

342. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.28.18

Guest: Leah Ashe
Leah Ashe PhD and I “sit at the kitchen table” so-to-speak and have a lovely conversation about the knowable and the unknowable in life, starting with our relationship to food, and to then to the animals that most of us eat, and then to each other and the unknowable and knowable we find in and with each other. I enjoyed this surprising and unexpected conversation that went everywhere except where we had planned. It left me more comfortable than I am when trying to apply reason and science to everything to find an answer. It felt more real than drawing conclusions. Come join Leah and me meandering about life at the kitchen table. It was a good, enlightening experience for me and perhaps for you, too.

341. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.21.18

Guest: Tom Ryan
Would you like to eavesdrop on a conversation with a pediatrician who is rational, kind, thoughtful and informed while he talks about how he helps children and parents in his practice on a daily basis? What pediatrician Tom Ryan, MD teaches us about helpful communication is applicable to every aspect of life. He and I discuss a broad range of difficult subjects, starting with how to help distressed and even “autistic” children and their families without psychiatric drugs. We even get into difficult questions surrounding vaccines and the harm they may or may not do. This is an hour well worth it for anyone interested in childhood and parenting or simply in communication. I also give an update on the relationship that the Florida shooter had with the mental health system and Dr. Ryan adds his own informative observations on what might have happened to him.

340. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.14.18

Guest: Bruce Perry
Andrew Thibault’s new film Speed Demons, available on Amazon.com, is a major contribution to understanding the murder and mayhem perpetrated under the influence of psychiatric drugs. It is beautifully filmed, profoundly empathic, and very informative. Although focused on prescribed amphetamines, we learn about the overall cover up of psychiatric drug-induced violence. In our wide-ranging discussion today, what struck me most poignantly was how Andrew had to go to court to force the FDA to handover the case reports sent to the agency concerning homicides on psychiatric drugs. Andrew had discovered the existence of hundreds of these reports while reviewing the available FDA summaries and now wanted to see the actual reports. These reports are usually readily available and the FDA is supposed to give them to the public under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). On the radio today, Andrew informs us that the FDA admitted in its presentation to the court that it had not “evaluated” any of the reports, even though it knew that many related to highly publicized mass murders. If a supposed watchdog agency is not examining a huge pattern of medication-related violence sent to it in hundreds of reports, what is it doing? It is covering for the drug companies. Andrew is a great example of one person successfully taking on a giant industry and should inspire all of us.

339. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.09.18

Guest: Bruce Perry
Dr. Bruce Perry, neuroscientist and child psychiatrist, coauthor of Born to Love and The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog, presents the latest science on the interface between brain biology, empathy, and the provision of genuine help. A unique and very informative discussion. This is a replay from my interview with him on 12.12.12 but Dr. Perry’s important work on trauma and therapy is timeless. His planned appearance for today was snowed out on my end and he will be rescheduled soon–but don’t miss this replay of an important show by this great researcher and clinician.

338. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.31.18

Guest: Howie Glasser
Psychologist Howie Glasser created the Nurtured Heart Approach to therapy and education, and really to life. Children, especially those with great perceptivity and energy, quickly discover that they get more time, attention, and intensive relating by being difficult than by being easy. Often we tend to ignore children until they do make trouble! Howie’s approach is to help children to appreciate and expand the good and even great things that they do routinely and often unknowingly in their relationships. (It also works for adult relationships.) Howie and I have known each other for years and the hour itself has a good energy you will enjoy.

337. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.24.18

Guest: MK Mendoza
My guest, journalist MK Mendoza, provides one of the most heartfelt, original and important hours I have experienced on the air. One year after her father’s death, she speaks out in public for the first time about what it is like to be a family member of someone labelled mentally ill who was then destroyed by psychiatric treatment. From the age of ten until now, she has struggled with what was done to her father, to her whole family, and to herself by the lies and destructive treatments that are now all-too-familiar, including involuntary hospitalization, ECT and drugs. More vividly than any I have known, she speaks about the toll within the family over conflicts about psychiatric treatment, choosing sides, scapegoating, and blaming, and finally guilt and shame. MK is not complaining; she is planning—filled with ideas about actions to take. Listen to MK, spread the word, take inspiration from her, and get in touch with her.

336. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.17.18

Guest: Andrew Sercombe
Andrew Sercombe from Great Britain works outside the establishment in his own business as a “therapeutic coach.” He brings enormous enthusiasm, spirituality, sound values and practical psychology to his high impact, short-term approach to helping people find and pursue what they want in life. To those of us accustomed to a slower more leisurely pace, Andrew will be both challenging and inspiring. Andrew destroys conventional ideas about psychotherapy in ways that I believe will encourage genuine progress. At the same time, he applies and confirms sound psychological insights. I think this is the future of helping people—outside academia and professionalism where an enormous variety of approaches compete in an open marketplace. I was provoked to rethink time-tattered concepts in this enjoyable conversation.

335. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.10.18

Guest: Tony Stanton
Tony Stanton, MD is a child and adult psychiatrist who has been in the field almost as long as I have, and like me from the beginning knew that drugs were not the answer. For more than two decades, Tony ran a program in California that took the last resort children of the state, those who had “failed” everywhere else, often in broken families with parents in jail. He successfully helped them to come off their multiple medications and to gain a sense of worth and their place in the community. Safety, engagement and predictability, along with empathic listening, are the principles Tony promotes. Tony has transcended his profession to become a beacon of wisdom and understanding. He can help you to have a more fulfilling start to your New Year.

334. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.03.17

Guest: Michael Fontaine
What does madness in ancient Greek drama tell us about madness today? An extremely enlightening discussion with Michael Fontaine, Professor of Classics, with insights into how we can best think about hallucinations and delusions. Replay of the 02/24/16 show.

333. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12.27.17

Guest: Kelly Brogan MD
Kelly Brogan MD is a shining star of a psychiatrist! You will want to know her! Coming through the establishment, she broke free to treat patients the way she would want to be treated, and from there, to a deeper understanding of life from the menace of the psychopharmaceutical ideology to the worth of what we both call psychospirituality. You are guaranteed to benefit from spending time with her. Replay of the 04/20/16 show.

332. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12.20.17

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
About my newest book, Guilt, Shame and Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming Negative Emotions. These self-defeating emotions are primitive instincts built into us by evolution, but we can achieve emotional freedom from them. Replay of the 07/01/15 Show.

331. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12.13.17

Guest: Brian Russell
Probably the deepest, most far-ranging discussing on “personal responsibility” you will ever hear, beautifully shared with my guest in a single hour. Brian Russell, a lawyer and psychologist with wide-ranging interests, focuses with me on what it means to take responsibility for living a rich, full, principled and loving life. Politics, religion, personal relationships—nothing is off bounds in our attempt to understand and apply this critical principle of successful living—that we must never flinch from being in charge of ourselves and the outcome of our lives, while doing so in a positive manner. No more complaining, no more moaning, no more giving up! No more eating ourselves up with hate and resentment! Instead, we work to be grateful for life, while learning how to live by taking personal responsibility for ourselves. This hour can change lives.

330. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12.06.17 07dec17

Guest: Michael Corrigan
My guest Dr. Michael Corrigan is an extraordinary man in many ways. He has a big heart and a giant brain! And he devotes it to the task of advocating for children through scientific projects, educational campaigns, and whatever else is possible. In a rousing discussion we talk about what in the world can we do to get our ideas across to the public! This is one of the most important questions we can ask and we even come up with some new ideas. We also hear about a project that could change how professionals view children. A great show.

329. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.29.17 30nov17

Guest: Peter Gøtzsche
My guest again is Peter Gøtzsche, MD, the remarkable Danish physician and researcher who has written the stunning book, Deadly Psychiatry and Organized Denial. Our theme is “How Psychiatry Uses Force Against Its Patients and Its Critics.” This impassioned conversation will give you a deeper look into how the two of us think about our scientific and reform work; and about the real depth of the depravity expressed throughout the history of psychiatry right into modern times. You will hear momentary silences as we struggle to find the words to explain the harm that psychiatry perpetrates against its patients and all of society. This show moved me personally.

328. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.22.17 27nov17

Guest: James Moore
James Moore has “lived experience” with the harm caused by antidepressants and the difficulties of withdrawing from them. He reveals his own personal struggles in order to encourage and inform others. James reminds us that doctors in the US or Great Britain know very little about the difficulties of withdrawal and instead blame these reactions on the patient’s “mental illness.” James is finding ways to promote and empower projects that stand outside the current system. He describes several useful resources for those who are trying to withdraw and for those who are trying to help them. James gives us an excellent introductory hour for anyone interested in psychiatric drug withdrawal. You can keep up with his great pod cast on MadinAmerica.com.

327. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.15.17 16nov17

Guest: Jon Rappoport
According to my guest, investigative journalist Jon Rappoport, the opioid epidemic is much more than an epidemic–it is a criminal conspiracy. He describes how the US Congress, FDA, DEA and Justice Department have systematically refused or failed to deal with the sources of the flood of pain medications knowingly over-produced and misdirected into the addiction market by the Pharmaceutical Industry. Listen to what Jon has to say and you will a better informed if even more disillusioned citizen. The political and industrial behavior he describes fits the pattern that I am familiar with–a Pharmaceutical Empire and medical profession devoted to profits and not to people, and a government that aids and abets them.

326. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.08.17 09nov17

Guest: Bonnie Burstow
My guest Bonnie Burstow PhD is an amazing researcher and scholar, and one of the world’s leading activists against psychiatric abuse, including electroshock. Bonnie’s creativity is boundless, and describes the courage it took to write her new novel about ECT called “The Other Mrs. Smith.” She does a reading from her book on the air that is incredibly moving. Bonnie will educate, inspire and stir you up. In another arena, for the first time ever, Bonnie has made “antipsychiatry” a legitimate field of scholarship at a university by establishing and personally endowing a scholarship for advanced studies in antipsychiatry at her University of Toronto. Being with Bonnie is a privilege you will enjoy.

325. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.01.17 02nov17

Guest: Pam Popper
My marvelous guest is Pam Popper PhD who is devoting her life to informed decision-making in medicine, which includes informed nutrition and informed mental health. You can meet me and Pam in person next week in Columbus, Ohio at her conference, November 10-12. I’m cosponsoring and have invited the great Danish critic of psychiatry, Peter Gøtzsche, to be there, too! Meanwhile, this is an incredible radio hour about nutrition and good health, and how the establishment corrupts these vital services. A blue ribbon for Pam! Conference information is available at www.breggin.com or www.wellnessforumhealth.com

324. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.25.17 26oct17

Guest: Wayne Douglas
Wayne Douglas is a benzo survivor who has gradually recovered over many years and who helps to organize the annual World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day (W-BAD). He has a great deal to teach us about both the harms and recovery from these highly addictive drugs that cause so much harm to mental functioning. His life story is inspiring as well in exemplifying how individuals can overcome environmental disadvantages and the cruelties of modern psychiatry.

323. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.18.17 18oct17

Guest: Patrick Hahn
Journalist and educator Patrick Hahn joins me to share a theme that has increasingly drawn my attention—the industrialization of our lives from before birth to after death. The Pharmaceutical Empire along with the medical/psychiatric industry thinks nothing of poisoning children in the womb with drugs that cross the placenta to harm fetal development and that after birth cross through the mother’s milk to keep the deadly process going. The giant food industry pushes substitutes for mother’s milk and the intimacy of nursing, and then continues from childhood on selling poisonous, expensive foods to make our children obese and to send them as adults into chronic illness and early graves. Patrick does a great job focusing on his special interest, the psychopharmaceutical industry; but we also look more broadly at how much our physical and mental lives are shaped by soulless profit-making industries in collaboration with big government.

322. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.11.17 12oct17

Guest: Pam Popper
Pam Popper, ND, PhD is the nutritionist who has vastly improved my life and my wife Ginger’s life. We have a wide-ranging talk about the similar problems in medicine, psychiatry and nutrition, most of which are driven by industrial profit making instead of sound ethics and science. Pam and I share our mutual critiques and our vision for how it should be in these life-saving fields that too often ruin lives. Hear about our cosponsored conference November 10-12, 2017 in Columbus, Ohio, including two talks by me and two by the amazing Peter Gøtzsche, MD from Denmark. Peter is a real scientist, a profound critic of conventional medicine and psychiatry, and a wildly entertaining speaker; you don’t want to miss him.

321. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.04.17 05oct17

Guest: Jeanne Stolzer
My guest is Dr. Jeanne Stolzer, professor of child development and a dear friend, who has opened my eyes to new ideas since I first met her. Our conversation epitomizes where my thinking is going—toward the integration of nutrition and relationship as the keys to human life, going back to the unborn child in its mother’s womb and then the nursing infant and mother. From the start of life, relationship and nutrition are inextricable. In earlier societies, relationship and nutrition were part of the culture in the form of eating together and religious rituals. We will become a much more physically healthy and much saner society when we improve the lives of the fetus, infant, and young child through improved nutrition and intimate relationship consistent with ages of evolution and our biological nature. It may require society providing economic support for mothers to stay home with their children in the early years. As Jeanne’s research confirms, nursing and intimacy in infancy are not only good for child but also for the mother’s overall physical and mental health. How could it be otherwise? It is how we survived and evolved; it is built into millions of years of biological and cultural evolution! As my own recent changes in nutrition and progressively improving relationships confirm, the benefits of good nutrition and good relationships continue into our older years. Please listen to this show and check out my upcoming conference with nutritionist Pam Popper in Columbus, Ohio November 10-11, 2017 (see Upcoming Events).

320. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.27.17 28sep17

Guest: Peter Gøtzsche
A potentially lifesaving show where I talk in the second half hour about nutritional changes you can make that can improve your physical health dramatically The first half hour briefly describes our upcoming combined nutritional and emotional well-being conference, starting on November 12 in Ohio (see Upcoming Events). Then I am joined by my guest Peter Gøtzsche, the marvelous, heroic Danish physician, and critic of psychiatry who will be speaking at the conference as well. Today’s original show was planned for an hour with Dr. Gøtzsche but technical problems intervened, and I ended up spontaneously giving my first one-half hour talk on nutrition. Changing how you eat can improve your health beyond expectations–and you can do it while buying relatively inexpensive foods from your grocery story without paying for a special diet or costly useless supplements.

319. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.20.17 20sep17

Guest: Brant Mittler
Lawyer and cardiologist Brant Mittler MD is man of enormous insight into the problems of monitoring and evaluating medical and psychiatric treatment, and brims over with enthusiasm for critically intelligent conversation. We talk about a psychiatrist Brant reviled in his medical training, and how I was later an expert against the same doctor. The psychiatrist was abusing his patients and when they complained he would send them to Harvard for lobotomies. Here about the remarkable outcomes of my two cases against him. Brant also read my Michelle Carter Blog Series based on my experience as the medical expert for the girl who supposedly told her boyfriend to get back in his fume-filled truck to die. I finished my blog series today on MadinAmerica.com, also accessible through breggin.com. The Michelle Carter trial is a model for how our society has turned on its children, sacrificing them to the greed of adults and adult institutions including the justice system and psychiatry, and the omnipresent seemingly omnipotent Pharmaceutical Empire.

318. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.13.17 21dec16

Guest: Peter Gøtzsche
Involuntary treatment has led to untold numbers of individual abuses, rampant torture in state hospitals, ECT and lobotomy, neurotoxic drugs, gross offenses against constitutional and human rights, and crimes against humanity. At the Nuremberg Doctors’ trials, involuntary psychiatric “euthanasia” would be described as an entering wedge into the Holocaust. Esteemed Danish medical researcher Peter Gøtzsche, MD, and I confront the horror of involuntary treatment from personal, ethical, scientific, constitutional, and political perspectives. This could be the best and most lively discussion of coercion in psychiatry you will ever hear. Extremely important for understanding the menace of psychiatry. Please tell others about this important hour, the third of four consecutive talks with Peter Gøtzsche. Replay of the 12/21/16 Show.

317. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.06.17 07sep17

Guest: John Read
John Read PhD is a psychologist who has taught and researched in Great Britain, Australia and the US. He has taken on many of the most important mental health issues of our time: the role of neglect and abuse in all so-called mental disorders, the role of trauma in hearing voices, the dreadful impact of long-term exposure to antidepressants, the harm of ECT, and the best approaches to healing emotional suffering, including family interventions. John ‘s voice is positive as he keeps us in touch with the most encouraging innovations, including the growing strength of the movement of voice hearers. A very good show!

316. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.30.17 31aug17

Guest: Pam Popper
The best one-hour discussion about nutrition available anywhere. Nutritionist Pam Popper PhD discusses why people now have so many medical problems that barely or never existed before modern times, such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease, as well as seemingly infinite numbers of immune disorders. The answer is nutrition: we humans no longer eat what evolution prepared us to eat. From there we discuss the general relationship between poor nutrition and emotional problems. Finally, in detail, we talk about the best science-based diet now available, one that’s inexpensive enough to eat on food stamps. This is an amazingly important educational hour.

315. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08/23/17 16apr14

Guest: Thomas D. Ryan
Thomas D. Ryan, MD is a pediatrician so principled and honorable that once he realized it was wrong to psychiatrically diagnose and drug children he stopped doing it and instead began to provide children with what they need. Dr. Ryan is an inspiration and, if listened to, could spearhead a return to sound pediatric practice and save the quality of life of millions of children and future adults. Replay of the April 16, 2014 show.

314. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.16.17 17aug17

Guest: Stefan Ecks
I start this hour by describing an extraordinary attack on my free speech that is currently unfolding surrounding the Michelle Carter suicide-by-texting trial. Please keep track on my Frequent Alerts on www.breggin.com. Then Stefan Ecks, PhD, provides us with information that no one else in the world possesses. It concerns the marketing and consumptions of medications, including psychiatric drugs, in India and other less developed societies. His fascinating information gives insight into the workings of Indian society and also into the dangers of free-for-all marketing almost without regulation. For those of us believe in a relatively free market, it is a grim reminder of what happens when industries and “professionals” are controlled neither by shared ethics nor by regulation.

313. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.09.17 10aug17

Guest: Robert E. Wubbolding
Robert E. Wubbolding, EdD is a practitioner of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy developed by psychiatrist William Glasser, who was a close ally and a friend of mine in his later years. Bob is doing a great job worldwide spreading Reality Therapy. He shares with me his wisdom and experience about how to help people from coaching to intensive psychotherapy, and also about the personality of Bill Glasser.

312. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.02.17 03aug17

Guests: Kermit Cole and Louisa Putnam
Marriage and family therapists Kermit Cole and Louisa Putnam do a wonderful job sharing experiences as family therapists. They have the unique perspective of a couple who works as a team in helping other couples. They bring a broad social perspective. They are also remarkable in their lifelong devotion to psychiatric reform and their leadership in key reform organizations such as Mad in American and The Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care. Their way of life is informative, admirable and fulfilling.

311. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.19.17 20jul17

Guest: Terry Lynch
Terry Lynch is an Irish GP who became a psychotherapist and now devotes himself to helping people through his practice, his books, and his courses for professionals and the public. On the air on my radio show today, I listened to him amazed at how similarly we see the human struggle and how to help people with it. He puts important ideas into words that mirror my own thoughts, only said more clearly, and with a lovely Irish accent. If you care about people and about understanding their struggles, this show will inspire, entertain and educate you. Thank you, Terry!

310. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.12.17 25jul17

Guest: Kim Olver
Kim Olver, psychotherapist and William Glaser Institute director, talks with us again and in more depth about psychotherapy—the basic principles, how to relate to people we are helping, and how to train people to help others. Both of us believe that mental health services can be delivered better and much less expensively by training good people to be therapists without requiring extensive prior schooling and professional degrees. By making training and certificates more easily available, many people could become fine therapists, providing services at much lower costs as trainers or coaches. You can meet Kim Oliver, Bob Whitaker and myself at a Kim’s conference next week, July 26-July 28, 2017 in Raleigh, North Carolina. Our Center for the Study of Empathic Therapy is cosponsoring. For more information, see Upcoming Events.

309. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.05.17 06jul17

Guest: Michael Guy Thompson
My guest Dr. Michael Guy Thompson is creating a radically innovative home for people with serious emotional suffering in San Francisco. Called Gnosis Retreat, it breaks completely with the medical model and views distress as a part of being human. Michael and I talk about friendship and love in recovery and in life. We examine the necessity of helping people “off the grid” to avoid government and psychiatric interference. The problem is not the “high cost” of good approaches because some of the best like Michael’s are the least expensive. The best help often requires relatively little professional involvement and no expensive options like doctors, drugs and hospitals. The supposedly high costs of mental health care are not about the services needed by struggling people. The high costs are about feeding the bloated Pharmaceutical and Medical Empires.

308. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.28.17 29jun17

Guest: Michael Cornwall
A wonderful hour with psychotherapist Michael Cornwall as we talk about helping people in “extreme states.” These are people, in Michael’s words, who get “medically cursed” instead of helped. We explore the true nature of extreme states and helping these people without diagnosing and drugging them. Extreme states can lead to new growth and learning. But artificially inducing them with psychoactive drugs like LSD, in my view, is too dangerous an approach; and I emphasize the risks of treating them with marijuana or its active substances. Michael is so experienced, so dedicated, and so genuine, it is a pleasure to share him with you.

307. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.14.17 15jun17

Guest: Luke Montagu
My guest is British Aristocracy. Luke Montagu is the heir to Mapperton, the finest manor house in England, and is slated to one day become the Earl of Sandwich. But it has not been a charmed or fairytale life and antidepressants almost destroyed him. Instead of retreating into dreams of becoming an Earl, Luke has become one of the most compassionate and caring people I have had the honor to interview on the Dr. Peter Breggin Hour. He puts efforts in supporting the spirituality of the Dali Lama and in developing and distributing programs to teach compassion and forgiveness in schools. Beyond that, he manages to devote himself to the seemingly diverse task of bringing scientific sanity to psychiatry and mental health. I enjoyed and benefitted from having an hour with Luke Montagu. You will, too.

306. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.07.17 08jun17

Guest: Kim Olver
Kim Olver is a coach, counselor and director of the William Glasser Institute. My organization is cosponsoring a great conference with her July 26-29, 2017, including a full-day workshop on July 26 with me and Bob Whitaker (see Upcoming Events). The show with Kim focuses on what people really need to have good lives and then progresses to how a person can become a well-trained certified counselor or coach without going through too much unnecessary and often corrupting education. Training counselors and coaches is basic to delivering decent drug-free mental health services. What is a counselor? What is a coach? Do they need any advanced education other than a certificate from a good training program? All this is basic to the directions we must take to provide relatively inexpensive, high quality emotional and psychological help.

305. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.31.17 31may17

Guest: Pam Popper
My guest Pam Popper, PhD, ND, believes in informed medical decision making and this has led her to partner with me in delivering educational materials and now clinical services aimed at making science-based nutritional, mental health, and medical services widely available. Together, we aim at vastly increasing the available of both the information and the services that people need for healthier minds and bodies. We also preview our upcoming joint conference on nutrition, medicine and mental health November 10-12, 2017. For those of you who know me, this must sound like a major expansion of my interests and purposes—and it is! Come along with me and Pam on this adventure!

304. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.24.17 25may17

Guest: Kim Witczak
“The FDA does more to legitimize drugs than to monitor them!” That’s what I conclude while talking with my guest, courageous Kim Witczak, who lost her husband to a Zoloft suicide, and who has gone on to be a Consumer Representative on FDA Advisory Committees. Kim is your eyes inside the FDA and every show with her is enlightening.

303. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.17.17 18may17

Guest: Michael Corrigan
Did you know that ADHD kids have smaller brains? The esteemed British journal Lancet and 80 plus authors say so, and the media has spread the news. We must be grateful to my guest, Michael Corrigan, EdD, an educator and researcher, for debunking the study, and looking at what is really going on with this fraudulent diagnosis. Claiming that ADHD children have smaller brains fits into a long history of racist and misogynistic claims about white men have larger brains. It is ironic that the article claims to de-stigmatize ADHD by reassuring young people that they have smaller brains causing their problems in school. If you were a child, wouldn’t that make you feel dreadfully stigmatized and even cheated by life? As for me, as I confessed on the show, I have a smaller head, and therefore probably a smaller brain, than most people. My guest tells me on the air that he had the biggest head on his high school football team and hence probably the biggest brain, while when I played football in high school they could not find a helmet small enough to fit me. My helmet was always falling over my eyes, blocking my vision while I ran with the ball. I had to run with my head held up high to keep the helmet from sliding down, which was hazardous to say the least. Well, at least no one told me that my small head, and presumably smaller brain, meant I had a disorder.

302. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.10.17 11may17

Guest: Kevin Miller
Kevin Miller is the filmmaker of Generation Rx and now Letters from Generation Rx. He and I enjoy our tour of common falsehoods sold to us by psychiatry, medicine and nutrition in our world. For the first time in public, I talk more about my own enlightenment about nutrition, and my glorious first six weeks of plant-based eating. Kevin and I achieve a degree of eloquence as we describe the vast web of misinformation created by huge, financially powerful interest groups that push all the many medicines and foods that are more likely to make us sicker than to make us healthier. Good conversation between two old friends and colleagues, and value of continuing to learn.

301. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.03.17 04may17

Guest: Peter Kinderman
My guest, British psychologist Peter Kinderman PhD and I agreed to do a show that examines the politics of mental health including the overall politics of human life, society, and government. This is the first time I have aired my own political principles in such detail on my radio talk show. I believe in Founding Principles of America, including personal freedom and responsibility, and small government. Peter views himself as a socialist who promotes the common good through government services and solutions. Yet we have so much in common in how we criticize biological psychiatry for obscuring and covering up the real sources of human suffering in our personal, family, and societal experiences. Peter and I certainly found this conversation interesting if not unique. We confront some of the most important issues in life, ones that bring us together, and ones that divide us. We illustrate how two people can talk together about their differences and their common viewpoints, reaching toward new and better ways to think about and to organize our lives on a personal and a political level.

300. the dr. peter breggin hour – repeat program – 05.01.17 01May17

Guest: Howard Glasser
A positive, loving approach to helping children and adults in therapy, education and everyday life. Howard Glasser and his Nurtured Heart Approach are transforming thousands of lives around the world. Hear us talk about how you can bring out the best in yourself and others. Replayed from 9.23.15.

299. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.19.17 20apr17

Guest: James Davies
James Davies PhD is a British academic, researcher, therapist, author and political activist in the psychology and mental health arenas. He does it all. To my delight, his activism began when a patient brought him a copy of Toxic Psychiatry! This quickly flowing hour focuses on the politics of psychiatry in Great Britain and the US, its changes over the years, and where it is going now. James is enthusiastic, perceptive and patient-centered in his observations on the mental health field, and his life and work will inspire you.

298. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.12.17 13apr17

Guest: Robert Whitaker
Robert Whitaker calls himself a journalist but I believe he is one of the most important scientists in the world today based on his scientific analyses of the flaws in what passes for research in psychiatry. He is also an insightful social critic. More than that, he is a major figure in the promotion of genuinely therapeutic approaches. For this hour, Bob and I especially examine the larger psychological, moral and social damage done to individuals and institutions, and to society itself, by what Bob calls “the psychiatric narrative.”

297. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.05.17 06apr17

Guest: Jeanne Stolzer
The 300th airing of my PRN radio shows, and it’s a stunner. Jeanne Stolzer PhD and I draw a holistic picture of how human evolution relates to understanding good nutrition, successful early child development, the health of mothers, the sources of physical and emotional disorders in later life, and what all this means for psychotherapy and medical treatment. For me, the conversation is a high-water mark in becoming more holistic in my orientation and my career. This is one of the most important interviews for me in my career, part of a turning point in my orientation toward my work in the world. Some of the ideas may seem startling, but giving them a chance may enhance your life, too.

296. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.29.17 30mar17

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
The best talk I have ever given about the harms of antidepressant drugs such as Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Celexa, Lexapro, Effexor, and Wellbutrin. Impassioned and yet full of devastating facts and truths about the damage done to many, and perhaps most, of people who take them. Not only children but also adults develop suicidal thoughts and behaviors on antidepressants. All ages can develop symptoms of mania and some experience a full-blown manic episode with dangerously uncontrolled, impulsive, grandiose behavior. Others become chronically depressed by these drugs called antidepressants. Many become easily frustrated (irritable) and or even violent, including many mass murders who were taking antidepressants. Ethical people become unethical. Kind people become callous and hateful. Without knowing what has happened to them, almost everyone becomes less caring and less engaged with friends, loved ones, work, recreational activities and life in general. With all that, genuinely scientific studies show that antidepressants are not even helpful, while the FDA defies commonsense and science in how it allows the drug companies to test them! I call for a ban on giving these and other psychiatric drugs to children and ask if any adults, if fully informed, would ever take them.

295. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.21.17 23mar17

Guest: Joanna Moncrieff
One of my best hours! With British psychiatrist Joanna Moncrieff, this is a must-listen-to show. It is thoughtful from beginning to end about how psychiatric drugs really work by disrupting brain function and how they impair our ability to be “sensitive to complex aspects of the environment, such as other people.” I describe how, in my opinion, they are neurotoxins that reduce the individual’s capacity to care about anything including themselves and other people. Joanna and I do not fully agree on all the nuances of these issues, such as should antipsychotic drugs ever be used, and how common and severe are the long-term effects. These differences provide the listener with a unique opportunity to hear a genuine, informed, scientific, and caring discussion covering broad aspects and concerns pertaining to the whole range of psychiatric drugs.

294. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.15.17 16mar17

Guest: Sami Timimi
A great hour with British child psychiatrist Sami Timimi. We focus mostly on children but since all of us were once children, everything is also relevant to adult life. We examine the hazards of calling “unhappiness” or “despair” by a medical term such as “depression” and then prescribing drugs to children. Ultimately we address being a human being, and what children and adults alike really need–trusting, loving relationships. You will learn and be inspired by listening to Dr. Timimi.

293. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.08.17 09mar17

Guest: Peter Gøtzsche
My guest Danish physician Peter Gøtzsche is the cutting edge of psychiatric reform in Europe. Although an internist and highly respected researcher in general medicine, he has now turned his attention to psychiatry and been dismayed. He is devoting himself to stopping psychiatric oppression and to promoting better alternatives. A researcher, educator, and politically astute man, he is turning his critique into live action on the political stage and in the delivery of services. A rousing, don’t-miss exchange between the two of us!

292. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.01.17 02mar17

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
When I found myself without a guest, I delivered a spontaneous hour on my latest thinking about psychiatric drugs. I start out talking about antipsychotic drugs and tardive dyskinesia, and how the “miraculous revolution” in psychopharmacology began with psychiatrists and drug companies promoting neurotoxins as cures. Then I go on to examine the common neurotoxic effects of all psychiatric drugs, finally declaring that all psychiatric drugs are “not caring drugs.” With some subtle variations, psychiatric drugs as a group “work” by causing apathy, loss of interest, reduced spontaneity, and lack of caring. Because of medication spellbinding, individuals often do not realize how their personalities and experience of life have been transformed for the worse, but they feel the relief of no longer caring as much about their emotional suffering, and about the people and activities in their lives. Sometimes the personality changes are subtle in the form of mild indifference and at other times very gross in the form of apathy, catatonia, and withdrawal. Because the medicated individuals no longer care about anything as much as they once did, they often become more docile and “easier to be with.” When their families, teachers, doctors or hospital caretakers find them “improved,” it is often because the drugged patients have become disengaged from themselves and their lives, hence displaying less suffering, and causing less conflict and difficulty. Psychiatry and drug companies, now with the cooperation of all medicine, and many societal institutions, are producing an epidemic of chemical encephalitis with disastrous effects on individuals and society.

291. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.22.17 27feb17

Guest: Ryan Melton
My guest Ryan Melton PhD directs a statewide Oregon program for the identification and treatment of early psychotic disorders called the EASA Center for Excellence. Within the psychiatric reform movement, there are concerns about such programs stigmatizing youth and exposing them to toxic psychiatric drugs; but I believe that Ryan Melton’s program is headed in the right direction. Together we explore what does and does not work in early interventions, as well as the field of early interventions in general, and avoiding the pitfalls created by organized psychiatry. The Oregon program is a good beginning in the direction of providing genuine human services to people who are struggling or in psychological crises.

290. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.15.17 16feb17

Guest: Jeanne Stolzer
I love this hour with my friend Jeanne Stolzer and hope you will, too. We unexpectedly spent the show talking about what psychiatric drugs, alcohol, and marijuana (and all potent psychoactive drugs) are doing to the personal lives of individual children and adults and to society, and what life would be like without these toxic chemicals. The conversation inspired me to take notes as I was listening and talking. Jeanne is a professor of child and adolescent development, and brings an enormous heart and equally enormous intelligence to questions surrounding human life.

289. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.08.17 09feb17

Guest: Richard “Red” Lawhern
Richard “Red” Lawhern is a brilliant, passionate, hardworking nonmedical advocate for pain patients. Listen to this show and you will never look at pain medications in same light. Unlike psychiatric drugs, we both find that opiate and opioid pain medications are often under-prescribed. The under-prescribing of opiates is partly because of the fear of addiction, and partly because drug companies push more expensive drugs that do not work as well and cause more harm. Richard explains how the DEA has intruded into the practice of medicine, setting standards for doctors that are robbing patients of adequate medication coverage for pain, sometimes causing these patients to resort to street drugs with the risk of death by unintentional overdose. Having lost the War Against Drugs, has the DEA attacked a softer target, making a War on Doctors and their Pain Patients? Maybe so.

288. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.01.17 02feb17

Guest: Dawn Nelson
My guest Dawn R. Nelson has a PsyD as well as a Masters in Divinity, and comes from a rich background of thoughtfully providing human services. She conducts her private practice based on principles similar to my Guidelines for Empathic Therapy and will inspire other therapists to practice true to themselves and their ideals. She exemplifies a growing consensus that therapists should be genuine and caring, as well as informed about the importance of childhood and nurturing in respect to who we are as adults. She renews my faith in the future of psychotherapy.

287. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.25.17 26jan17

Guest: Deborah Haas
Deborah Haas MS Ed has decades of experience in the addiction field and works for the Pennsylvania board that sets standards for addiction counselors. Deborah’s personal experience with addiction goes back to age 12 and she provides important insights into the complexities of trying to understand why people become addicted. She describes the harm done in treating people as if they are “broken” or suffering from “biochemical imbalances,” and the inherent contradiction in taking people off one set of drugs only to push them to take another set produced by the Pharmaceutical Empire. She fights the erosion of good therapy by the legal drug dealers. Deborah loved the four-part series of interviews that I did with Danish researcher Peter Gøtzsche, so this a reminder to search for those on breggin.com. Meanwhile, you will enjoy getting to know Deborah Haas, who is a shining light in the field of addiction treatment.

286. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.18.17 19jan17

Guest: David Mielke
David Mielke teaches psychology and sociology in a California high school, where he educates young men and women in the truth about psychiatry. Many of these high school students are taking psychiatric medication, many are diagnosed with ADHD, and some have been told they are too disabled to do routine projects like taking notes from a board. He gives vivid examples of the disabling effects of the diagnoses and how they push young people toward learned helplessness and self-doubt. He describes how the principles of good teaching run smack into the bad teachings of modern psychology and psychiatry. He explains how teachers can empower students to learn and to have more confidence in themselves. This was a very interesting hour for me and should be so for everyone interested in our nation’s youth and in education.

285. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.12.17 12jan17

Guest: Kim Witczak
After I give a 15 minute introduction about how the FDA may be doing more harm than good, Kim Witczak, consumer representative on the FDA Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee, joins me to delve deeply into how the FDA too often betrays its mandate to serve and protect the public, and instead serves and protects the drug companies. Specific topics include the recent unprecedented FDA action of removing a lengthy Black Box warning from the smoking drug Chantix about its severe psychiatric adverse effects including suicide; and the FDA’s present consideration of drug company requests to allow them to market drugs to doctors for purposes that are not approved by the FDA. We also talk about direct to consumer advertising. Evermore, we cannot trust big government; evermore we cannot trust big business; and we cannot trust the legal system either. This hour examines evil without finding an easy way to combat it. On the bright side, it offers inspiration in Kim Witczak and her work as a self-made, highly dedicated and effective reformer!

284. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.04.17 05jan17

Guest: Robert Wubbolding
My guest, Reality Therapist Robert Wubbolding EdD, and I address how to make choices for a better year ahead in 2017. Bob offers practical steps to ensure your choices come out well and we both give examples of good choice making. We also talk about what stops us from making rational choices, both the outside impediments and our internals emotional blocks. It’s about the freedom to choose. This hour can help you to make and keep your New Year’s resolutions, and improve all your future decision-making. Happy New Year to all my listeners!

284. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12.28.16 29dec16

Guest: Peter C. Gøtzsche
Peter Gøtzsche, MD, an extraordinary physician and researcher, talks with me about the self-deception and denial rampant in psychiatry as we ask, “How can our colleagues behave in this way?” We look at the mountain of money, power and authority looming over our reform efforts and ask, “How can we succeed?” A heartfelt conversation about the disaster of modern psychiatry and our personal and professional efforts to come to grips with it. We look at the plight of patients whose doctors do not listen to them and indeed the plight of psychiatrists seemingly compelled to do harm regardless of the truth and any efforts to stop them. This is the final in a marvelous series of four consecutive conversations with Peter about the state of psychiatry and what can be done about it, available on prn.fm and on breggin.com. I can think of no better introduction to psychiatric reform than listening to these four dialogues.

282. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12.21.16 22dec16

Guest: Peter C. Gøtzsche
Involuntary treatment has led to untold numbers of individual abuses, rampant torture in state hospitals, ECT and lobotomy, neurotoxic drugs, gross offenses against constitutional and human rights, and crimes against humanity. At the Nuremberg Doctors’ trials, involuntary psychiatric “euthanasia” would be described as an entering wedge into the Holocaust. Esteemed Danish medical researcher Peter Gøtzsche, MD, and I confront the horror of involuntary treatment from personal, ethical, scientific, constitutional, and political perspectives. This could be the best and most lively discussion of coercion in psychiatry you will ever hear. Extremely important for understanding the menace of psychiatry. Please tell others about this important hour, the third of four consecutive talks with Peter Gøtzsche.

281. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12.14.16 15dec16

Guest: Peter C. Gøtzsche
Extremely provocative and yet absolute true: Psychiatric drug-induced violence and suicide, and the underlying evil that drives pharmaceutical cover-ups! Peter C. Gøtzsche, MD, Danish researcher, joins me for the second of four one-hour examinations of what he calls “Deadly Psychiatry and Organized Denial.” Drawing on the most recent research, this discussion left me nearly shouting in my outrage over what is routinely taking place in psychiatry and the Pharmaceutical Empire, and its rampant abuse of patients. Listen to all four weekly discussions with this brilliant, dedicated, ethical physician, starting December 7, 2016.

280. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.07.16 08dec16

Guest: Peter C. Gøtzsche
This is the first of four consecutive hours with Peter C. Gøtzsche MD, author of Deadly Psychiatry and Organized Denial. Dr. Gøtzsche is an internationally esteemed scientist from Denmark who became appalled when he began to examine psychiatric research and clinical practices, independently coming to many of the same conclusions as I have. He documents his work with a fresh, insightful scientific approach. In this hour, we examine the enormous gap between how psychiatrists perceive their patients and how their patients perceive themselves, and how the drive to drug corrupts prescribers, making them unable to appreciate or understand the people that they are treating.

279. the dr. peter breggin hour –11.30.16 01dec16

Guest: Michael Fontaine
An astonishing hour with classicist Michael Fontaine PhD relating Greek and Roman tragedies to madness, psychosis, the oppression and liberation of women, the impact of Elvis and the Beatles, and the fear that men have of women and of slaves. Truly a rich and thoughtful conversation about psychology and life, now and in the past, and its common themes of conflict and injustice.

278. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.16.16 16nov16

Guest: Kim Witczak
Kim Witczak lost her husband to antidepressant-induced suicide and has become a powerful advocate speaking truth to the Pharmaceutical Empire. Hear her astonishing story of one person’s impact in Washington, DC, including her recent appointment as the Consumer Representative on the FDA Advisory Committee that makes recommendations about approving psychiatric drugs. Learn about the new drug company thrust to undermine Black Box warnings on drugs about suicide and violence. A very informative and inspiring hour with a great consumer advocate. A real glimpse into the corruption rampant in government/industry relationships.

277. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.09.16 10nov16

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
I spent this hour addressing the grief of American progressives and the dismay of many Europeans over the defeat of Hillary Clinton and the election victory of Donald Trump. I draw on my book, Wow! I’m an American! How to Live Like Our Heroic Founders and present what I call the Primary Principles of living a good life. No one knows how Trump will act as President but many of us hope he will, at least to some degree, promote the great principles that founded this nation. I hope that sharing these ideas on the radio, at this time of grief and anger for many, will help to heal the rancor and to help those who feel grief and rage to understand those of us who have more hope for the future of America.

276. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.02.16 03nov16

Guest: Pam Popper
Wonderful Pam Popper, premier scientific nutritionist and successful innovator, will educate and inspire you about the real road to overall health. Listen and come to her stunning wellness conference in Columbus OH. I will be presenting and in the mornings amid a full day of great scientific presenters.

275. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.26.16 27oct16

Guest: Paula Caplan
Paula Caplan PhD, psychologist and playwright, talks about her upcoming off-broadway show, Shades, as well as her participation in another more absurd drama on committees of the notorious American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Paula is a person of enormous creativity, insight and courage. For those of you who have already heard Paula on two earlier shows, this is a whole new expression of her lively existence on Earth.

274. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.12.16 13oct16

Guest: Gretchen Watson
My guest Gretchen Watson, PhD takes us on a fascinating trip from helping children escape ADHD and drugs to helping companies overcome workplace errors and injuries. Her career expresses the truth that from family life to organizational life, many of the principles of healthy, successful living are the same. Gretchen is President of Safety and Leadership Solutions.

273. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.05.16 06oct16

Guest: Robert Foltz
I begin with my role in an $11.9 million Paxil suicide case. Then a favorite guest, Robert Foltz PsyD and I talk about his research on the patients’ view of treatment and his continuing study of the risks of psychiatric drugs for children. Dr. Foltz is a role model for being an honorable and effective psychologist.

272. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.28.16 29sep16

Guest: Melanie Sears
My guest, Melanie Sears PhD, is a trainer for the Center of Nonviolent Communications. Based on self-awareness and empathy, the approach improves communication on every level from working with individuals and couples to working with hospitals and businesses. It enhances any therapeutic activity or relationship, large or small. Genuinely holistic and clearly effective, the nonviolent communication approach should be a central part of our family, professional and community lives.

271. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.21.16 26sep16

Guest: Wayne Douglas
Wayne Douglas went through benzo hell and lived to tell the tale, leaving psychiatric drugs behind. His story teaches us how bad benzodiazepines are for the human body and soul, and also how hard work and determination, and healthy living, can help us triumph over the nasty mental and neurological effects of these drugs during both toxic exposure and withdrawal. He shares his experiences trying to get redress in the Japanese court system and, as a bonus, he also dramatically describes how he also survived the Fukushima earthquake and the subsequent nuclear meltdown. Very interesting stories from a courageous man!

270. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.07.16 08sep16

Guest: Patrick D. Hahn
Patrick D. Hahn takes us on an energetic tour of the Pharmaceutical Empire from fish exposed to Prozac and Xanax in contaminated rivers to corrupt doctors being paid off at Harvard. The Pharmaceutical Empire pollutes at every level. Patrick exemplifies how professionals outside the mental health field are appalled by what they find going on with psychiatric drugs and can make important contributions to critical psychiatry and pharmacology. Be informed and be inspired!

269. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 08.31.16 01Sep16

Guest: Thomas J. Moore
My guest scientist Thomas J. Moore, who tells greatly informatives stories, does peerless epidemiological research and education in the field of adverse drug effects. His science combined with anecdotes makes this a very important hour. Tom confronts the discrepancy between real neuroscience and drug-company inspired research. They are light years apart. Subjects include the smoking cessation drug Chantix and other medications that cause violence and suicide, and the overall complexity of brain function.

268. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 08.25.16 25Aug16

Guest: Joanna Moncrieff
Joanna Moncrieff MD is a stellar British psychiatrist, a combination of scientist, clinician and caring human being too rarely seen in our profession. All of her books are worth reading. She talks to us about progress in the treatment of people labelled “schizophrenic” and how the British psychiatric establishment is responding to new information about drug-induced brain damage. You will get in on the ground floor of the study she is leading in Great Britain to try carefully withdrawing so-called schizophrenic patients from their antipsychotic drugs, which is an important event in our field. Join us!

267. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 08.17.16 17Aug16

Guest: John Read
Fast-moving, informative, insightful interview with John Read, PhD, psychologist, professor in England, and a cutting-edge thinker and researcher. I learned stuff. We give and take about “What is psychosis?”, “What are hallucinations?” and “What helps very distressed people?” as well as “What’s the matter with psychiatry, Where is it going, Who nowadays joins the profession, and finally Can it be salvaged?” Surprising and thoughtful conversation!

266. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 08.10.16 11Aug16

Guest: Gina Nikkel
Gina Nikkel PhD is President and CEO of the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care. It funds a broad array of very positive mental health approaches such as Open Dialogue, the Hearing Voices movement, Continuing Education that actually educates, and even nutritional approaches. If you have a good idea of your own, you might even be able to get help or direction through the Fund and if you have money, there are wonderful projects that need your donations. Support the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care—it’s our future!

265. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 08.03.16 04Aug16

Guest: Katinka Blackford-Newman
Katinka Blackford-Newman , a British filmmaker and author of “The Pill that Steals Lives,” endured a year in psychiatric hell from which she escaped to tell the tale with remarkable grace, skill and clarity. Her story demonstrates the horrors created by psychiatric drugs as well as the good fortune of some who fully recover. Her voice is strong, uncorrupted by victimization, and determined to help sound the alarm. It is an honor to present her to you. Be inspired to speak out!

264. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 07.27.16 28Jul16

Guest: Michael Corrigan
Dr. Michael Corrigan, my friend and a professor at the Ohio State University is an outstanding scientist in the field of assessment and evaluation of children’s services and, at the same time, a tremendous advocate for children and critic of the medical approach to their problems. He’s a leader in the field worth listening to.

263. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 07.20.16 20Jul16

Guest: Pat Bracken
Pat Bracken, MD is an Irish psychiatrist and philospher who brings enormous courage, caring, empathy and thoughtfulness to his work. You will be inspired by his respect for different cultures and individuals. Learn that even victims of torture can triumph spiritually over what they have endured.

262. The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 07.06.16 06Jul16

Guest: Pam Popper
Every one of us can receive lifesaving health-enhancing information from Pam Popper, PhD, founder of The Wellness Forum who explains how we can eat ourselves out of bad health and into good health with the kinds of foods that humans have genetically evolved to eat. She offers a rational, science-based approach that all of us can benefit from. Pam is also a shining example of standing up for truth in healthcare in the face of aggressive establishment opposition.

261. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.29.16 29jun16

Guest: Andrew Thibault
Andrew Thibault of Parents against Pharmaceutical Abuse provides stunning data on psychiatric drug-induced fatalities and homicides based on his highly sophisticated analyses of millions of reports to the FDA. Learn how 280 stimulant drug death reports for children may reflect 28,000 actual fatalities over ten years. Learn how 700 reported cases of homicide for all psychiatric drugs in all ages may reflect multiples more actual murders over the decade. I took notes like a student listening to Andrew.

260. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.22.16 22jun16

Guest: Dave Traxson
Brilliant and caring British child psychologist Dave Traxson and I engaged each other around the best and the worst in child therapy and education, from innovative approaches to understanding and helping children to analyzing what Dave calls “psychopharmaceutically-induced isolation” and “the chemical colonization of the minds of children.” Listening to Dave is always an entertaining learning experience.

259. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.15.16 15jun16

Guest: Michael Cornwall
My guest, psychologist Michael Cornwall, and I discuss candy-coated amphetamines! Yes, the FDA has approved sweetened amphetamines for children to melt in their mouths. You will hear me as outraged as I’ve ever been on the radio! We also talk about the essentials of what parents really need to do to help their children have better, more effective and happier lives.

258. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.08.16 08jun16

Guest: Irving Kirsch
The scientific results are in: Antidepressants do not work. Premier researcher Irving Kirsch, PhD brilliantly explains the facts. Then we have a friendly debate about why psychiatry and medicine have continued to escalate their prescription of antidepressants despite the over overwhelming facts. I have the darker view on human motivation.

257. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.01.16 01jun16

Guest: Donna Rockwell
A profound, thoughtful and moving hour about mindfulness with psychologist Donna Rockwell, PsyD. Listen carefully to her words and her spirit, and I believe it will add to your life as it has to mine. You will find yourself refreshed and reminded of what it means to create the kind of life, work, love and friendships you really want to have.

256. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.25.16 25may16

Guest: Peg Haust-Arliss
Peg Haust-Arliss is a holistic psychotherapist from Seneca Falls, NY, who brings enormous enthusiasm and wisdom to her work and to this hour. Peg describes liberating herself from disabling anxiety, and becoming a therapist who brings together a variety of therapeutic, health, and spiritual approaches. She exemplifies the direction increasingly taken by many of the best therapists.

255. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.18.16 18may16

Guest: Bob Nikkel
With a passionate condemnation of psychiatric “euthanasia”–that’s how I begin. Then my guest Bob Nikkel talks about pioneering programs in mental health and their funding by theFoundation for Excellence in Mental Health, including a US family-oriented therapeuticintervention with an 80% success rate in returning people with acute psychosisto community, school, work, and ultimately to a better and happier life. Psychosocial therapies work; drug therapiesmake people worse. This is what scienceis confirming.

254. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.04.16 04may16

Guest: Andrew Almazan
Andrew Almazan PhD (at age 17) and MD (at age 21) specializes in helping gifted children, and in protecting them from those who would level them with drugs and oppressive social policies. He sounds an international alarm! He also has important ideas about IQ testing and why we should not give it up, as California has done. Via interactive video, I will address his First International Conference in Mexico on Gifted Children May 30, 2016. An important event!

253. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.27.16 27apr16

Guest: Richard A. Lawhern
The CDC has recently published warnings against doctors over-prescribing opiates for pain. Is there more to this than meets the eye? Richard A. Lawhern discusses how the CDC is causing doctors to abandon their patients, and doing more harm than good. Most pain meds are not nearly as profitable as drugs like Eli Lilly’s Zyprexa. I offer evidence that drug companies like Lilly are trying to open a new market in pain patients who are finding it harder to get opiates that cost less and work far better.

252. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.20.16 20apr16

Guest: Kelly Brogan MD
Kelly Brogan MD is a shining star of a psychiatrist! You will want to know her! Coming through the establishment, she broke free to treat patients the way she would want to be treated, and from there, to a deeper understanding of life from the menace of the psychopharmaceutical ideology to the worth of what we both call psychospirituality. You are guaranteed to benefit from spending time with her.

251. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.13.16 13apr16

Guest: Robert Whitaker
Robert Whitaker, one of the great critics of modern psychiatry, examines how the partnership between the pharmaceutical industry and psychiatry has corrupted psychiatry, done extraordinary injury to our society, and created a cultural outlook devoid of intellectual and spiritual depth. Bob unravels the historical details of how this tragedy came about and concludes with a profound critique of its consequences. It’s a fascinating master class masquerading as talk radio.

250. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.06.16 06apr16

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest

MY MOST IMPORTANT SHOW EVER! I spend the hour by myself talking to you about psychiatric drugs and rational psychopharmacology. Learn basic principles like the brain-disabling effect of psychiatric drugs, medication spellbinding, and chronic brain impairment. For every category of psychiatry drugs, learn how their good effects are falsified and the bad ones covered up. Finally get an overall understanding about how this multi-billion dollar industry stands on feet of quicksand, and we’re the ones sinking into it. This is the basic introduction to my decades of clinical and scientific work, with directions for where to find the background scientific information. Please listen to this and pass it on to others. It is literally lifesaving information.

249. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.30.16 30mar16

Guest: Krista MacKinnon
Marvelous Krista MacKinnon, founder ofFamilieshealingtogether.com, deserves everyone’s attention. She comes from her own “lived experience”with biopsychiatry. Now she has an online program for healing through loving family without emphasis upon diagnoses and drugs. A pioneering approach in healing individuals in the context of a more loving family life.

248. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.23.16 23mar16

Guest: Andrew Almazan
Andrew Almazan, MD PhD, a 21-year-old child prodigy, provides one of the best interviews ever. Learn about senile ADHD in the US. Learn how Mexico purposely dumbs down students to make them “equal.” Full of shocking surprises and also inspiration from an extraordinary professional.

247. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.16.16 16mar16

Guest: Orly Wahba
Orly Wahba so inspires me, I hardly say a word. Do not miss this! With amazing energy and creativity, joy and pathos, she goes to the heart of both bringing people together and living a good life.

246. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.09.16 09mar16

Guest: John Jureidini
An important hour. Australian psychiatrist John Jureidini describes how primary care doctors and others can really help children who are in distress, on training people to help others in emotional difficulty, on being a minimalist when trying to help, and the limits of psychiatric drugs.

245. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.02.16 02mar16

Guest: Niall (Jock) McLaren
Australian psychiatrist Niall (Jock) McLaren is an extremely courageous, honest and dedicated professional who makes a powerful philosophical critique of modern psychiatry. He also talks about his recent successful effort to stop a case of involuntary shock treatment (ECT).

244. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.24.16 24feb16

Guest: Michael Fontaine
What does madness in ancient Greek drama tell us about madness today? An extremely enlightening discussion with Michael Fontaine, Professor of Classics, with insights into how we can best think about hallucinations and delusions.

243. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.17.16 17feb16

Guests: Tim Evans and Geri Carter
Sex and love, how to enjoy it, with Tim Evans and Geri Carter. Also, briefly about our upcoming March 3-5 conference together near Tampa, Florida. A very good discussion about how to improve or reclaim a loving relationship.

242. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.10.16 10feb16

Guest: Matthew Whoolery
Who are we? What is a human? Be enthralled as Matthew Whoolery and I focus on his adventures among the African Himba. See what earlier human lifestyles can tell us about who we really without the confounding influence of modern “civilization.”

241. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.03.16 03feb16

Guest: Kevin Miller
The great new film is Letters from Generation Rx. The heroic maker and my guest is Kevin Miller. Along with other psychiatric reformers, we are also getting together at a marvelous conference for the public March 3-5, 2016 in Florida. Learn about Kevin, his stunning film, and the conference in this stellar hour.

240. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.27.16 27jan16

Guest: Joanne Cacciatore
Meet Joanne Cacciatore for a beautiful hour. As I have been, you will be a better person for it. From grief to love, we share thoughts with you on what really matters. This archive is a treasure chest.

239. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.20.16 20jan16

Guest: Ted Chabasinski
My guest Ted Chabasinski, lawyer and psychiatric reformer, and I start out talking about the FDA’s recent decision that ECT is so safe that shock treatment never has to be tested. Really! We then share heart-felt thoughts about life and politics.

238. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.13.16 13jan16

Guest: Bart Billings
Do we need “drug control” rather than “gun control?” Should people on psych drugs be prevented from owning guns? My guest Bart Billings, PhD, who Is a warrior on behalf of warriors, raises these and other thought-provoking questions.

237. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12.30.15 30dec15

Guest: Michael Cornwall
Welcome the New Year with me and my guest Michael Cornwall sharing personal stories and thoughts about what makes for a good life. Too much anger or numbness? Too much guilt, shame and anxiety? Not enough love? We want to inspire you to make the most of the coming year.

236. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12.09.15 09dec15

Guest: Bob Jacobs
Australian/American psychologist and lawyer Dr. Bob Jacobs presents a radical approach to parenting and education in dramatic contrast to what those words usually mean. He starts from the premise that people are essentially good and non-violent, and ultimately know what’s good for themselves. It makes for very interesting back and forth about human nature and practical applications to parent-teacher-child relationships.

235. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.18.15 18nov15

Guest: Lyle Murphy
Lyle Murphy is the founder of Alternative to Meds Center in Sedona, Arizona, the only licensed residential treatment program that focuses on psychiatric drug withdrawal. Lyle tells his unique, courageous story about overcoming psychosis and then explains how his center works and how others can build one. I hope this show will inspire people around the world to think about what they can do to start a residential center for psychiatric drug withdrawal. It is one of the most important needs in the field of health today.

234. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.11.15 11nov15

Guest: Michael Cornwall
Nightmarish social control becomes a medical reality. My guest Michael Cornwall blows the whistle on probable FDA approval of a lobotomizing antipsychotic drug with a microchip that tells authorities whether you have really swallowed it. The brutal personal and societal implications are staggering.

233. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11.04.15 04nov15

Guest: Suzanne Beachy
You may not heard of Suzanne Beachy–she represents untold millions of mothers who have lost their children due to psychiatry’s failure to offer beneficial, caring human services, and indeed due to psychiatry’s opposition to them. Listen to Suzanne’s first radio appearance, feel comforted and feel inspired, and understand that informed and determined parents are key to successful psychiatric reform.

232. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.21.15 21oct15

Guest: Paula J. Caplan
Paula J. Caplan PhD and I begin with the latest news flash on what works for “schizophrenia.” Then we critically examine the concepts of “mental illness” and “treatment,” and ask ourselves “From youngsters having a breakdown to veterans returning from war, what do all people really need in order to heal?” A show that tells the truth about all of us.

231. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.14.15 14oct15

Guest: Michael Corrigan
Educational psychologist Michael Corrigan EdD debunks ADHD and offers solid suggestions on what our children really need in school and at home. We range over many emerging alternatives from “flipping the classroom” to charter schools, and fallacies in testing academic progress.

230. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10.07.15 08oct15

Guest: Terry Lynch
From Ireland, Terry Lynch MD tells how he changed his professional life to really help people in emotional distress. He explains how psychiatrists delude themselves rather than face the reality that they are telling lies. A very thoughtful man.

229. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.30.15 30sep15

Guest: Danielle Egan
Journalist Danielle Egan and I document the tragic truth about Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for depression, and about psychosurgery past and present. Danielle is a courageous, brilliant journalist, well-armed with facts, who has personally interviewed victims of these technological abuses.

228. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.23.15 24sep15

Guest: Howard Glasser
A positive, loving approach to helping children and adults in therapy, education and everyday life. Howard Glasser and his Nurtured Heart Approach are transforming thousands of lives around the world. Hear us talk about how you can bring out the best in yourself and others.

227. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.16.15 16sep15

Guest: Bertram Karon
A master class in psychotherapy to help very disturbed and even violent people. Bertram Karon, PhD may be the most experienced clinician and researcher in the world concerning drug-free treatment of people labeled “schizophrenic” or rejected as incurably violent. He is also the most articulate. Bert provides very detailed real life stories and concludes with scientific research.

226. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.09.15 09sep15

Guest: Rebecca Hatton
My guest Rebecca Hatton, PsyD is trained in the Open Dialogue family therapy approach to treating psychosis. The model program produces complete remission and return to work or school in over 80% using little or no drugs. Knowing about this is a must for anyone interested in what direction our field needs to take. Very informative

225. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09.02.15 02sep15

Guest: Paula Caplan

Paula Caplan, PhD, psychologist, researcher, author and courageous advocate gives profound insight into the fraud and greed that keep psychiatric diagnosis alive and well–while those diagnosed have their lives destroyed. Very powerful!

224. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.26.15 28aug15

Guest: Peter Gøtzsche
Danish physician and scientist Peter Gøtzsche and I provide an extremely hard-hitting critique of psychiatric drugs and involuntary treatment. Dr. Gøtzsche is hero! Listen and benefit, and also attend two upcoming conferences in Denmark and England.

223. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.19.15 24aug15

Guest: James Holmes and Martha Rosenberg
I report on James Holmes, the Aurora shooter, and how Zoloft helped turn him from harboring violent thoughts to committing mass murder. Then Martha Rosenberg, a top investigative reporter, talks with me about drug company front groups pushing poisons on children and college students, and bad outcomes that are guaranteed.

222. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.12.15 12aug15

Guest: Robert Whitaker
Robert Whitaker, one of the best researchers ever in psychiatry and mental health, talks about why psychiatry has pursued its current state of moral dilapidation. Then we go on together to discuss the deep social harm caused by what Bob calls psychiatry’s “impoverished philosophy of being.” I hope you will listen and be inspired by this interesting conversation.

221. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08.05.15 05aug15

Guest: Gregory A. Smith
My guest Gregory A. Smith, MD talks about his new film, American Addict II, examines the corruption of American society by drug dealers (legal and illegal), and describes his informed therapeutic approach to withdrawal from psychiatric drugs and opiates. Full of good facts and inspiring.

220. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.29.15 31jul15

Guest: Gina and Bob Nikkel
Gina and Bob Nikkel keep us abreast of cutting edge, pioneering work sponsored by the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care, including the Voice Hearers movement, non-drug company medical education, and long-term follow studies of people labeled schizophrenic. There is hope–and its represented by these two great people and their growing organization.

219. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.22.15 22jul15

Guest: Jennifer Maurer
Jennifer Maurer, fun coach, play coaches me on the air, much to my benefit and very likely for yours as well. Find out the importance of play in our lives and in therapy. It’s greater than you might think.

218. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.15.15 15jul15

Guest: Jeanne Stolzer
Jeanne Stolzer and I talk again about love, attachment theory, secrets to life, the origins of anxiety, our relationships with dogs, and what it means to be both a mammal and a human being. I loved it.

217. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.08.15 09jul15

Guest: Mel Schwartz
What is human nature? Psychotherapist and philosopher Mel Schwartz and I differ, as we discuss everything from couples therapy to international politics. Thought-provoking!

216. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07.01.15 01jul15

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
About my newest book, Guilt, Shame and Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming Negative Emotions. These self-defeating emotions are primitive instincts built into us by evolution, but we can achieve emotional freedom from them.

215. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.24.15 24jun15

Guest: Jon Rappoport
We live in unreality created by media in the service of corporations and government. If you doubt this, listen to my guest Jon Rappoport who brings blazing insight and inspiration to the struggle for truth in our society.

214. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.17.15 17jun15

Guest: Bonnie Burstow
Bonnie Burstow, radical feminist therapist and author calls for the abolition of psychiatry. We talk about that and the kind of society that would empower people to heal and to love one another. Strong stuff.

213. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06.10.15 10jun15

Guest: Jeffrey Masson
Do dogs teach us how to love? Do they build our self-esteem? Would we be human without dogs? Jeffrey Masson and I in a very lively hour delve into us and dogs, and ask “Who’s better?”

212. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.20.15 20may15

Guest: Jeffrey Masson
A denied psychiatric atrocity: psychiatry’s organized mass murder of mental patients in Germany was the “entering wedge” for the Holocaust. Jeffrey Masson and I describe how psychiatry aided and inspired the murder of millions of Jews and others deemed inferior by the Nazis.

211. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.13.15 18may15

Guest: Jeffrey Masson
An amazing, moving, enlightening hour! Jeffrey Masson discloses how Freud denied child abuse to further his own career. Freud’s cowardice in the face of truth has repercussions for how all of us choose to live our lives.

210. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05.06.15 06may15

Guest: Jeffrey Masson
My guest Jeffrey Masson is an extraordinarily honest and honorable man whose work has spanned exposing Freud’s betrayal of victims of incest and abuse to helping us to understand and love animals. Today we ask, “Are dogs more loving than people?” and “Why are we so violent?” A favorite show of mine.

209. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.29.15 29apr15

Guest Michael W. Corrigan
My guest Michael W. Corrigan, EdD spearheads a movement to enlighten the world about the fakery behind ADHD and stimulant drugs. The future of our children depends on the support we give to dedicated professionals like Dr. Corrigan. Join the movement to protect and promote our kids!

208. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.22.15 22apr15

Guest: Jess DiGiorgianni
A fascinating discussion with psychotherapist Jess DiGiorgianni, PhD a student of the classics, neuroscience, and the art of living. Is guilt ever deserved? Does creativity require suffering? What does it mean to “disappear” as a therapist?

207. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.08.15 08apr15
Guest: Ted Chabasinski
Dramatic, touching, inspiring, informative. Ted Chabasinski at age six was given shock treatment but went on to become a brilliant civil rights attorney defending the otherwise defenseless victims of psychiatry. He talks with me and you about his life and work, and the upcoming May 16th worldwide protest against ECT.

206. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04.01.15 01apr15

Guest: Jeanne Stolzer
Super show! Stuff I never knew about attachment, gender differences, early childhood and our anxieties. With amazing Jeanne Stolzer, PhD.

205. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03.18.15 18mar15

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
Today I talk directly to you without a guest about follow up studies showing that children diagnosed with ADHD 35 years ago have had their lives destroyed as grownups with brain damage and high death rates. I describe how and why this happens. I also describe our upcoming April 17-19 conference in East Lansing, Michigan, in the process surveying some of the best going on in our field.

204. the dr. peter breggin hour – repeat program – 02.25.15 25feb15

Guest: Martin Paul Whitely
A very powerful show about psychiatric reform and psychiatric malfeasance with Martin Paul Whitely, former parliamentarian in Western Australia and an extraordinarily positive influence in regard to controlling psychiatry. Please listen to this. (replay from 10.22.14)

203. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.11.15 11feb15

Guest: David Drew
Spend an hour with a truly brave and moral man, whistleblower pediatrician Dr. David Drew from Britain’s National Health Service–before they fired him. Learn the hazards of bureaucratic medicine! Learn to live an honest life and to enjoy it!

202. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.28.15 28jan15

Guest: Bob Wubbolding
Therapist Bob Wubbolding, EdD and I discuss the heritage of choice-theorist William Glasser, and the nature and worth of psychotherapy, and its relevance to life and love. I conclude that we need to spend much more time “chirping together.” See if you agree.

201. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01.07.15 08jan15

Guest: Brant Mittler
Brant Mittler, MD, JD, cardiologist and attorney, brings enormous experience, wisdom and honesty to medical issues from eugenics and euthanasia to “managed care.” A conversation that will say something new to anyone who listens. Don’t miss it!

200. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12.17.14 18dec14

Guest: Gary Sidley
British psychologist Gary Sidley and I discuss his journey of disillusionment with the establishment and then freely indulge our thoughts and fantasies about what an ideal “mental health services” would look like. I found it interesting.

199. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12.10.14 10dec14

Guest: Martin Harrow
Do not miss this show with psychologist Martin Harrow who has done the most extensive scientific follow ups on what happens to patients labeled schizophrenic when they stop their drugs early on versus when they continue taking them. Guess which group does by far the best–the drug-free or the drugged? Even I was surprised at the dramatic results.

198. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12.03.14 03dec14

Guest: Michael Fontaine
Michael Fontaine, PhD, a scholar of classic Roman and Greek society, illuminates our modern fields of psychology and psychiatry with his insights. Did you know that criticism and ridicule was heaped on biological psychiatry from its inception in ancient Greece? A very interesting, thoughtful, and enlightening hour.

197. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11/19/14 19nov14

Guest: Dave Traxson
British chartered psychologist Dave Traxson describes the “psychoeconomic colonization” of children by the pharmaceutical and medical industries and what stressed children really need instead. Interested in saving our children? Listen to this show, please.

196. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11/12/14 12nov14

Guest: Jonathon Rottenberg
If you would like to think deeply about human biological evolution, and how it has prepared (and failed to prepare) us for modern living, my guest Jonathon Rottenberg and I do our best to reach into this fascinating and all-important subject. We start with the origins of depression and move on from there.

195. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11/05/14 05nov14

Guest: M. Keene Hueftle
My guest M. Keene Hueftle PhD, a wise therapist, digs deep with me into the hazards of psychiatric diagnosis. Learn how the Malleus Maleficarum used to identify witches in the Inquisition was the forerunner of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

194. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10/29/14 29oct14

Guest: Kim Olver
Kim Olver LCPC of the William Glasser International and I share ideas on psychotherapy, coaching, helplessness, overcoming negative emotions, choice, and success in life. Interesting and valuable for self-improvement or for helping others.

193. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10/22/14 22oct14

Guest: Martin Paul Whitely
A very powerful show about psychiatric reform and psychiatric malfeasance with Martin Paul Whitely, former parliamentarian in Western Australia and an extraordinarily positive influence in regard to controlling psychiatry. Please listen to this.

192. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10/15/14 15oct14

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
When last minute technical difficulties kept my guest from connecting, I devoted the hour to my forthcoming book, Guilt, Shame and Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming Negative Emotions. I talk about the roots of what I call “negative legacy emotions” in biological evolution and childhood, with the aim of achieving emotional freedom! Out on December 4, it can now be purchased in advance on Amazon.com.

191. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10/08/14 08oct14

Guest: Kelly Parsons
Kelly Parsons in a physician with a first novel, a medical thriller called Doing Harm, that may become a bestseller. Learn about what it takes to write your first novel, and also about safety issues in medicine from an expert.

190. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10/01/14 01oct14

Guest: Gaia Marcus
British researcher Gaia Marcus is on the cutting edge of helping people connect for their psychological and physical improvement. But can technology inspire social relationships? Can a computer be a tool for a more fulfilling life? Important questions and interesting new directions.

189. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09/24/14 24sep14

Guest: Gina Nikkel
My guest is Gina Nikkel, Executive Director of the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care. Her group funds the most cutting edge, pioneering and successful projects in recovery today. Her work offers hope for the future. You will want to say, as I do, “Thank you, Gina.”

188. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09/17/14 19sep14

Guest: Michael Orban
My guest Michael Orban vividly describes his journey from the jungles of Vietnam and the trauma of war through a recovery that includes regaining meaning from African pigmies and their spiritual immersion in nature. He was inspired, as I have also been, by Albert Schweitzer’s “will to live” and “reverence for life,” and explains how he applies relationship and values to helping veteran’s from today’s wars.

187. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09/10/14 10sep14

Guest: Penelope Young Andrade
Listening to Penelope Young Andrade LCSW exchange with ideas me is like immersing yourself in an inspiring psychotherapy session. Learn more about your emotions and how they can promote your success and happiness! For clients, therapists who want to be true to their work, and anybody with feelings.

186. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09/03/14 03sep14

Guest: Jeanne Stolzer
Jeanne Stolzer, professor of child and adolescent development, will amaze you with her science-based insights into the vast importance of truly natural childbirth, of nursing, and of mother-child physical and emotional closeness. Controversial and factual. Hear me lapse into stunned silence. PS: I’ll be giving a free lecture at her university in Kearney, Nebraska the evening of Sept 15.

185. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08/27/14 27aug14

Guest: Gretchen LeFever Watson
Gretchen LeFever Watson, Ph.D, inspires us with clarity and thoughtfulness as we range over how to help an entire school improve its academic performance and quality of life, and how to apply the same positive principles to family and corporate life–all while fending off the Psychopharmaceutical Complex. Life lessons from a courageous psychologist!

184. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08/06/14 06aug14

Guest: Richard Lawhern
Advocate Richard Lawhern’s first ever radio show turned out to be one of my most enlightening. Learn how psychiatric diagnoses can demoralize and lead to suicide. Learn the risks of being diagnosed with somatoform or somatic symptom disorders. Even more about the perfidy of DSM-5!

183. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07/23/14 23jul14

Guest: Orly Wahba
Orly Wahba is taking the world by storm with kindness! Her project “Life Vest Inside” unites people throughout the world to spread kindness, promoting the essence of what’s good and helpful. “The more I give, the more I heal” she declares as she touches tens of millions.

182. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07/16/14 16jul14

Guest: Sami Timimi
Sami Timimi is a thoughtful, caring British child and adolescent psychiatrist who represents the finest traditions and newest thinking in our field. Sami talks eloquently and specifically about what really works in helping distressed children and families, and it’s not drugs and diagnoses.

181. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07/09/14 09jul14

Guest: Beth Darnall
Beth Darnall, PhD is a psychologist specializing in pain management whose insights apply to mental as well as physical suffering. Learn why and how not to catastrophize! Inspiring information about mind over matter, with many lessons that apply to all of life!

180. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07/02/14 02jul14

Guest: Betty Kilbride
Betty Kilbride is an author and show host, ardent advocate for our soldiers, informed critic of psychiatric drugs, and enthusiastic promoter of the Founding Principles of America. Lively and informative!

179. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06/25/14 25jun14

Guest: Jon Jureidini
Jon Jureidini is an Australian child psychiatrist and professor who believes as I do that human relationship is key to healing for families and children. Dr. Jureidini combines high level scientific research with a caring therapeutic approach, making him an ethical and professional model for all of us in the field.

178. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06/18/14 04jun14

Guest: Dan Mackler

Dan Mackler travels the world creating great films on how to really help distressed people and makes this show fast-moving, lively and informative about the best in therapeutic alternatives worldwide and about how to communicate through film in this new Internet age. Listen and learn!

177. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05/28/14 28may14

Guest: Matthew Morris
Want to delve into the experience of hearing voices? Matthew Morris, a gentle, empathic mental health nurse in England provides a window, along with much wisdom about helping people. My news flash takes lessons from the Santa Barbara shootings.

176. the dr. peter breggin hour – letters from generation rx – 05/21/14 21may14

Guest: Kevin P. Miller
Kevin P. Miller, filmmaker who gave us Generation Rx, the best one on children and psychiatric drugs, describes his upcoming sequel Letters from Generation Rx. We discuss the limits on what doctors should be able to do to children, like prescribing them poisons in the guise of treatment. Topnotch show.

175. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05/14/14 14may14

Guest: Marnie Wedlake
Canadian Marnie Wedlake, PhD describes how she helps people through their expressing and developing the narratives of their own lives, and how drugs and diagnoses interfere with this. Also learn about qualitative vs. quantitative research. Very interesting stuff.

174. dr. peter breggin hour – sluggish cognitive tempo – 05/07/14 07may14

Guest: Fred Ernest
A new diagnosis “Sluggish Cognitive Tempo” to use against our children and for the drug companies. My guest, Fred Ernest PhD, cuts to the core of our psychiatric assault on children. A powerful show.

173. the dr. peter breggin hour – drug-induced violence – 04/30/14 30apr14

Guest: Thomas Moore
An extraordinary researcher Thomas Moore joins me to talk about violence caused by drugs, including some like Chantyx you might never suspect, and about the highest risk drugs among children, including not only ADHD drugs, but others again you wouldn’t suspect. This show is an informative as an hour can get.

172. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04/23/14 23apr14

Guest: Chrisanne Gordon
Chrisanne Gordon, MD, her own life transformed by a traumatic brain injury, became an expert at helping returning soldiers suffering from physical and emotional trauma. Her personal story and her work explores what it means to be human and to find within yourself a spiritual connection that can triumph over injury to the mind and brain. A wonderful hour that’s relevant to all of us!

171. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04/16/14 16apr14

Guest: Thomas D. Ryan
Thomas D. Ryan, MD is a pediatrician so principled and honorable that once he realized it was wrong to psychiatrically diagnose and drug children he stopped doing it and instead began to provide children with what they need. Dr. Ryan is an inspiration and, if listened to, could spearhead a return to sound pediatric practice and save the quality of life of millions of children and future adults.

170. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04/09/14 09apr14

Guest: Bob Brewin
Bob Brewin, investigative reporter, provides the data and I provide the outrage and the analysis on the extraordinarily abusive psychiatric drug practices involving our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as afterward in the VA. The drug companies found the ideal top-down market for their drugs: Get the army to give them to active duty combat soldiers–a mind-boggling 20% of them. Unsupervised young men and women carry into combat 90-120 day supplies of all the most dangerous drugs: benzos like Xanax, stimulants like amphetamine; antidepressants like Paxil and Prozac; and antipsychotic drugs like the old Trilafon and the new Seroquel. Hear an in depth expose and examination of the Psychopharmaceutical Complex at its worst and the irresponsible psychiatrists who so eagerly enforce it. A tour de force of psychiatry at its worst.

169. dr. peter breggin hour – prosocial education – 04/02/14 02apr14

Guest: Michael W. Corrigan
My guest Michael W. Corrigan EdD is an enormously experienced psychologist and educator who has worked for decades promoting more positive “prosocial” education. We discuss everything from the flaws of international testing that rank American education too low to what children really need which is… their parents! A frontier in education show with lots of information on ADHD and better approaches to helping children.

168. the dr. peter breggin hour – martha rosenberg – 03/26/14 26mar14

Guest: Martha Rosenberg
My guest Martha Rosenberg is a genuine investigate reporter. Did you know the feds are developing a “vaccine” for alcoholism and drug addiction? Or that Sgt Bales who murdered innocent Afghans was taking Larium, an anti-malarial drug that causes violence and suicide? A spirited discussion. Listen and learn from Martha.

167. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03/19/14 19mar14

Guest: Peter Kinderman
My guest Dr. Peter Kinderman heads a large Institute of Psychology, Health and Society in Great Britain, and gives us a window on the advances being made in GB compared to the US in mental health services. He also provides wisdom and insight into the frontiers of psychosocial theory and practice, including the origins of emotional disturbance. A very thoughtful and educational hour.

166. the dr. peter breggin hour – psychosis and healing – 03/12/14 12mar14

Guest: Michael Cornwall
With guest psychologist Michael Cornwall, who himself as been through madness, this is the most profound examination of psychosis, its causes and healing, you will ever hear. Frightening warnings with an even more positive message. Listen and pass it on.

165. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03/05/14 05mar14

Guest: Jon Rappoport
My guest Jon Rappoport, a truth-seeking, brilliant journalist, takes over the first half of my hour with a searing analysis of psychiatry’s flaws, and when I arrive at the half hour he interviews me about my earliest days in the psychiatric maelstrom with real-life anecdotes about my younger days. Different and very interesting.

164. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02/26/14 26feb14

Guest: Mary Ellen Copeland
My guest Mary Ellen Copeland, PhD is doing exactly what’s needed in the field of mental health: offering the world a self-help program that works so well it can keep people out of mental hospitals and improve their lives forever. The Psychopharmaceutical Complex will never surrender power. We need a range of personally-tailored alternatives that people can use for their own recovery and self-empowering. Thank you, Dr. Copeland.

163. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02/19/14 19feb14

Guest: Patrick Allen
My guest Patrick Allen is a Canadian philosopher and ethicist who examines the underlying assumptions of biopsychiatry. A thoughtful give-and-take about the nature and history of anxiety and depression, and role of drug companies in determining how we view of ourselves.

162. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02/12/14 12feb14

Guest: Philip Thomas
Amazing British psychiatrist Philip Thomas takes us on a tour of exciting new reform events in Great Britain including the Critical Psychiatry Network which he helped to found. Also learn about yesterday’s $1.5 million malpractice verdict where I testified on behalf of a child damaged by psychiatric drugs.

161. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01/29/14 29jan14

Guest: Donna Rockwell
My guest Donna Rockwell PsyD is an expert on celebrities and fame, the DSM and she’s especially interested in mindfulness. From Justin Bieber to Ramdas, this fascinating mix makes for an interesting show with a pioneering therapist and psychologist.

160. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01/22/14 22jan14

Guest: Adam Urato
A most important interview! How do SSRI antidepressants given to a pregnant mother impact on her, on her unborn child, on her newborn child, on her nursing infant, and even on her grown adult offspring? Do they cause autism? Adult sexual dysfunction? Adam Urato, MD shares enormous wisdom. experience, and scientific knowledge about an escalating tragedy.

159. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01/15/14 15jan14

Guest: Lucy Johnstone
Lucy Johnstone, PhD is a marvelous British psychologist on the cutting edge of what’s good in the field. She promotes”psychological formulation,” including the patient’s input, to replace psychiatric diagnosis. Yes, replace it!

158. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01/08/14 08jan14

Guest: John Rosemond
Psychologist John Rosemond, a very thoughtful man, believes “self-esteem” damages children, behaviorism corrupts them, psychiatry ruins them, and we need a return to parental moral authority. Find out where we agree (which is almost everywhere).

157. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12/18/13 18dec13

Guest: Miles Groth
Controversial, much needed and even radical. Today’s show with Miles Groth, PhD is about the blocks being placed on the road from boyhood to manhood, the “silencing” of boys and men, and its implications for both genders and for our culture. Extraordinarily important.

156. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12/11/13 11dec13

Guest: Enrico Gnaulati
My guest Enrico Gnaulati PhD and I cover two separate subjects: First, we discuss the subtle differences between the view that childhood “disorders” have no scientific basis (my view) and that childhood disorders are greatly overdiagnosed (his). For the second half hour, my guest provides an incredibly informed analysis of how we are suppressing the normal behavior of boys in our schools, families and culture. His message has vast importance.

155. the dr. peter breggin hour – 12/04/13 04dec13

Guest: William P. Ryan
My guest William P. Ryan, PhD is an experienced, caring and articulate therapist who talks with me about love, life, and therapy. A thoughtful and encouraging hour for those who believe, or want to believe, that there is real meaning to life.

154. the dr. peter breggin hour – repeat program – 11/27/13 03dec13

Guest: Gina Nikkel
This show was originally broadcast on 01.16.13. My guest Gina Nikkel, PhD is the Executive Director of the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care. It is the most interesting, creative and important foundation in the entire field of mental health. She and I talk about its many pioneering projects, including the Mother Bear Community Action Network, a family support network, as well as several of most effective mental health interventions available today.

153. the dr. peter breggin hour – repeat program – reform work part 1 – 11/20/13 03dec13

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
This show was originally broadcast on 11.14.12. This hour is Part I on the history of my reform work, with emphasis on lessons for the present time. I take the listener through my work as a college volunteer, then medical school and psychiatric residency, showing the dramatic transformation from a profession with a psychosocial wing to a profession that pushes nothing but the biological model. I’ll pick up the story with my 1970s anti-lobotomy campaign at a future date.

152. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11/13/13 13nov13

Guest: Stan White
My guest Stan White lost two sons to the war on terror, one from combat and the other from sudden death caused by psychiatric drugs for the treatment of PTSD. Stan and his wife Shirley have become advocates for better treatment of our military who suffer from the trauma of war. This is a deeply moving, inspiring, and very informative hour.

151. the dr. peter breggin hour – 11/06/13 06nov13

Guest: Carl Elliott
Carl Elliott, PhD, MD is a bioethicist who is taking a courageous stand against drug company corruption that has afflicted his own university and its research. Listen to a doctor whose valor and honor can inspire you and a story of psychopharmaceutical abuse that will stun you.

150. dr. peter breggin hour – 10/30/13 30oct13

Guest: Cheryl van Daalen-Smith
My guest is Cheryl van Daalen-Smith, PhD, a feminist nurse from Toronto with a profound conscience who specializes in understanding and advocating for girls and for all children. She’s a rare academic whose intellectual work is firmly planted in the ethic and expression of caring. You will benefit from knowing Dr. van Daalen-Smith and her work.

149. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10/23/13 24oct13

Guest: Joanna Moncrieff
With my guest British psychiatrist Joanna Moncrieff, a profound look at core issues in psychiatry: the drug companies, involuntary treatment, antipsychotic drugs, and the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Important listening for anyone concerned about the whole mental health field and the fate of individual human beings caught up in the system, including everyone exposed to psychiatric medication and anyone who cares about them.

148. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10/16/13 16oct13

Guest: Howie Glasser
Hear my glorious friend and psychologist Howie Glasser talked about his Nurtured Heart Approach–bringing out the greatness in children and adults. This hour could help you change and inspire your life and the lives of people you touch.

147. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10/09/13 09oct13

Guest: Sheila Matthews
Sheila Matthews cofounder of AbleChild.org talks about their fight to stop the drugging of America’s children. Hear an amazing disclosure about drugs and the Newtown mass murder. Sheila is an inspiration to anyone who wonders if they can make a difference in life.

146. the dr. peter breggin hour – 10/02/13 02oct13

Guest: Michael Guy Thompson

My guest is psychoanalyst Michael Guy Thompson, PhD who tells the incredible and enlightening story of working for four years with pioneer psychiatrist and philosopher R.D. Laing in one of his therapeutic houses. This is an important piece of history with great contemporary relevance. I hope to see you at Michael’s conference, “R.D. Laing in the 21st Century,” October 25-27, Staten Island, NY, where I’ll be presenting on the Saturday.

145. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09/25/13 25sep13

Guest: Laura Bowley
What is life about? What matters? How we approach people with Alzheimer’s or other dementias is filled with meaning about the ultimate value of every human life. My guest Laura Bowley exemplifies finding purpose in her own calling and in the lives the those whom society too often neglects. Good lessons for therapy and life!

144. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09/18/13 18sep13

Guest: Robert E. Wubbolding

143. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09/11/13 11sep13

Guest: Jen Maurer

142. the dr. peter breggin hour – 09/04/13 04sep13

Guest: Frank Walton
Psychotherapist Dr. Frank Walton and I delve into our essentially social nature as Frank describes in very practical terms how we can help others, and ourselves, prosper through positive relationships. We will both be presenting at Frank’s outstanding Adlerian Society of South Carolina annual conference in Mertle Beach the weekend of September 27-29, 2013.

141. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08/28/13 30aug13

Guest: Kevin P. Miller
My guest filmmaker Kevin P. Miller, creator of Generation Rx, talks with me about living a good life as a reformer. Be inspired directing your life to make the choices you believe in. You may not become rich and famous, but you will be satisfied with and deeply grateful for your life. I strongly recommend this hour to everyone who wants to really live.

140. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08/21/13 21aug13

Guest: John W. Whitehead
You’re a law abiding citizen and a vet, you write something critical of the government on your Facebook, NSA detects it, a SWAT team seizes you in the dark of night, and you end up committed to a mental hospital. My guest attorney John W. Whitehead blows the lid off America’s emerging police state.

139. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08/14/13 14aug13

Guest: Rivka Edery
In her first radio show appearance, social worker Rivka Edery LMSW speaks eloquently and from the heart about the place of spirituality and love in our personal lives and in our work as therapists. This hour inspires and confirms the best in human nature.

138. the dr. peter breggin hour – 08/07/13 07aug13

Guest: Brent Potter
Dr. Brent Potter is a psychotherapist in the “old” tradition of taking people and life seriously. We have an in-depth discussion about the roots of profound human suffering and how people heal. You will feel like you are sitting together with us sharing a thoughtful evening of discussion. Join us.

137. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07/31/13 31jul13

Guest: Peter J. Gordon
Peter J. Gordon MD from Scotland talks with me about dementia and the elderly; Alzheimer’s and its causes, known and unknown; the risks of early detection; and the truth that being elderly and suffering from dementia does not negate our humanity. Informative and empathic!

136. the dr. peter breggin hour – a psychiatrist in transformation – 07/24/13 24jul13

Guest: Kelly Brogan
Kelly Brogan, MD is a NYC psychiatrist who specializes in helping women through nutrition, diet and other alternative approaches. Listen to this extraordinary young doctor’s honest coming to grips with her flawed professional training and her efforts to leave psychiatric drugs behind in her search for more helpful approaches to helping her patients. A very lively discussion.

135. the dr. peter breggin hour – be like dathan! – 07/17/13 17jul13

Guest: Dathan Paterno
Psychologist, psychotherapists, clients–listen to my guest Dathan Paterno, PsyD who has bravely established a drug-free clinic and made it work. Dr. Paterno profoundly addresses issues from psychospirituality in therapy to raising children who truly value themselves, and even to his work improving his local school system.

134. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07/10/13 10jul13

Guest: Vicki Coppock
Vicki Coppock, from Great Britain, a critical social scientist whose work aims to give to voice to children, talks with me about psychiatry, mental health, family life, and the needs of children. From feminism to individualism, from behaviorism to relationship, she brings wisdom to a panorama of subjects.

133. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07/03/13 03jul13

Guest: Lynn Tepper
My guest Judge Lynn Tepper, 6th Judicial Circuit at Dade City, Florida, sees through the anger of children and adults, and their perpetrations, to understand the underlying childhood trauma and to give them new encouragement and direction, including putting limits on medication. Great success stories. Judge Tepper is empathy in action!

132. dr. peter breggin hour – about good therapy – 06/26/13 26jun13

Guest: Robert Witchel
After I talk briefly about the brain-disabling principle of psychiatry treatment, my guest Dr. Robert Witchel and I discuss therapy and life. A great opportunity to learn or to confirm what makes good therapy. Lots of illustrative vignettes.

131. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06/19/13 19jun13

Guest: Joanne Cacciatore

Bereavement and trauma expert Joanne Cacciatore PhD shares profound thoughts on the loss of children, and how to help, or to be with, people who have undergone life’s most irreparable losses. This remarkable pioneer in the field of grief provides a positive and inspiring exploration of life and death, and happiness. I strongly recommend this hour.

130. the dr. peter breggin hour – a much needed conversation – 06/12/13 12jun13

Guest: Michael D. Ostrolenk
In my intro, I review the current state of lobotomy and ECT. Then my guest Michael D. Ostrolenk launches us into a wide-ranging exploration of personal growth, individuality, freedom , democracy and society that reaches across political lines. A much need conversation in the world today.

129. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06/05/13 05jun13

Guest: Bob Rose

Bob Rose, PhD is an educator you have to hear. He turns the Command and Control model on its head to create Self-Organizing classrooms that empower children. Profound lessons for therapy and life and as well as education.

128. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05/29/13 29may13

Guest: Mary Nash Stoddard
Journalist and consumer advocate Mary Nash Stoddard is famous for taking on the medical community and FDA about the artificial sweetner aspartame. Along the way, she discovered a massive cover-up. A great example of what a dedicated individual can accomplish.

127. the dr. peter breggin hour – a shift of mind – 05/22/13 22may13

Guest: Mel Schwartz
Mel Schwartz, a therapist, and for me a brilliant philosopher of science and psychology, brings Emergent Thinking to everything from how we envision the physical universe to how we can improve our lives and our marriages. Good listening; good stuff.

126. the dr. peter breggin hour – the meaning of dreams – 05/08/13 08may13

Guest: Kelly Bulkeley
Kelly Bulkeley, PhD provides a window into our dreams and their relationship to empathy, personal growth and psychosis. Very enlightening. For my brief intro, I respond to the escape of three Cleveland women from sexual slavery and suggest a “National Day of Male Atonement.”

125. the dr. peter breggin hour – 05/01/13 02may13

Guests: Geri Carter and Tim Evans
My guests are wife and husband Geri Carter and Tim Evans, both Adlerian psychologists and family therapists. After celebrating our great empathic therapies conference this past weekend, we spend most of the show talking about the importance of relationship and how to make a good marriage the center of our lives.

124. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04/24/13 24apr13

Guests: Jeanne Stolzer

123. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04/17/13 17apr13

Guest: Thomas Fewer
My guest Thomas Fewer is a New Orleans counselor who has spoken out against the diagnosing and drugging of children. We talk about offering meaningful therapy for adults from an existential, spiritual, and depth perspective. May other therapists be inspired to speak out and to practice according to what they know is right.

122. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04/10/13 10apr13

Guests: Mike and Hope Bundrant
Mike and Hope Bundrant represent, in my judgment, the real future of “mental health services.” Working outside the system, they focus on delivering genuine help. A lively sharing about self-sabotage and finding the freedom to love.

121. the dr. peter breggin hour – adhd – 04/03/13 03apr13

Guest: Chris Stankovich
Lebron James, Tiger Woods and one-fifth of high school boys now labeled ADHD. Tie it all together with me and sports trainer Dr. Chris Stankovich in a wide-ranging discussion of sports, emotional crackups, broken bones, and life. Wow!

120. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03/27/13 27mar13

Guest: Gayle Rozantine
My guest Gayle Rozantine, PhD exemplies and lives what it means to be a therapist. Working with returning combat soldiers and their families, she describes the impact of war on everyone who is touched by it, and devotes herself to providing thoughtful, caring, and innovative services.

119. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03/20/13 20mar13

Guest: Jon Rappoport
BAM! The fed’s billion dollar Brain Activity Mapping project. Neuroscience at its best? Listen to my highly informed guest Jon Rappoport as we talk about psychiatry in the service of social control. The political left and right are turning to psychiatry as means for controlling violence.

118. the dr. peter breggin hour – play your way – 03/13/13 13mar13

Guest: Aletha Solter
My guest is Aletha Solter, PhD and her book is Attachment Play. It’s so much fun, I read parts of it on the air. Play your way to your child’s heart. It works better than punishment and harsh words.

117. the dr. peter breggin hour – tony’s story – 03/06/13 06mar13

Guest: Tony Orban
This is the most difficult and most heartfelt radio interview I have ever conducted. I talk with the surviving wife and the surviving mother of Tony Orban, an outstanding soldier and police officer driven to tragic violence and then to suicide by the antidepressant Zoloft (sertraline). As Tony’s medical expert I grew to know and to care about him and his family. A poignant reminder of the human cost of violence induced by psychiatric drugs.

116. dr. peter breggin hour – crazy like us – 02/27/13 27feb13

Guest: Ethan Watters
My guest Ethan Watters is the author of Crazy Like Us: The Globalization of the American Psyche. This is a don’t-miss show, filled with insights and new information about the invasiveness of Western psychiatric diagnoses and drugs, as well about what other cultures have to teach us. A really interesting conversation between the two of us about PTSD, ritual sexual abuse, multiple personalities, culture, human relationship, and, yes, the Psychopharmaceutical Complex.

115. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02/20/13 20feb13

Guest: Bob Moylan
My guest Bob Moylan, LCPC triumphed over a very challenging childhood–12 siblings, poverty, and an alcoholic father–to become a student, an athlete and an counselor with fresh and interesting ideas about therapy and life. We have an enjoyable and inspiring time together. Join us!

114. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02/13/13 13feb13

Guest: Ninu-Alexandri Quirk
My guest is Ninu-Alexandri Quirk, MD who transformed her ordinary medical practice into empathic Holistic Medicine. She offers eye-popping insights into the current practice of medicine and describes the latest holistic medical approaches to physical and psychological problems.

113. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02/06/13 06feb13

Guest: Robert K. Ferrie
My guest is Robert K. Ferrie, MD, from the Toronto area. He’s a medical doctor who became an empathic psychotherapist specializing in trauma. A lively discussion with some friendly debate about EMDR and also orthomolecular psychiatry which he utilizes for drug withdrawal.

112. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01/30/13 30jan13

Guest: Dathan Paterno
Dr. Dathan Paterno, a very wise Chicago-area psychologist, talks with me about children and family life, his books, and his clinic that serves children and families. This is a very educational show about both therapy and life.

111. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01/23/13 23jan13

Guest: Frank McNamara
My guest is Boston/Cambridge area psychologist Frank McNamara. Therapists can learn how to enjoy their work and to do the most possible good without resort to psychiatric drugs.

110. the dr. peter breggin hour – 01/16/13 16jan13

Guest: Gina Nikkel
My guest Gina Nikkel, PhD is the Executive Director of the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care. It is the most interesting, creative and important foundation in the entire field of mental health. She and I talk about its many pioneering projects, including the Mother Bear Community Action Network, a family support network, as well as several of most effective mental health interventions available today.

109. the dr. peter breggin hour – a top drug safety researcher – 01/09/13 09jan13

Guest: Thomas J. Moore
My guest Thomas J. Moore is a premier researcher in drug safety. From NSAIDs to psychiatric drugs, he sharpens our ability to evaluate drug research and alerts us to dangers, including his cutting edge studies of violence caused by prescription drugs.

108. the dr. peter breggin hour – in school trenches – 01/02/13 02jan13

Guest: Michael Gilbert
My guest Michael Gilbert, PhD labors the trenches of urban schools. He has insights on many levels from helping individual students to how the school system is failing. And did you know, its our poverty schools that drag down our international educational ratings? Learn more by listening…

107. the dr. peter breggin hour – psychiatry and mass shootings – 12/26/12 26dec12

Guest: Jim Gottstein
Fear of gun massacres has led to calls for more psychiatric power over people, including involuntary treatment and a national mental patient registry. My Guest is attorney Jim Gottstein, a pioneer in patient rights. Learn about the menace to everyone from giving more power to psychiatry.

106. the dr. peter breggin hour – raising good kids – 12/19/12 19dec12

Guest: Carolyn Crowder
My guest, Carolyn Crowder PhD, is an extremely skilled educator who specializes in helping parents to respectfully raise empathic, caring children. This is a very good show for anyone interested in children and family life.

105. dr. peter breggin hour – cutting edge neuroscience – 12/12/12 12dec12

Guest: Bruce Perry
Dr. Bruce Perry, neuroscientist and child psychiatrist, coauthor of Born to Love and The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog, presents the latest science on the interface between brain biology, empathy, and the provision of genuine help. A unique and very informative discussion.

104. the dr. peter breggin hour – robert neimeyer – 12/05/12 05dec12

Guest: Robert Neimeyer
Robert Neimeyer, PhD, an expert in grief and bereavement, shares profound insights with me on the nature of loss and how to integrate it into our emotional and spiritual lives. This moving hour is about life itself.

103. the dr. peter breggin hour – innovative approaches to mental health problems – 11/28/12 28nov12

Guest: Bob Nikkel
My guest, Bob Nikkel, former director of mental health and addictions for the State of Oregon, talks with me about innovative approaches to serious mental health problems including family interventions for early psychosis and dual diagnosis twelve step programs that actually succeed in helping recovery.

102. the dr. peter breggin hour – walter e. jacobson md – 11/21/12 21nov12

Guest: Walter E. Jacobson
My guest is Los Angeles psychiatrist Walter E. Jacobson MD, author of Forgive to Win!, who shares his remarkable journey to his current positive spiritual approach to life and to therapy. Inspiring for Thanksgiving 2012!

101. the dr. peter breggin hour – reform work part i – 11/14/12 14nov12

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
This hour is Part I on the history of my reform work, with emphasis on lessons for the present time. I take the listener through my work as a college volunteer, then medical school and psychiatric residency, showing the dramatic transformation from a profession with a psychosocial wing to a profession that pushes nothing but the biological model. I’ll pick up the story with my 1970s anti-lobotomy campaign at a future date.

100. the dr. peter breggin hour – antidepressants & pregnancy – 10/17/12 17oct12

Guest: Adam Urato
A landmark in medicine show. My guest ObGyn Adam Urato, MD describes the enormous risks of taking antidepressants when pregnant or nursing, and the broader implications for taking them at all. Probably the most informative discussion ever available.

099. the dr. peter breggin hour – the myth of the chemical cure – 10/10/12 10oct12

Guest: Joanna Moncrieff
My guest Joanna Moncrieff, British psychiatrist and author of “The Myth of the Chemical Cure,” explores the frontiers of psychiatry with me. Be with us–way ahead of conventional psychiatry!

098. the dr. peter breggin hour – rethinking madness – 10/03/12 03oct12

Guest: Paris Williams
Interview with Dr. Paris Williams, author of Rethinking Madness.

097. the dr. peter breggin hour – dr. terry lynch – 09/26/12 26sep12

Guest: Terry Lynch
With guest Dr. Terry Lynch, doctor, psychotherapist, and author of Beyond Prozac.

096. the dr. peter breggin hour – penelope andrade: emotional medicine rx – 09/19/12 19sep12

Guest: Penelope Andrade
My guest Penelope Andrade opens a window in our emotions. Learn how to transcend your own seemingly overwhelming emotions as well as those of your clients, friends or family. A show with a good aura.

095. the dr. peter breggin hour – chabasinski unleashed – 09/12/12 12sep12

Guest: Ted Chabasinski
Imagine: At age 6 you’re given shock treatment and sent off to a state mental hospital. You get your life together, become a lawyer, and a leader in the psychiatric surivivor movement. Ted Chabasinski was so good I started applauding. Don’t miss it.

094. the dr. peter breggin hour – almighty doctor – 08/27/12 27aug12

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
Let’s bring an end to “medication compliance” and the Almighty Doctor. We need a whole new approach to emotional well-being. Based on my new book, “Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal,” I advocate for the empowerment of therapists, patients, and families in a person-centered team effort. The focus is on drug withdrawal, but the overall approach transforms the way treatment is provided.

093. the dr. peter breggin hour – alan cassells – 08/20/12 20aug12

Guest: Alan Cassells
Researcher Alan Cassells, author of Seeking Sickness, looks at dangeous myths behind screening for and treating hypertension, high cholesterol, and prostate cancer, as well as mammograms and bone density studies for women. Get this info before you take or respond to another screening test. Every adult should listen to this show and pass it on to others.

092. the dr. peter breggin hour – craig wiener – 08/13/12 13aug12

Guest: Craig Wiener

My guest Craig Wiener, PhD and I talk about ADHD-like behaviors, their sources, and how to help change them through changing specific parent-child interactions. A practical, useful, and insightful hour for therapists, teachers, and parents; and even for older children and adults who think they have “ADHD.”

091. the dr. peter breggin hour – jason hartman – 08/06/12 06aug12

Guest: Jason Hartman
My guest Jason Hartman and I range over topics from how the FDA protects drug companies to how to live and to invest in an unsafe world. With entrepreneurial spirit, he also eloquently critiques psychiatric drug use. Stimulating.

090. the dr. peter breggin hour – stephen madigan – 07/30/12 30jul12

Guest: Stephen Madigan
Are personal responsibility and free will mirages? Is there a better “post-modern” approach to therapy? My guest Stephen Madigan and I express opposing views on how to empower people.

089. the dr. peter breggin hour – lisbeth riis cooper – 07/23/12 23jul12

Guest: Lisbeth Riis Cooper
My guest is Lisbeth Riis Cooper founder of the Mother Bear Community Action Network and the visionary behind the CooperRiis Healing Community. Hope and an expectation of recovery are the guiding lights for this shining star in the reform movement.

088. the dr. peter breggin hour – chrisanne gordon – 07/16/12 16jul12

Guest: Chrisanne Gordon

Can recovery from head injury lead to greater emotional and spiritual awareness and well being? My guest Chrisanne Gordon, MD who recovered from head injury shares enlightening experiences about personal transformation following physical and emotional trauma. A very special hour!

087. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07/09/12 09jul12

Guest: Martha Rosenberg
Author Martha Rosenberg knows her stuff about big pharma and drugs. Enlightening discussions about Direct to Consumer Advertising, the Feds $3 billion fines against Glaxo, and how the military was bought by Pharma. New information!

086. the dr. peter breggin hour – 07/02/12 02jul12

Guest: Kevin Solomons
My guest Kevin Solomons MD is a British Columbia psychiatrist who became disappointed with medication outcomes and began listening to why his patients felt so bad about themselves. Explore with us the origins of low self-esteem and the path to a better life.

085. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06/25/12 25jun12

Guest: Mary Ellen Copeland
Wanted: A self-help and peer approach to “Mental Health Recovery” that can be done by yourself or with peers, and that focuses on building your own positive personal strategies for daily growth and overcoming stress and trauma. My guest Mary Ellen Copeland PhD describes the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP).

084. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06/18/12 18jun12

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
In this hour, I share what I’ve learned about how to live a good life. I put my heart and soul into this in the hope it may inspire you in your life.

083. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06/11/12 11jun12

Guest: Katherine Douthit & Tom Christiansen
I really like this hour. My guests Katherine Douthit, PhD, LMHC and Tom Christiansen, LMHC work with elderly and dementia patients. I start out with what it’s like for me to be 76 years old and we go on from there to talk about older persons from multiple perspectives including agist prejudices, and their needs for autonomy and love.

082. the dr. peter breggin hour – 06/04/12 04jun12

Guest: Robert Whitaker
My guest is journalist Robert Whitaker, the author of Mad in America and Anatomy of an Epidemic. This is a landmark interview about the present and future of psychiatric reform.

081. the dr. peter breggin hour 21may12

Guest: Tom Garcia
My guest Tom Garcia and I range over a variety of interesting topics from Aldlerian psychology to the treatment of addiction. The theme: emotional distress arises from our failures to develop fulfilling human relationships.

080. the dr. peter breggin hour 14may12

Guest: Orly Wahba
So you think you can’t make a difference? My guest Orly Wahba is a young teacher who made a YouTube video seen by 5 million people. Learn how she’s spreading kindness and empowering people through her organization “Life Vest Inside.”

079. the dr. peter breggin hour 07may12

Guest: Michael Cornwall
My guest Michael Cornwall PhD explores how to help people labeled schizophrenic with empathy and without resort to drugs. Michael has vast personal experience and profound understanding. A “must listen to” show for anyone concerned about madness, its nature, and its healing.

078. the dr. peter breggin hour – repeat program – 03/07/11 30apr12

Guest: Howard Glasser
This show originally aired on March 7, 2011. Howard Glasser is not only a great guest–his goal is to bring out the greatness in you! Howie applies his Nurtured Heart Approach to helping individuals, training professionals, transforming schools and even enhancing communities. This hour with me and Howard could inspire and guide you to find a more positive approach toward everyone in your life, including yourself. It can help you muster from within yourself the power to be a more effective and loving husband or wife, parent, teacher, therapist or friend. Howard, along with at least two marvelous people he has trained, will be among the more than forty presenters at our upcoming Empathic Therapy Conference in Syracuse, New York, April 8-10. Find out about the conference at www.empathictherapy.org. It is open to everyone!

077. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04/23/12 23apr12

Guest: Chris Stankovich
My guest is Chris Stankovich PhD an athletic counselor from Columbus, Ohio, who brings a fresh perspective about how to empower young people not only in their sports endeavors but in their lives. A positive approach consistent with the best in empathic therapy.

076. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04/09/12 09apr12

Guest: Gerald Porter
My guest Gerald Porter, PhD has a broad and wonderful vision of psychology and psychotherapy. We focus in part on psychiatric diagnosis vs. a genuine understanding of a person’s life.

075. the dr. peter breggin hour – 04/02/12 02apr12

Guest: Mathy Downing
My guest Mathy Downing lost her 12 year old daughter to antidepressant-induced suicide. I was a medical expert in her case. Mathy’s story exemplifies how to rise from tragedy and how much can be accomplished by one goodhearted well motivated person.

074. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03/26/12 26mar12

Guest: Tim Evans
My guest Tim Evans is an Adlerian psychologist. Reading Adler helped me understand empathic relationships in therapy and in life. Talking with Tim is very grounding and positive. Join us.

073. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03/19/12 19mar12

Guest: John Snyder
Maybe the best discussion ever about overcoming depression without resort to drugs. My guest Dr. John Snyder is a therapist and author with a marvelous approach to depression.

072. the dr. peter breggin hour – 03/12/12 13mar12

Guest: Tony Gee
Please listen to this show and learn about empathic peer support, a nonprofessional approach that steps wholly outside the psychiatric model, and delivers a caring human service to people in need. My guest, Australian psychologist Tony Gee, will explain how to do it. Then implement it in your own community and help to change the world.

071. the dr. peter breggin hour 05mar12

Guest: Doug Bower
Today’s show is “First Monday of the Month Open Mike,” when I focus on callers. I chat with a man whose “manic episodes” inspire him to deeper understandings, and with a woman whose five year old son was badly damaged by antipsychotic drugs. My friend Doug Bower describes last weekend’s Person-Centered Conference in Georgia and I describe a marvelous Adlerian Conference I attended in Florida. Moving and informative discussions.

070. the dr. peter breggin hour 27feb12

Guest: Derek W. Clark
An amazing man, an amazing hour! Derek W. Clark, author of I Will Never Give Up!, endured horrendous child abuse and devastating losses, and turned his life into a triumph of personal success. An education in “How to Live Life.”

069. the dr. peter breggin hour 13feb12

Gust: Alison Bass
My guest is Alison Bass, author of Side Effects, and a genuine investigative journalist. A very informed discussion of what I call the Psychopharmaceutical Complex. Hear how bad it is, and some differing possible solutions offered by me and Alison. Many new information and insights into the rigging of psychopharmaceutical research and marketing.

068. the dr. peter breggin hour 06feb12

Call-in show

Callers from across the country stimulate interesting conversation about psychiatric drug withdrawal, handling anxiety, and the merits (or not) of Neurolinguistic Programing (NLP) and EMDR, not to mention tumeric.

067. the dr. peter breggin hour 30jan12

Guest: Robert Foltz
What’s it like for you as a teenager confined to a residential treatment center? What have you been through? What do you feel about your family? Your therapist? The drugs you are forced to take? My guest, Robert Foltz PsyD from Chicago, really cares about what these youngsters have to say. You will learn from Robert’s experience and wisdom.

066. the dr. peter breggin hour 16jan12

Guest: Dr. Bart Billings
My guest is Bart Billings, PhD. I call him “The Conscience of Military Psychology and Psychiatry.” Learn how psychiatric drugs are inundating the military with soldiers on dangerous missions overdosed on meds. Bart describes approaches that really help soldiers before and after combat to deal with their normal and inevitable reactions to wartime trauma.

065. the dr. peter breggin hour 09jan12

Guest: Wendy West Pidkaminy

064. the dr. peter breggin hour 26dec11

Guest: Gerald Porter
It’s the day after Christmas and the New Year is upon us. My guest Dr. Gerald Porter and I discuss how to move our lives forward in in the coming New Year. Become the open-hearted, loving and yet strong person you’ve always wanted to be. It works! Then call in with your questions and thoughts on “First Monday Open Microphone with Dr. Peter Breggin” at 5 pm on Monday, January 2, 2012.

063. the dr. peter breggin hour 19dec11

Guest: Adrian Johnson

062. the dr. peter breggin hour 12dec11

Guest: Fred Ernest

061. the dr. peter breggin hour 05dec11

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
Today was my first “Open Mic Monday.” A great success, I look forward to taking your calls the first Monday of every month. Put it in your calendar. In addition to important questions, callers shared inspiring stories of personal recovery after stopping psychiatry drugs including one mother who successfully tapered her 9 year old from multiple medications.

060. the dr. peter breggin hour 28nov11

Guest: Sarton Weinraub
Are you a victim of medical authoritarianism? My guest is New York City clinical psychologist Sarton Weinraub. Learn how Sarton empowers patients to take control over their lives and their medical care, including how to manage their withdrawal from psychiatric medication. His views and his work empowers clients and professionals, and everyone concerned about improving therapy and methods of drug withdrawal.

059. the dr. peter breggin hour 21nov11

Guest: Tim Scott
My marvelous guest Dr. Tim Scott is a former minister, a psychotherapist, a retired professor of psychology, an entrepreneur, scientist, author of a very solid scientific critique of psychiatric drugs, and a man who believes that values derive from God and should be a part of therapy and a purposeful life. He will challenge some, inspire others, and interest everyone.

058. the dr. peter breggin hour 14nov11

Guest: Melanie Sears

057. the dr. peter breggin hour 07nov11

Guest: Martin Whitely
The best discussion ever about ADHD, psychiatric drugs, and what children really need. My guest Martin Whitely has made Western Australia the only place on Earth where fewer children each year are diagnosed and drugged. He shares the latest worldwide information. Please listen and pass it on.

056. the dr. peter breggin hour 31oct11

Guest: Ross Halpern

Is what I’ve been teaching about emotional suffering also true about chronic physical pain? Do chronic pain patients need help withdrawing from pain meds and facing emotional issues? My guest Ross Halpern, PhD offers breakthrough insights and solutions that really work.

055. the dr. peter breggin hour 24oct11

Guest: Nathaniel J. Williams
You’re five years old, your mother dies, and you and your siblings are scattered into the Foster Care System of New York City. My guest Dr. Nathaniel J. Williams tells us how to make the best possible life–regardless of how our lives got started.

054. the dr. peter breggin hour 17oct11

Guest: Jacob Azerrad
My guest Jacob Azerrad, PhD offers behavioral therapy with limited punishments (time outs) and “nurturing with their love sibling caring behavior, Mother Teresa behavior and, taking disappointment calmly behavior. ” I believe in a more fundamental bonding based on unconditional love while teaching discipline through moral authority. A challenging, stimulating show.

053. the dr. peter breggin hour 10oct11

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
Two new legal cases provide encouraging news for psychiatric reform and patient care. In one case a Manitoba judge has rendered an opinion confirming my testimony and my written report to the court that Prozac drove a sixteen-year-old boy to stab a friend to death. That’s the first time a judge in North America has determined that an antidepressant caused a murder. In a New Mexico case in which I consulted, a jury has awarded a $3.2 million malpractice verdict in a Paxil suicide. I devote this radio hour to discussing these and other cases, and describe how antidepressants and other psychoactive drugs can cause people to act in bizarre, out-of-character and destructive ways.

052. the dr. peter breggin hour 03oct11

Guest: Iris Chang
Iris Chang, the courageous author of The Rape of Nanking, faced some of the worst atrocities of the 20th Century, broke down from exhaustion, was given psychiatric drugs, including an SSRI, and committed suicide. In this surpringly uplifting hour, her mother, Ying Ying Chang, celebrates her daughter’s life and examines the role of psychiatric drugs in her death. An empathic therapy intervention could have save Iris Chang’s life. At the start, I also describe a major legal decision in which a Canadian judge has concluded, based on my testimony, that Prozac caused a sixteen-year-old to murder his friend.

051. the dr. peter breggin hour 26sep11

Guest: Gwen Olsen
My guest Gwen Olsen, author of “Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher,” will shock and inform you with her brutally honest and yet sensitive and poignant insider revelations. Discovering drug company duplicity is a specialty of mine, but Gwen’s stories touched and educated me.

050. the dr. peter breggin hour 19sep11

Guest: Mildred Muhammad
Imagine that your former husband so desperately wants to kill you, and to get away with it, that he acts like a terrorist. Shooting from long range, he kills nearly a dozen people during October 2002 to distract attention from himself as a suspect when he kills you in the same way. The infamous “DC Sniper” turns out to be your ex-husband with you at the center of his horrific plot. You must find the strength, determination and wisdom to lift yourself up for the sake of your three children. This is Mildred Muhammad’s story–one of the most interesting and inspiring you will ever hear.

049. the dr. peter breggin hour 12sep11

Guest: Allison Wilder
My guest, Allison Wilder PhD, is a professor of recreational therapy. Does that sound fluffy to you? Not so. Dr. Wilder’s approach epitomizes what’s good in any and all therapeutic approaches. Learn about this new field–and the essence of all good human services.

048. the dr. peter breggin hour 05sep11

Guest: Gayle Rozantine
Whether you are a therapist, a client, or a person outside the mental health system–my guest Gayle Rozantine, PhD is worth your time and attention. Gayle and her husband Barry, a psychiatrist, run a stress management and therapy center in Savannah, Georgia. Her compassionate, carefully thought out approach to understanding and handling stress, as well as underlying psychological issues, is inspiring. You will benefit from this hour.

047. the dr. peter breggin hour 29aug11

Guest: Josette Luvmour

Josette Luvmour, PhD and I talk about the developmental stages from infancy to young adulthood and how issues such as boundaries and discipline change from stage to stage. Full of practical guidance for raising and relating to children and youth without resort to psychiatric diagnoses or drugs.

046. the dr. peter breggin hour 22aug11

Guest: Stuart Shipko
A first in history! Listen to two very experienced psychiatrists spend a whole hour talking about how dangerous it is to take psychiatric drugs and how hazardous it can be to withdraw from them. My guest is psychiatrist Stuart Shipko, MD from Pasadena, California. My wife Ginger calls this show “spectacular.”

045. the dr. peter breggin hour 15aug11

Guest: Bonnie Burstow
My guest Dr. Bonnie Burstow is a dedicated lifelong Canadian activist in the psychiatric reform movement. She is taking the campaign against electroshock “treatment” (ECT) to a new level–organizing professionals to stand up against this brain-damaging procedure. Dr. Burstow and I discuss ECT, including what the existence of this barbaric “therapy” says about psychiatry as an institution.

044. the dr. peter breggin hour 08aug11

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
Today’s show focuses on the most disturbing and enlightening events in the sordid history of psychiatry. Experts at the Nuremberg Trials agree with my conclusion that the Jewish Holocaust might never have occurred without German biological psychiatry blazing the way with the systematic murder of mental patients. With American and European complicity, German psychiatry developed the precedent and methodology for mass murder using “Euthanasia” Centers, gas chambers and cremation. Germany biological psychiatry showed Hitler how the unthinkable could be done without anyone in the Western world protesting. What are the implications for modern biological psychiatry? When you’ve listened, to read my scientific article with all the citations and documentation, please click here.

043. the dr. peter breggin hour 01aug11

Guest: Alex Pattakos
How do we live successfully in “This catastrophe called life?” Drawing inspiration from existential psychiatrist Viktor Frankl, as well as his own Greek background, Alex Pattakos PhD helps us struggle and triumph by finding meaning in life.

042. the dr. peter breggin hour 25jul11

Guest: Mathy Downing
A psychiatrist convinces you to put your marvelously intelligent, delightful, artistic and athletic 11-year-old child on Zoloft to treat her test anxiety. In less than a year, she dies by suicide. Mathy Downing tells the unforgettable story of the death of her daughter, Candace. I provide commentary about antidepressants and about the Downing’s malpractice case in which I was a medical expert. Play this hour for anyone who thinks that antidepressants are good for children.

041. the dr. peter breggin hour 18jul11

Guest: Kevin McShane
Could Paxil drive a young college student to commit 9 bizarre armed robberies—at local stores where people knew him and his family? Could 8 years in jail become an equally astonishing period of personal growth? I first met Kevin McShane as an expert in his criminal case and now he’s been out of jail for four months. It’s his first appearance as a psychiatric reformer. You will never forget what Kevin has to teach us.

040. the dr. peter breggin hour 11jul11

Guest: Faye Snyder
Imagine that your life becomes so desperate that NYC doctors try to push you into a lobotomy. Imagine that you finally meet a therapist who confronts you with personal responsibility, that you get it, and that you go on to graduate school to become a self-determined and enlightened psychotherapist. That’s Dr. Faye Snyder’s story, and her honesty on my show influenced me to talk about my own childhood in a way I’ve never done before in public.

039. the dr. peter breggin hour 27jun11

Guest: Gary Unruh
Practical, straightforward advice on how to raise peaceful and respectful children with my very experienced and clear-thinking guest, Gary Unruh, LCSW. Any parent, as well as anyone who relates to or works with children, may benefit from this lively and passionate discussion.

038. the dr. peter breggin hour 20jun11

Guest: Doug Bower
If you come upon the unconscious victim of a car wreck who suddenly awakens in a panic, what should you do? If you’re sitting beside a loved one or patient coming out of anesthesia and he or she becomes violent… or if your friend, parishioner or patient threatens suicide… how should you respond? What can any of us do if someone we care about starts acting very disturbed or “crazy” in our presence? My guest Doug Bower is well-qualified to talk about this with me. He’s a PhD counselor, an ordained Methodist minister and a registered nurse. We focus on how to handle emergencies without resort to psychiatric drugs.

037. the dr. peter breggin hour 13jun11

Guest: Gerald Porter
My guest is Dr. Gerald Porter, Dean of the School of Natural Arts and Sciences at the renowned Bastyr University. Dr. Porter is one of the most thoughtful persons I know. Join the two of us as we talk about “what helps us to heal ourselves and others,” “embracing human spiritual diversity,” and encouraging alternative or complementary health practices. As these radio discussions often do, we move easily from the theoretical to the practical in regard to living life to the fullest.

036. the dr. peter breggin hour 06jun11

Guest: Jon Rappoport
My guest Jon Rappoport and I start out talking about how psychiatric diagnoses and drugs suppress human beings, and then we look deeper into what’s essentially good and important about all of us—our spiritual nature, individuality, imagination, free will and personal freedom. These are not existential abstractions; they are the essential stuff of our lives, to be protected, nurtured and shared with others.

035. the dr. peter breggin hour 30may11

Guest: Ty Colbert
Descend into mental health hell with me and my companion psychologist Ty Colbert, PhD as he works under surrealistic conditions with violent and seemingly deranged prisoners locked in cages and wearing plexiglass masks for their therapy hour. This is empathic therapy at its most challenging–and potentially at its most rewarding.

034. the dr. peter breggin hour 23may11

Guest: Alberto Fergusson
If all of psychiatry’s false and damaging assumptions about “schizophrenic” homeless people are discarded and a fresh start is made, what do you get? One of the most innovative programs in the history of our field! My guest is psychiatrist Alberto Fergusson from Columbia, South America, and his program or movement is called Accompanied Self-Rehabilitation. This hour is a major educational experience for anyone interested in offering genuine help to all people who are struggling with their lives.

033. the dr. peter breggin hour 16may11

Guest: Bob Brewin
Bob Brewin, investigative reporter, provides the data and I provide the outrage and the analysis on the extraordinarily abusive psychiatric drug practices involving our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as afterward in the VA. The drug companies found the ideal top-down market for their drugs: Get the army to give them to active duty combat soldiers–a mind-boggling 20% of them. Unsupervised young men and women carry into combat 90-120 day supplies of all the most dangerous drugs: benzos like Xanax, stimulants like amphetamine; antidepressants like Paxil and Prozac; and antipsychotic drugs like the old Trilafon and the new Seroquel. Hear an in depth expose and examination of the Psychopharmaceutical Complex at its worst and the irresponsible psychiatrists who so eagerly enforce it. A tour de force of psychiatry at its worst.

032. the dr. peter breggin hour 09may11

Guest: Barbara Whitfield
This show starts on deep into spirituality as my guest Barbara Whitfield with elegant passion describes her near death experience. Then the hour goes yet deeper when we both speak honestly about love and God in our marriages. Listeners have said they want to hear more about my views. In this show, I am very open about the importance of love, God and my marriage to Ginger. Join me and Barbara as we share with each other and with you about the making of a good life.

031. the dr. peter breggin hour 02may11

Dr. Breggin presents without a guest
I present the hazards of so-called antipsychotic drugs including Zyprexa, Risperdal, Abilify, Seroquel, Geodon and Invega. Learn about their disastrous and even fatal effects, and their lack of efficacy. Learn about tardive dyskinesia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, and the metabolic syndrome. And discover that there are far better empathic approaches to helping people who are deeply disturbed and labeled schizophrenic. Also a warning: Withdrawing from these drugs can be dangerous as well, and requires caution and good clinical supervision. This hour could save your life and the lives of your patients or clients.

030. the dr. peter breggin hour 25apr11

Guest: Maria Kimble
My guest, Major Maria Kimble, LCSW, opens up a world that few of us in the field of mental health can imagine. Learn what it’s like doing psychotherapy in intensive combat zones under fire in outposts in Afghanistan. Hear why she became a parachutist in order to bring out the best in herself as a therapist in the 82nd Airborne Division. Find out what it’s like to be what she calls “a petite woman” in the army and in combat. Learn, once again, how empathic therapy is the best therapy under any and all conditions. Major Kimble is an inspiring combination of wisdom, care and courage.

029. the dr. peter breggin hour 18apr11

Guest: Dorothy Cassidy
What can you do as an individual to encourage empathic therapeutic approaches and relationships, while warning people about the dangers of psychiatric drugs and diagnoses? Listen to my guest Dorothy Cassidy, MEd from North Carolina. She has worked within the educational system, and outside the system as well, for more than thirty-six years promoting what’s really good for children and adults while speaking out courageously about the harm caused by psychiatric drugs and diagnoses. Be inspired!

028. the dr. peter breggin hour 11apr11

Guest: Doug Smith

027. the dr. peter breggin hour 04apr11

Guest: Charles Whitfield
My guest is addiction and trauma specialist, and best-selling author, Charles Whitfield, MD from Atlanta. This is the second time this marvelous doctor has been my guest. We describe how and why psychiatric drugs impede recovery from any kind of emotional or physical trauma, and how relationship ultimate heals. Dr. Whitfield will be at our conference, just a few days away: the first international Empathic Therapy Conference in Syracuse, New York, April 8-10, 2011. You can learn all about it and still sign up at www.EmpathicTherapy.org. We are aiming to make it the best conference in the field of mental health and recovery.

026. the dr. peter breggin hour 28mar11

Guest: Fred Baughman
Fred Baughman, Jr. MD is a neurologist and one of the nation’s most heroic, honest and empathic physicians. He discusses three urgent topics: (1) The ADHD/stimulant drug fraud that currently afflicts 6 million children, (2) Sudden cardiac death in children caused by taking stimulants for ADHD, and (3) Sudden cardiac death caused by multiple psychiatric drugs including antipsychotics and antidepressants in young soldiers diagnosed with PTSD. This hour is packed with new and important information from a genuine scientific investigator. Dr. Baughman, along with dozens of other outstanding presenters, can be heard and met at our upcoming Empathic Therapy Conference April 8-10, 2011 in Syracuse, New York. For registration information, go to www.EmpathicTherapy.org.

025. the dr. peter breggin hour 21mar11

Guest: Richard Gottlieb
If you think psychotherapy is only for those with mild everyday problems, think again. This hour dives deeply into the essence of empathic therapy and finds that it the best therapeutic approach to anyone who suffers from emotional distress, including those with autism, psychosis and even serious traumatic brain injuries that render them nearly unable to communicate. My guest Richard Gottlieb, MSW, a therapist from Grand Rapids and Holland, Michigan, tells moving stories from his practice to show us how one human being can reach out to another in a healing manner. Along with dozens of others inspiring therapists and scientists, Richard will present at our upcoming Empathic Therapy Conference in Syracuse, New York, April 8-10, 2011. Get all the information you need about the conference atwww.EmpathicTherapy.org. Professionals and the public alike are welcome! See you there.

024. the dr. peter breggin hour 14mar11

Guest: Barbara Fisher
My guest is Barbara Fisher, PhD, a wise and dedicated clinical psychologist and psychotherapist who offers innovative thoughts about how the brain and mind must recover together from emotional trauma and stress. This hour became an active sharing of ideas between the two of us, focused on common themes across seemingly diverse events such as healing the trauma being experienced by people in Japan, healing the trauma of children who witness these catastrophes on TV, and healing the stresses of growing up within a family. Our focus is on helping the individual through helping the family.

023. the dr. peter breggin hour 07mar11

Guest: Howard Glasser
Howard Glasser is not only a great guest–his goal is to bring out the greatness in you! Howie applies his Nurtured Heart Approach to helping individuals, training professionals, transforming schools and even enhancing communities. This hour with me and Howard could inspire and guide you to find a more positive approach toward everyone in your life, including yourself. It can help you muster from within yourself the power to be a more effective and loving husband or wife, parent, teacher, therapist or friend. Howard, along with at least two marvelous people he has trained, will be among the more than forty presenters at our upcoming Empathic Therapy Conference in Syracuse, New York, April 8-10. Find out about the conference at www.empathictherapy.org. It is open to everyone!

022. the dr. peter breggin hour 28feb11

Guest: John Verapin
Today’s guest is John Verapin, PhD, former Managing Director of Eli Lilly Sweden where in his words he “bribed” psychiatrists to get Prozac approved. John has become a reformer and the author of Side-Effects: Death. Confessions of a Pharmaceutical Insider. He and I share our wealth of experience examining the fraudulent and manipulative behavior of drug companies as well as our frightening personal and professional encounters with these powerful institutions.

021. the dr. peter breggin hour 21feb11

Guest: Mary Maddock
Do you doubt that you or anyone else can recover from multiple psychiatric hospitalizations, shock treatment and twenty years of psychiatric drugs? Mary Maddock is the author of Soul Survivor: A Personal Encounter with Psychiatry and a leader in the Irish psychiatric reform movement. I first met Mary several years ago in Ireland at one of the largest psychiatric reform conferences that I’ve ever participated in. Mary’s story of personal triumph will inspire you to seek your own self-directed, self-defined road to psychological and spiritual freedom.

020. the dr. peter breggin hour – 02.14.11 14feb11

Guest: Adrianne Johnson
One of my most inspiring shows! On this Valentine’s Day, I share thoughts about love with my dear friend, Dr. Adrianne Johnson–love in marriage and in every other aspect of life including therapy and the workplace. And we disclose a lot about ourselves along the way. What is love? Is there love at first sight? How to heal a broken marriage or friendship? The difference between love and relationship? How to overcome extreme loneliness? Steps to take to find other people to love? We move back and forth between inspiring ideals and the details and practicalities of maintaining and growing a loving relationship. And the first time ever, my wife Ginger surprises me by calling into the radio show to join us on the air. I’ve always wanted her to do so, and now she does it as present to me on Valentine’s Day. It’s a show about happiness and how to achieve it.

019. the dr. peter breggin hour 07feb11

Guest: Ronald W. Light
Today’s guest is Ronald W. Light, editor and author of The Risks of Prescription Drugs. Unless you are a world class expert on pharmaceutical companies, the FDA, and the drug approval process—this will be an incredibly enlightening hour. In fact, even the experts should learn from this analysis of medication risks associated with psychiatric and non-psychiatric drugs.

018. the dr. peter breggin hour 31jan11

Guest: Matt D
“Matt D” from “All Addicts Anonymous,” a residential community, is my guest as we delve into the meaning and value of 12-Step Programs. Are they applicable to all of life’s problems? Do psychiatric meds have any role? Does empathic counseling contribute anything? What can everyone learn from AA principles and practices? Can they help with psychiatric drug withdrawal?

017. the dr. peter breggin hour 24jan11

Guest: Grace Sweet
The healing properties of laughter! Today’s guest is Grace Sweet who teaches and practices Laughter Yoga. Do you believe that laughing about nothing can release your energies and give you a fresh spiritual start? Do you think it can become an integral part of legitimate therapeutic practices, including counseling? Do you think it has a scientific basis? Grace Sweet may make a believer out of you.

016. the dr. peter breggin hour 17jan11

Guests: Doug Smith and Albert Fergusson
Search the ends of the Earth for two of the world’s most caring, courageous, honest and intelligent psychiatrists, and you will find my two guests: Doug Smith, MD from Juneau, Alaska, and Albert Fergusson, MD from Columbia, South America. The show begins with Doug and I talking about the essence of good therapy and good personal relationships, and then about spirituality in therapy and life. We are joined by Alberto who shares his view of the same common values. All three of us treat patients who are labeled “schizophrenic” without medication, but with nuanced differences in our approaches.

015. the dr. peter breggin hour 10jan11

Guest: Cris Rowan
My guest is Cris Rowan from British Columbia, the author of “The Virtual Child,” who calls herself “an impassioned occupational therapist.” Cris helps parents to wean their children from addiction to technologies like TV, social networking, cell phone texting and videogames. She believes that many childhood diagnoses in reality reflect a combination of addiction to technology and a corresponding lack of meaningful relationship and personal engagement in the family. Cris’s observations will make you think more critically about childhood immersion in technology and how to overcome it.

014. the dr. peter breggin hour 03jan11

Guest: Pamela Glasner
If you want to be inspired to change your life into what you’ve always wanted or if you want your loved ones, friends and clients to find the courage to pursue their dreams, this is the place to start. If you want to turn your experiences of abuse and disappointment into the energy of your creativity, listen to this hour. I interview Pamela Glasner and we focus on how in her mid-fifties she transformed her life to become a novelist, screenwriter, and public speaker–and a woman of unanticipated courage and determination. Learn what it means to feel “the cosmic boot.”

013. the dr. peter breggin hour 21dec10

Guest: Robert Foltz
Today’s guest was Robert Foltz, PsyD, a psychologist in private practice and professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Bob and I describe the specifics of what’s needed to help children and families come back together to create responsible, respectful and loving relationships. The focus starts with the child and then encompasses the family. This hour is a must for parents, older children, teachers, therapists—anyone with a stake in improving the lives of children through their lives in the family. It’s basic lessons in living can help adults, with or without children, to improve their relationships and their lives.

012. the dr. peter breggin hour 13dec10

Guests: Tom and Diane Vande Burgt
My guests are Tom and Diane Vande Burgt. If you want a vivid real-life introduction to what’s the matter with biological psychiatry and better alternatives, this is it. In the first half hour Tom describes what happened to him when he came back from Iraq with “PTSD” and was immediately put on four psychiatric drugs at once and thrust into a downhill course of medication spellbinding. In the second half hour, his wife Diane describes how she developed a family-oriented alternative called Lest We Forget, a PTSD support group. The show dramatizes what’s wrong and provides a model for what’s needed.

011. december 6, 2010 07dec10

Guest: Don Salmon

010. november 29, 2010 30nov10a

Guest: Charles L Whitfield
Dr. Breggin’s outstanding guest is Charles L Whitfield, MD, a physician, psychotherapist and expert both in addiction and in childhood trauma and abuse. In private practice in Atlanta, Georgia, he is the author of the best-selling book Healing the Child Within and many others worth reading. Dr. Whitfield delves deeply with Dr. Breggin into the nature and impact of childhood abuse, the role of the 12 Steps in recovery, and the importance of ethics and spirituality in living a successful and rewarding life. This hour should inspire anyone interested in therapy and personal growth.

009. november 22, 2010 23nov10

Guests: Hakendorf and Olga Runciman

008. november 15, 2010 16nov10

Guest: Melanie Sears
Dr. Sarton Weinraub hosts the show for Dr. Peter Breggin who was away at the time testifying in a criminal trial on behalf of a victim of medication of madness. Dr. Weinraub is joined by this week’s guest, Melanie Sears, RN, MBA. She is the author of a very good book, Humanizing Health Care: Creating Cultures of Compassion with Nonviolent Communication. Melanie specializes in Nonviolent Communication, a partnership approach to solving conflict that is applicable to every level of relationship from our personal lives to drug-free counseling and even world politics. It’s an interesting and wide-ranging show.

007. november 8, 2010 09nov10

Guest: Ed Pigott
The show opens with Dr. Breggin’s vivid description of his participation as a medical expert in the infamous trial of mass murderer Joseph Wesbecker in 1994. Drug company Eli Lilly fixed the trial in order to stem the tide of product liability suits for violence and suicide induced by Prozac. Today’s guest is Dr. Ed Pigott, a Maryland psychologist in private practice who has helped develop and evaluate effective alternative approaches including “mobile intensive crisis intervention” through which teams of professionals respond to emergencies without resorting to psychiatric hospitalization. Dr. Pigott also discusses his soon-to-be published “deconstruction” of the famous Star*D study in which the federal government wasted millions on one more flawed and manipulated attempt to show that antidepressants work.

006. november 1, 2010 02nov10

Guest: Brian Kean
Today’s guest is Brian Kean, PhD, professor of education at Southern Cross University in Australia. Dr. Breggin and Dr. Kean describe why parents, educators and healthcare providers should avoid using diagnoses like ADHD and stop using medications to treat this mythical disorder. Then they talk about the real needs of children and how they can be fulfilled in a rational and caring manner.

005. october 25, 2010 26oct10

Guest: Joanne Cacciatore
Dr. Breggin’s guest is Joanne Cacciatore, PhD, LMSW, who teaches at Arizona State U. In despair following the loss of a child, Dr. Cacciatore rejected establishment psychiatric interventions, recovered, earned a PhD, and went on to found a world-wide organization to help the bereaved deal with their loss and suffering, to research the problem, and to train counselors in empathic therapy.

004. october 18, 2010 19oct10

Guest: Alberto Fergusson
Dr. Breggin begins by describing his basic critique of psychiatric drugs and then is joined by psychiatrist Alberto Fergusson, MD, from Columbia, South America. Dr. Fergusson’s program helps homeless individuals who have been labeled “schizophrenic” with drug-free therapy by teaching them to take charge of their own recovery through accompanied self-rehabilitation.

003. october 11, 2010 12oct10

Guest: Pamela Glasner
Dr. Breggin’s guest is author Pamela Glasner whose novel , Finding Emmaus, delves deeply into the psychological and spiritual nature of empathy and describes how psychiatry for centuries has diagnosed and abused people who are especially empathic.

002. october 4, 2010 05oct10

Guest: Sarton Weinraub
Dr. Breggin’s guest is New York City clinical psychologist Sarton Weinraub, PhD who discusses bringing out the best in ourselves as therapists and making the most out of therapy as clients and patients. Dr. Weinraub critiques psychoanalysis and encourages person-centered, empathic approaches.

001. september 27, 2010 29sep10

Guest: Doug Bower
Dr. Breggin opens his first show with the basic principles of good therapy and a critique of psychiatric drugs. He then visits with Doug Bower, PhD who is a licensed professional counselor, a registered nurse, and a United Methodist minister. Dr. Bower brings a wealth of experience to understanding empathic counseling and life skills.

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